From owner-freebsd-hackers@FreeBSD.ORG Thu Jan 13 05:20:38 2005 Return-Path: Delivered-To: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 6B9A116A4CE for ; Thu, 13 Jan 2005 05:20:38 +0000 (GMT) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id E286543D1F for ; Thu, 13 Jan 2005 05:20:37 +0000 (GMT) (envelope-from Received: from fennec.local.lan (unverified []) by (CableOne SMTP Service S2) with ESMTP id 7253161 for ; Wed, 12 Jan 2005 22:41:39 -0700 Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 21:20:07 -0600 From: Vulpes Velox To: Message-ID: <20050112212007.633c2d7b@fennec.local.lan> In-Reply-To: <20050111183439.75e6b334@fennec.local.lan> References: <20050111183439.75e6b334@fennec.local.lan> X-Mailer: Sylpheed-Claws 0.9.13 (GTK+ 1.2.10; i386-portbld-freebsd5.3) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=Multipart_Wed__12_Jan_2005_21_20_07_-0600_9jTsu5xjt8e25pgj X-IP-stats: Incoming Last 0, First 37, in=60, out=0, spam=0 X-External-IP: X-Abuse-Info: Send abuse complaints to Subject: Re: RC scripts and NIS UPDATE X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.1 Precedence: list List-Id: Technical Discussions relating to FreeBSD List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2005 05:20:38 -0000 --Multipart_Wed__12_Jan_2005_21_20_07_-0600_9jTsu5xjt8e25pgj Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline Well I got it working. It adds two more variables to rc.conf. nis_server_available_test: Toggles nis test on or off nis_avail_tester: script to use for testing If the script exits with a 1, NIS is not enabled. I am currently using a script that ,using md5, hashes the out put from arp and compares it to a good hash. Any ways, not heard any feed back on this yet. I would be really interested to hear some opinions or suggestions on this. On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 18:34:39 -0600 Vulpes Velox wrote: > I am currently am currently working on making modifications to the > rc system to allow NIS to not be started if the server is not > present. > > So far I am just looking at disabling ypbind at start if certain > conditions are meet. The idea it is to run a script that checks if > the servers or server is present and then if it is, ypbind if > enabled, if not it modifies the current variables to stop ypbind > from being run and prints a message about it to stdout. > > >From my understanding this is the one that needs disabled if the > system is to operate outside of it's usual network. Allowing it to > fall back to /etc/ for it's information. I've tested it by disabling > it upon startup manually and it worked fine. Is there any other NIS > related scripts I should make changes to, or is this the only one I > should worry about? > > If any one have opinions or any input on any of this, I would be > interested to hear it. --Multipart_Wed__12_Jan_2005_21_20_07_-0600_9jTsu5xjt8e25pgj Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=ypbind Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=ypbind IyEvYmluL3NoCiMKIyAkTmV0QlNEOiB5cGJpbmQsdiAxLjUgMjAwMi8wMy8yMiAwNDozNDowMSB0 aG9ycGVqIEV4cCAkCiMgJEZyZWVCU0Q6IHNyYy9ldGMvcmMuZC95cGJpbmQsdiAxLjguMi4xIDIw MDQvMTAvMTAgMDk6NTA6NTQgbXRtIEV4cCAkCiMKCiMgUFJPVklERTogeXBiaW5kCiMgUkVRVUlS RTogeXBzZXJ2CiMgQkVGT1JFOiAgREFFTU9OCgouIC9ldGMvcmMuc3VicgoKbmFtZT0ieXBiaW5k Igpjb21tYW5kPSIvdXNyL3NiaW4vJHtuYW1lfSIKc3RhcnRfcHJlY21kPSJ5cGJpbmRfcHJlY21k IgoKbG9hZF9yY19jb25maWcgJG5hbWUKcmN2YXI9Im5pc19jbGllbnRfZW5hYmxlIgpjb21tYW5k X2FyZ3M9IiR7bmlzX2NsaWVudF9mbGFnc30iCgppZiBjaGVja3llc25vIG5pc19zZXJ2ZXJfYXZh aWxhYmxlX3Rlc3QgOyB0aGVuCgogICAgbmlzX2F2YWlsX3Rlc3Q9Ii9ldGMvcmMubmlzYXZhaWx0 ZXN0ZXIiCgogICAgaWYgISBgZ3JlcCAtdiAtLW1tYXAgXiMgL2V0Yy9yYy5jb25mIHwgZ3JlcCAt LW1tYXAgXm5pc19hdmFpbF90ZXN0ZXIgfCB0YWlsIC1uIDEgPiAvZGV2L251bGxgIDsgdGhlbgoJ bmlzX2F2YWlsX3Rlc3Q9ImBncmVwIC12IC0tbW1hcCBeIyAvZXRjL3JjLmNvbmYgfCBncmVwIC0t bW1hcCBebmlzX2F2YWlsX3Rlc3RlciB8IHRhaWwgLW4gMSA+IC9kZXYvbnVsbGAiCiAgICBmaQoK ICAgIGlmICEgYCRuaXNfYXZhaWxfdGVzdGA7IHRoZW4KCWVjaG8gRXhpdGluZyB5cGJpbmQgbm93 Li4uCglleGl0CiAgICBmaQoKZmkKCnlwYmluZF9wcmVjbWQoKQp7CglpZiAhIGNoZWNreWVzbm8g cnBjYmluZF9lbmFibGUgICYmIFwKCSAgICAhIC9ldGMvcmMuZC9ycGNiaW5kIGZvcmNlc3RhdHVz IDE+L2Rldi9udWxsIDI+JjEKCXRoZW4KCQlmb3JjZV9kZXBlbmQgcnBjYmluZCB8fCByZXR1cm4g MQoJZmkKCglfZG9tYWluPWBkb21haW5uYW1lYAoJaWYgWyAteiAiJF9kb21haW4iIF07IHRoZW4K CQl3YXJuICJOSVMgZG9tYWlubmFtZSgxKSBpcyBub3Qgc2V0LiIKCQlyZXR1cm4gMQoJZmkKfQoK cnVuX3JjX2NvbW1hbmQgIiQxIgo= --Multipart_Wed__12_Jan_2005_21_20_07_-0600_9jTsu5xjt8e25pgj--