From owner-freebsd-isp  Thu Nov 14 00:23:45 1996
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From: Veggy Vinny <richardc@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>
Reply-To: Veggy Vinny <richardc@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>
To: David Greenman <>
cc: isp@FreeBSD.ORG, Chad Shackley <>
Subject: Re: Decision in Router Purchase 
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On Wed, 13 Nov 1996, David Greenman wrote:

> >Greetings everyone,
> >
> >	We at GaiaNet are currently considering switching from PBI.Net to
> >CRL in a T1 link and are planning to purchase a new router as our current
> >router from WellFleet overloads and has too many probems.  We are
> >considering the Emerging Technologies Router Interface Card for FreeBSD
> >but has anyone compared the performance of this to something like a Cisco
> >2501?  Thanks for any advice you can offer.
>    The 2501 seems to be a bit underpowered. Jordan switched out a Cisco 2501
> for a 4000 at Walnut Creek a few months ago and things seem to work better
> after that. I think the FreeBSD+card would likely work out better for you,
> but that's more opinion than experiance.

	Ah David, just the person we were looking for. :-)  So the Cisco
2501 isn't that good of a router?  How much does it cost for the 4000 and
is there a AccessPC Card version of it?  We're going to install the Dual
Ported 25Mhz card in a FreeBSD based dedicated router box base on a
Pentium 75Mhz with 16MB of RAM.  We had been in contact with Paul Berggren
in Sales for CRL Networking and he said that we can get a T1 router for as
low as $650 but what kind of router would it be?  He did ask us what kind
of router we have now but what would be the correct answer for the
FreeBSD+card?  As I understand it, you're the contact for the networking
at Walnut Creek, we were wondering what are your experiences with CRL and
how good is their peering with other ISPs?  Thanks.  Hope someone else who
has the FreeBSD+card can share their experiences with us.

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