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Date:      Fri,  4 May 2007 02:22:12 +0200
From:      "barbara" <>
To:        "gnome" <>
Subject:   Fwd:Re: gnome-terminal - transparent/image background annoyance + gnome-screenshot problem (deskutils/gnome-utils)
Message-ID:  <JHHQD0$>

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> On Fri, 2007-05-04 at 01:52 +0200, barbara wrote:
> > I have a problem with gnome-terminal, since gnome2-2-18, when the bac=
kground is set to transparent.
> > When I run interactive programs, like top or systat -vmstat, random w=
hite spots appear.
> > Trying to take the screenshots with gnome-screenshot, I've found that=
, on my system, when a user take a screenshot, the directory /var/tmp/gno=
me-screenshot is created.
> > Then this directory is not removed, making impossible for other users=
 to use gnome-screenshot, as it hangs after pressing the save button.
> I can reproduce both issues.  You should raise them as bugs at
> as they are not FreeBSD-specific.  As a
> workaround to the latter, pre-create the /var/tmp/gnome-screenshot
> directory with 1777 perms.
> Joe

Ok, thank you!
=0A=0A=0A------------------------------------------------------=0ALeggi G=
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