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Date:      Tue, 1 May 2018 23:51:34 +0000 (UTC)
From:      Olivier Cochard <>
Subject:   svn commit: r468804 - in head/graphics: . openfx-misc openfx-misc/files
Message-ID:  <>

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Author: olivier
Date: Tue May  1 23:51:34 2018
New Revision: 468804

  New port: graphics/openfx-misc
  Miscellaneous OFX / OpenFX / Open Effects plugins. These plugins were
  primarily developped for Natron, but may be used with other OpenFX hosts.

  head/graphics/openfx-misc/Makefile   (contents, props changed)
  head/graphics/openfx-misc/distinfo   (contents, props changed)
  head/graphics/openfx-misc/files/patch-CImg_CImg.h   (contents, props changed)
  head/graphics/openfx-misc/files/patch-CImg_Inpaint_inpaint.h   (contents, props changed)
  head/graphics/openfx-misc/files/patch-CImg_Makefile   (contents, props changed)
  head/graphics/openfx-misc/files/patch-CImg_nlmeans.h   (contents, props changed)
  head/graphics/openfx-misc/files/patch-Makefile.master   (contents, props changed)
  head/graphics/openfx-misc/pkg-descr   (contents, props changed)
  head/graphics/openfx-misc/pkg-plist   (contents, props changed)

Modified: head/graphics/Makefile
--- head/graphics/Makefile	Tue May  1 23:44:32 2018	(r468803)
+++ head/graphics/Makefile	Tue May  1 23:51:34 2018	(r468804)
@@ -659,6 +659,7 @@
     SUBDIR += opencv-java
     SUBDIR += opendx
     SUBDIR += openfx-io
+    SUBDIR += openfx-misc
     SUBDIR += opengl-man
     SUBDIR += openicc-config
     SUBDIR += openimageio

Added: head/graphics/openfx-misc/Makefile
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/graphics/openfx-misc/Makefile	Tue May  1 23:51:34 2018	(r468804)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# $FreeBSD$
+PORTNAME=	openfx-misc
+CATEGORIES=	graphics
+COMMENT=	Miscellaneous OpenFX Effects plugins
+USES=		gmake
+GH_ACCOUNT=	devernay
+GH_PROJECT=	openfx-misc
+GH_TAGNAME=	3ab0531
+GH_TUPLE=	devernay:openfx-supportext:2c43fc8:openfx_supportext/SupportExt \
+		devernay:openfx:e98216f:openfx/openfx
+MAKE_ENV+=	CONFIG=release
+USE_GL=	gl
+	@${RM} ${WRKSRC}/CImg/CImg.h.orig
+	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|/usr/OFX/Plugins|${PREFIX}/OFX/Plugins|g' \
+		${WRKSRC}/openfx/Examples/Makefile.master \
+		${WRKSRC}/openfx/Support/Plugins/Makefile.master \
+		${WRKSRC}/DebugProxy/DebugProxy.cpp \
+		${WRKSRC}/openfx/HostSupport/src/ofxhPluginCache.cpp
+		@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|/Contents/$$(ARCH)|/Contents/FreeBSD-x86-64/|g' \
+			${WRKSRC}/openfx/Support/Plugins/Makefile.master
+	${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${LOCALBASE}/OFX/Plugins/CImg.ofx.bundle/Contents/FreeBSD-x86-64/CImg.ofx
+	${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${LOCALBASE}/OFX/Plugins/Misc.ofx.bundle/Contents/FreeBSD-x86-64/Misc.ofx
+	${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${LOCALBASE}/OFX/Plugins/Shadertoy.ofx.bundle/Contents/FreeBSD-x86-64/Shadertoy.ofx
+.include <>

Added: head/graphics/openfx-misc/distinfo
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/graphics/openfx-misc/distinfo	Tue May  1 23:51:34 2018	(r468804)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+TIMESTAMP = 1525127464
+SHA256 (devernay-openfx-misc-2.3.10-3ab0531_GH0.tar.gz) = c2c4c5b056a107709d380a4d4dda803d3a7b619ba2c8f3227f89b5ab6a0464c5
+SIZE (devernay-openfx-misc-2.3.10-3ab0531_GH0.tar.gz) = 2305004
+SHA256 (devernay-openfx-supportext-2c43fc8_GH0.tar.gz) = 9b6fd4817a2cfb72772f81136f36fff2d10ecfb86602d0856585abaae019b946
+SIZE (devernay-openfx-supportext-2c43fc8_GH0.tar.gz) = 287047
+SHA256 (devernay-openfx-e98216f_GH0.tar.gz) = f8495104b7c077b659d57c9a5c107dcc313c943183cd7d47acffab6504c3bc51
+SIZE (devernay-openfx-e98216f_GH0.tar.gz) = 10651653

Added: head/graphics/openfx-misc/files/patch-CImg_CImg.h
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/graphics/openfx-misc/files/patch-CImg_CImg.h	Tue May  1 23:51:34 2018	(r468804)
@@ -0,0 +1,60855 @@
+--- CImg/CImg.h.orig	2018-04-30 23:16:26 UTC
++++ CImg/CImg.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,60852 @@
++ #
++ #  File            : CImg.h
++ #                    ( C++ header file )
++ #
++ #  Description     : The C++ Template Image Processing Toolkit.
++ #                    This file is the main component of the CImg Library project.
++ #                    ( )
++ #
++ #  Project manager : David Tschumperle.
++ #                    ( )
++ #
++ #                    A complete list of contributors is available in file 'README.txt'
++ #                    distributed within the CImg package.
++ #
++ #  Licenses        : This file is 'dual-licensed', you have to choose one
++ #                    of the two licenses below to apply.
++ #
++ #                    CeCILL-C
++ #                    The CeCILL-C license is close to the GNU LGPL.
++ #                    ( )
++ #
++ #                or  CeCILL v2.1
++ #                    The CeCILL license is compatible with the GNU GPL.
++ #                    ( )
++ #
++ #  This software is governed either by the CeCILL or the CeCILL-C license
++ #  under French law and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.
++ #  You can  use, modify and or redistribute the software under the terms of
++ #  the CeCILL or CeCILL-C licenses as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA
++ #  at the following URL: "".
++ #
++ #  As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
++ #  modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
++ #  with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
++ #  economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
++ #  liability.
++ #
++ #  In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
++ #  with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
++ #  software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
++ #  that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
++ #  therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
++ #  professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
++ #  encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
++ #  requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
++ #  data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the
++ #  same conditions as regards security.
++ #
++ #  The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
++ #  knowledge of the CeCILL and CeCILL-C licenses and that you accept its terms.
++ #
++// Set version number of the library.
++#ifndef cimg_version
++#define cimg_version 221
++ #
++ # Test and possibly auto-set CImg configuration variables
++ # and include required headers.
++ #
++ # If you find that the default configuration variables are
++ # not adapted to your system, you can override their values
++ # before including the header file "CImg.h"
++ # (use the #define directive).
++ #
++ ------------------------------------------------------------*/
++// Include standard C++ headers.
++// This is the minimal set of required headers to make CImg-based codes compile.
++#include <cstdio>
++#include <cstdlib>
++#include <cstdarg>
++#include <cstring>
++#include <cmath>
++#include <cfloat>
++#include <climits>
++#include <ctime>
++#include <exception>
++#include <algorithm>
++// Detect/configure OS variables.
++// Define 'cimg_OS' to: '0' for an unknown OS (will try to minize library dependencies).
++//                      '1' for a Unix-like OS (Linux, Solaris, BSD, MacOSX, Irix, ...).
++//                      '2' for Microsoft Windows.
++//                      (auto-detection is performed if 'cimg_OS' is not set by the user).
++#ifndef cimg_OS
++#if defined(unix)        || defined(__unix)      || defined(__unix__) \
++ || defined(linux)       || defined(__linux)     || defined(__linux__) \
++ || defined(sun)         || defined(__sun) \
++ || defined(BSD)         || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) \
++ || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined (__DragonFly__) \
++ || defined(sgi)         || defined(__sgi) \
++ || defined(__MACOSX__)  || defined(__APPLE__) \
++ || defined(__CYGWIN__)
++#define cimg_OS 1
++#elif defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(WIN32)  || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) \
++   || defined(WIN64)    || defined(_WIN64) || defined(__WIN64__)
++#define cimg_OS 2
++#define cimg_OS 0
++#elif !(cimg_OS==0 || cimg_OS==1 || cimg_OS==2)
++#error CImg Library: Invalid configuration variable 'cimg_OS'.
++#error (correct values are '0 = unknown OS', '1 = Unix-like OS', '2 = Microsoft Windows').
++#ifndef cimg_date
++#define cimg_date __DATE__
++#ifndef cimg_time
++#define cimg_time __TIME__
++// Disable silly warnings on some Microsoft VC++ compilers.
++#ifdef _MSC_VER
++#pragma warning(push)
++#pragma warning(disable:4127)
++#pragma warning(disable:4244)
++#pragma warning(disable:4311)
++#pragma warning(disable:4312)
++#pragma warning(disable:4319)
++#pragma warning(disable:4512)
++#pragma warning(disable:4571)
++#pragma warning(disable:4640)
++#pragma warning(disable:4706)
++#pragma warning(disable:4710)
++#pragma warning(disable:4800)
++#pragma warning(disable:4804)
++#pragma warning(disable:4820)
++#pragma warning(disable:4996)
++// Define correct string functions for each compiler and OS.
++#if cimg_OS==2 && defined(_MSC_VER)
++#define cimg_sscanf std::sscanf
++#define cimg_sprintf std::sprintf
++#define cimg_snprintf cimg::_snprintf
++#define cimg_vsnprintf cimg::_vsnprintf
++#include <stdio.h>
++#if defined(__MACOSX__) || defined(__APPLE__)
++#define cimg_sscanf cimg::_sscanf
++#define cimg_sprintf cimg::_sprintf
++#define cimg_snprintf cimg::_snprintf
++#define cimg_vsnprintf cimg::_vsnprintf
++#define cimg_sscanf std::sscanf
++#define cimg_sprintf std::sprintf
++#define cimg_snprintf snprintf
++#define cimg_vsnprintf vsnprintf
++// Include OS-specific headers.
++#if cimg_OS==1
++#include <sys/types.h>
++#include <sys/time.h>
++#include <sys/stat.h>
++#include <unistd.h>
++#include <dirent.h>
++#include <fnmatch.h>
++#elif cimg_OS==2
++#ifndef std_fopen
++#define std_fopen cimg::win_fopen
++#ifndef NOMINMAX
++#define NOMINMAX
++#ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
++#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
++#include <windows.h>
++#ifndef _WIN32_IE
++#define _WIN32_IE 0x0400
++#include <shlobj.h>
++#include <process.h>
++#include <io.h>
++// Look for C++11 features.
++#ifndef cimg_use_cpp11
++#if __cplusplus>201100
++#define cimg_use_cpp11 1
++#define cimg_use_cpp11 0
++#if cimg_use_cpp11==1
++#include <initializer_list>
++#include <utility>
++// Convenient macro to define pragma
++#ifdef _MSC_VER
++#define cimg_pragma(x) __pragma(x)
++#define cimg_pragma(x) _Pragma(#x)
++// Define own types 'cimg_long/ulong' and 'cimg_int64/uint64' to ensure portability.
++// ( constrained to 'sizeof(cimg_ulong/cimg_long) = sizeof(void*)' and 'sizeof(cimg_int64/cimg_uint64)=8' ).
++#if cimg_OS==2
++#define cimg_uint64 unsigned __int64
++#define cimg_int64 __int64
++#define cimg_ulong UINT_PTR
++#define cimg_long INT_PTR
++#ifdef _MSC_VER
++#define cimg_fuint64 "%I64u"
++#define cimg_fint64 "%I64d"
++#define cimg_fuint64 "%llu"
++#define cimg_fint64 "%lld"
++#if UINTPTR_MAX==0xffffffff || defined(__arm__) || defined(_M_ARM) || ((ULONG_MAX)==(UINT_MAX))
++#define cimg_uint64 unsigned long long
++#define cimg_int64 long long
++#define cimg_fuint64 "%llu"
++#define cimg_fint64 "%lld"
++#define cimg_uint64 unsigned long
++#define cimg_int64 long
++#define cimg_fuint64 "%lu"
++#define cimg_fint64 "%ld"
++#if defined(__arm__) || defined(_M_ARM)
++#define cimg_ulong unsigned long long
++#define cimg_long long long
++#define cimg_ulong unsigned long
++#define cimg_long long
++// Configure filename separator.
++// Filename separator is set by default to '/', except for Windows where it is '\'.
++#ifndef cimg_file_separator
++#if cimg_OS==2
++#define cimg_file_separator '\\'
++#define cimg_file_separator '/'
++// Configure verbosity of output messages.
++// Define 'cimg_verbosity' to: '0' to hide library messages (quiet mode).
++//                             '1' to output library messages on the console.
++//                             '2' to output library messages on a basic dialog window (default behavior).
++//                             '3' to do as '1' + add extra warnings (may slow down the code!).
++//                             '4' to do as '2' + add extra warnings (may slow down the code!).
++// Define 'cimg_strict_warnings' to replace warning messages by exception throwns.
++// Define 'cimg_use_vt100' to allow output of color messages on VT100-compatible terminals.
++#ifndef cimg_verbosity
++#if cimg_OS==2
++#define cimg_verbosity 2
++#define cimg_verbosity 1
++#elif !(cimg_verbosity==0 || cimg_verbosity==1 || cimg_verbosity==2 || cimg_verbosity==3 || cimg_verbosity==4)
++#error CImg Library: Configuration variable 'cimg_verbosity' is badly defined.
++#error (should be { 0=quiet | 1=console | 2=dialog | 3=console+warnings | 4=dialog+warnings }).
++// Configure display framework.
++// Define 'cimg_display' to: '0' to disable display capabilities.
++//                           '1' to use the X-Window framework (X11).
++//                           '2' to use the Microsoft GDI32 framework.
++#ifndef cimg_display
++#if cimg_OS==0
++#define cimg_display 0
++#elif cimg_OS==1
++#define cimg_display 1
++#elif cimg_OS==2
++#define cimg_display 2
++#elif !(cimg_display==0 || cimg_display==1 || cimg_display==2)
++#error CImg Library: Configuration variable 'cimg_display' is badly defined.
++#error (should be { 0=none | 1=X-Window (X11) | 2=Microsoft GDI32 }).
++// Configure the 'abort' signal handler (does nothing by default).
++// A typical signal handler can be defined in your own source like this:
++// #define cimg_abort_test if (is_abort) throw CImgAbortException("")
++// where 'is_abort' is a boolean variable defined somewhere in your code and reachable in the method.
++// 'cimg_abort_test2' does the same but is called more often (in inner loops).
++#if defined(cimg_abort_test) && defined(cimg_use_openmp)
++// Define abort macros to be used with OpenMP.
++#ifndef _cimg_abort_init_omp
++#define _cimg_abort_init_omp bool _cimg_abort_go_omp = true; cimg::unused(_cimg_abort_go_omp)
++#ifndef _cimg_abort_try_omp
++#define _cimg_abort_try_omp if (_cimg_abort_go_omp) try
++#ifndef _cimg_abort_catch_omp
++#define _cimg_abort_catch_omp catch (CImgAbortException&) { cimg_pragma(omp atomic) _cimg_abort_go_omp&=false; }
++#ifdef cimg_abort_test2
++#ifndef _cimg_abort_try_omp2
++#define _cimg_abort_try_omp2 _cimg_abort_try_omp
++#ifndef _cimg_abort_catch_omp2
++#define _cimg_abort_catch_omp2 _cimg_abort_catch_omp
++#ifndef _cimg_abort_catch_fill_omp
++#define _cimg_abort_catch_fill_omp \
++  catch (CImgException& e) { cimg_pragma(omp critical(abort)) CImg<charT>::string(e._message).move_to(is_error); \
++                             cimg_pragma(omp atomic) _cimg_abort_go_omp&=false; }
++#ifndef _cimg_abort_init_omp
++#define _cimg_abort_init_omp
++#ifndef _cimg_abort_try_omp
++#define _cimg_abort_try_omp
++#ifndef _cimg_abort_catch_omp
++#define _cimg_abort_catch_omp
++#ifndef _cimg_abort_try_omp2
++#define _cimg_abort_try_omp2
++#ifndef _cimg_abort_catch_omp2
++#define _cimg_abort_catch_omp2
++#ifndef _cimg_abort_catch_fill_omp
++#define _cimg_abort_catch_fill_omp
++#ifndef cimg_abort_init
++#define cimg_abort_init
++#ifndef cimg_abort_test
++#define cimg_abort_test
++#ifndef cimg_abort_test2
++#define cimg_abort_test2
++#ifndef std_fopen
++#define std_fopen std::fopen
++// Include display-specific headers.
++#if cimg_display==1
++#include <X11/Xlib.h>
++#include <X11/Xutil.h>
++#include <X11/keysym.h>
++#include <pthread.h>
++#ifdef cimg_use_xshm
++#include <sys/ipc.h>
++#include <sys/shm.h>
++#include <X11/extensions/XShm.h>
++#ifdef cimg_use_xrandr
++#include <X11/extensions/Xrandr.h>
++#ifndef cimg_appname
++#define cimg_appname "CImg"
++// Configure OpenMP support.
++// (
++// Define 'cimg_use_openmp' to enable OpenMP support.
++// OpenMP directives may be used in a (very) few CImg functions to get
++// advantages of multi-core CPUs.
++#ifdef cimg_use_openmp
++#include <omp.h>
++#define cimg_pragma_openmp(p) cimg_pragma(omp p)
++#define cimg_pragma_openmp(p)
++// Configure OpenCV support.
++// (
++// Define 'cimg_use_opencv' to enable OpenCV support.
++// OpenCV library may be used to access images from cameras
++// (see method 'CImg<T>::load_camera()').
++#ifdef cimg_use_opencv
++#ifdef True
++#undef True
++#define _cimg_redefine_True
++#ifdef False
++#undef False
++#define _cimg_redefine_False
++#include <cstddef>
++#include "cv.h"
++#include "highgui.h"
++// Configure LibPNG support.
++// (
++// Define 'cimg_use_png' to enable LibPNG support.
++// PNG library may be used to get a native support of '.png' files.
++// (see methods 'CImg<T>::{load,save}_png()'.
++#ifdef cimg_use_png
++extern "C" {
++#include "png.h"
++// Configure LibJPEG support.
++// (
++// Define 'cimg_use_jpeg' to enable LibJPEG support.
++// JPEG library may be used to get a native support of '.jpg' files.
++// (see methods 'CImg<T>::{load,save}_jpeg()').
++#ifdef cimg_use_jpeg
++extern "C" {
++#include "jpeglib.h"
++#include "setjmp.h"
++// Configure LibTIFF support.
++// (
++// Define 'cimg_use_tiff' to enable LibTIFF support.
++// TIFF library may be used to get a native support of '.tif' files.
++// (see methods 'CImg[List]<T>::{load,save}_tiff()').
++#ifdef cimg_use_tiff
++extern "C" {
++#define uint64 uint64_hack_
++#define int64 int64_hack_
++#include "tiffio.h"
++#undef uint64
++#undef int64
++// Configure LibMINC2 support.
++// (
++// Define 'cimg_use_minc2' to enable LibMINC2 support.
++// MINC2 library may be used to get a native support of '.mnc' files.
++// (see methods 'CImg<T>::{load,save}_minc2()').
++#ifdef cimg_use_minc2
++#include "minc_io_simple_volume.h"
++#include "minc_1_simple.h"
++#include "minc_1_simple_rw.h"
++// Configure Zlib support.
++// (
++// Define 'cimg_use_zlib' to enable Zlib support.
++// Zlib library may be used to allow compressed data in '.cimgz' files
++// (see methods 'CImg[List]<T>::{load,save}_cimg()').
++#ifdef cimg_use_zlib
++extern "C" {
++#include "zlib.h"
++// Configure libcurl support.
++// (
++// Define 'cimg_use_curl' to enable libcurl support.
++// Libcurl may be used to get a native support of file downloading from the network.
++// (see method 'cimg::load_network()'.)
++#ifdef cimg_use_curl
++#include "curl/curl.h"
++// Configure Magick++ support.
++// (
++// Define 'cimg_use_magick' to enable Magick++ support.
++// Magick++ library may be used to get a native support of various image file formats.
++// (see methods 'CImg<T>::{load,save}()').
++#ifdef cimg_use_magick
++#include "Magick++.h"
++// Configure FFTW3 support.
++// (
++// Define 'cimg_use_fftw3' to enable libFFTW3 support.
++// FFTW3 library may be used to efficiently compute the Fast Fourier Transform
++// of image data, without restriction on the image size.
++// (see method 'CImg[List]<T>::FFT()').
++#ifdef cimg_use_fftw3
++extern "C" {
++#include "fftw3.h"
++// Configure LibBoard support.
++// (
++// Define 'cimg_use_board' to enable Board support.
++// Board library may be used to draw 3d objects in vector-graphics canvas
++// that can be saved as '.ps' or '.svg' files afterwards.
++// (see method 'CImg<T>::draw_object3d()').
++#ifdef cimg_use_board
++#include "Board.h"
++// Configure OpenEXR support.
++// (
++// Define 'cimg_use_openexr' to enable OpenEXR support.
++// OpenEXR library may be used to get a native support of '.exr' files.
++// (see methods 'CImg<T>::{load,save}_exr()').
++#ifdef cimg_use_openexr
++#include "ImfRgbaFile.h"
++#include "ImfInputFile.h"
++#include "ImfChannelList.h"
++#include "ImfMatrixAttribute.h"
++#include "ImfArray.h"
++// Configure TinyEXR support.
++// (
++// Define 'cimg_use_tinyexr' to enable TinyEXR support.
++// TinyEXR is a small, single header-only library to load and save OpenEXR(.exr) images.
++#ifdef cimg_use_tinyexr
++#include "tinyexr.h"
++// Lapack configuration.
++// (
++// Define 'cimg_use_lapack' to enable LAPACK support.
++// Lapack library may be used in several CImg methods to speed up
++// matrix computations (eigenvalues, inverse, ...).
++#ifdef cimg_use_lapack
++extern "C" {
++  extern void sgetrf_(int*, int*, float*, int*, int*, int*);
++  extern void sgetri_(int*, float*, int*, int*, float*, int*, int*);
++  extern void sgetrs_(char*, int*, int*, float*, int*, int*, float*, int*, int*);
++  extern void sgesvd_(char*, char*, int*, int*, float*, int*, float*, float*, int*, float*, int*, float*, int*, int*);
++  extern void ssyev_(char*, char*, int*, float*, int*, float*, float*, int*, int*);
++  extern void dgetrf_(int*, int*, double*, int*, int*, int*);
++  extern void dgetri_(int*, double*, int*, int*, double*, int*, int*);
++  extern void dgetrs_(char*, int*, int*, double*, int*, int*, double*, int*, int*);
++  extern void dgesvd_(char*, char*, int*, int*, double*, int*, double*, double*,
++                      int*, double*, int*, double*, int*, int*);
++  extern void dsyev_(char*, char*, int*, double*, int*, double*, double*, int*, int*);
++  extern void dgels_(char*, int*,int*,int*,double*,int*,double*,int*,double*,int*,int*);
++  extern void sgels_(char*, int*,int*,int*,float*,int*,float*,int*,float*,int*,int*);
++// Check if min/max/PI macros are defined.
++// CImg does not compile if macros 'min', 'max' or 'PI' are defined,
++// because it redefines functions min(), max() and const variable PI in the cimg:: namespace.
++// so it '#undef' these macros if necessary, and restore them to reasonable
++// values at the end of this file.
++#ifdef min
++#undef min
++#define _cimg_redefine_min
++#ifdef max
++#undef max
++#define _cimg_redefine_max
++#ifdef PI
++#undef PI
++#define _cimg_redefine_PI
++// Define 'cimg_library' namespace suffix.
++// You may want to add a suffix to the 'cimg_library' namespace, for instance if you need to work
++// with several versions of the library at the same time.
++#ifdef cimg_namespace_suffix
++#define __cimg_library_suffixed(s) cimg_library_##s
++#define _cimg_library_suffixed(s) __cimg_library_suffixed(s)
++#define cimg_library_suffixed _cimg_library_suffixed(cimg_namespace_suffix)
++#define cimg_library_suffixed cimg_library
++  #
++  # Define user-friendly macros.
++  #
++  # These CImg macros are prefixed by 'cimg_' and can be used safely in your own
++  # code. They are useful to parse command line options, or to write image loops.
++  #
++  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
++// Macros to define program usage, and retrieve command line arguments.
++#define cimg_usage(usage) cimg_library_suffixed::cimg::option((char*)0,argc,argv,(char*)0,usage,false)
++#define cimg_help(str) cimg_library_suffixed::cimg::option((char*)0,argc,argv,str,(char*)0)
++#define cimg_option(name,defaut,usage) cimg_library_suffixed::cimg::option(name,argc,argv,defaut,usage)
++// Macros to define and manipulate local neighborhoods.
++#define CImg_2x2(I,T) T I[4]; \
++                      T& I##cc = I[0]; T& I##nc = I[1]; \
++                      T& I##cn = I[2]; T& I##nn = I[3]; \
++                      I##cc = I##nc = \
++                      I##cn = I##nn = 0
++#define CImg_3x3(I,T) T I[9]; \
++                      T& I##pp = I[0]; T& I##cp = I[1]; T& I##np = I[2]; \
++                      T& I##pc = I[3]; T& I##cc = I[4]; T& I##nc = I[5]; \
++                      T& I##pn = I[6]; T& I##cn = I[7]; T& I##nn = I[8]; \
++                      I##pp = I##cp = I##np = \
++                      I##pc = I##cc = I##nc = \
++                      I##pn = I##cn = I##nn = 0
++#define CImg_4x4(I,T) T I[16]; \
++                      T& I##pp = I[0]; T& I##cp = I[1]; T& I##np = I[2]; T& I##ap = I[3]; \
++                      T& I##pc = I[4]; T& I##cc = I[5]; T& I##nc = I[6]; T& I##ac = I[7]; \
++                      T& I##pn = I[8]; T& I##cn = I[9]; T& I##nn = I[10]; T& I##an = I[11]; \
++                      T& I##pa = I[12]; T& I##ca = I[13]; T& I##na = I[14]; T& I##aa = I[15]; \
++                      I##pp = I##cp = I##np = I##ap = \
++                      I##pc = I##cc = I##nc = I##ac = \
++                      I##pn = I##cn = I##nn = I##an = \
++                      I##pa = I##ca = I##na = I##aa = 0
++#define CImg_5x5(I,T) T I[25]; \
++                      T& I##bb = I[0]; T& I##pb = I[1]; T& I##cb = I[2]; T& I##nb = I[3]; T& I##ab = I[4]; \
++                      T& I##bp = I[5]; T& I##pp = I[6]; T& I##cp = I[7]; T& I##np = I[8]; T& I##ap = I[9]; \
++                      T& I##bc = I[10]; T& I##pc = I[11]; T& I##cc = I[12]; T& I##nc = I[13]; T& I##ac = I[14]; \
++                      T& I##bn = I[15]; T& I##pn = I[16]; T& I##cn = I[17]; T& I##nn = I[18]; T& I##an = I[19]; \
++                      T& I##ba = I[20]; T& I##pa = I[21]; T& I##ca = I[22]; T& I##na = I[23]; T& I##aa = I[24]; \
++                      I##bb = I##pb = I##cb = I##nb = I##ab = \
++                      I##bp = I##pp = I##cp = I##np = I##ap = \
++                      I##bc = I##pc = I##cc = I##nc = I##ac = \
++                      I##bn = I##pn = I##cn = I##nn = I##an = \
++                      I##ba = I##pa = I##ca = I##na = I##aa = 0
++#define CImg_2x2x2(I,T) T I[8]; \
++                      T& I##ccc = I[0]; T& I##ncc = I[1]; \
++                      T& I##cnc = I[2]; T& I##nnc = I[3]; \
++                      T& I##ccn = I[4]; T& I##ncn = I[5]; \
++                      T& I##cnn = I[6]; T& I##nnn = I[7]; \
++                      I##ccc = I##ncc = \
++                      I##cnc = I##nnc = \
++                      I##ccn = I##ncn = \
++                      I##cnn = I##nnn = 0
++#define CImg_3x3x3(I,T) T I[27]; \
++                      T& I##ppp = I[0]; T& I##cpp = I[1]; T& I##npp = I[2]; \
++                      T& I##pcp = I[3]; T& I##ccp = I[4]; T& I##ncp = I[5]; \
++                      T& I##pnp = I[6]; T& I##cnp = I[7]; T& I##nnp = I[8]; \
++                      T& I##ppc = I[9]; T& I##cpc = I[10]; T& I##npc = I[11]; \
++                      T& I##pcc = I[12]; T& I##ccc = I[13]; T& I##ncc = I[14]; \
++                      T& I##pnc = I[15]; T& I##cnc = I[16]; T& I##nnc = I[17]; \
++                      T& I##ppn = I[18]; T& I##cpn = I[19]; T& I##npn = I[20]; \
++                      T& I##pcn = I[21]; T& I##ccn = I[22]; T& I##ncn = I[23]; \
++                      T& I##pnn = I[24]; T& I##cnn = I[25]; T& I##nnn = I[26]; \
++                      I##ppp = I##cpp = I##npp = \
++                      I##pcp = I##ccp = I##ncp = \
++                      I##pnp = I##cnp = I##nnp = \
++                      I##ppc = I##cpc = I##npc = \
++                      I##pcc = I##ccc = I##ncc = \
++                      I##pnc = I##cnc = I##nnc = \
++                      I##ppn = I##cpn = I##npn = \
++                      I##pcn = I##ccn = I##ncn = \
++                      I##pnn = I##cnn = I##nnn = 0
++#define cimg_get2x2(img,x,y,z,c,I,T) \
++  I[0] = (T)(img)(x,y,z,c), I[1] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,y,z,c), I[2] = (T)(img)(x,_n1##y,z,c), \
++  I[3] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n1##y,z,c)
++#define cimg_get3x3(img,x,y,z,c,I,T) \
++  I[0] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_p1##y,z,c), I[1] = (T)(img)(x,_p1##y,z,c), I[2] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_p1##y,z,c), \
++  I[3] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,y,z,c), I[4] = (T)(img)(x,y,z,c), I[5] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,y,z,c), \
++  I[6] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[7] = (T)(img)(x,_n1##y,z,c), I[8] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n1##y,z,c)
++#define cimg_get4x4(img,x,y,z,c,I,T) \
++  I[0] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_p1##y,z,c), I[1] = (T)(img)(x,_p1##y,z,c), I[2] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_p1##y,z,c), \
++  I[3] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_p1##y,z,c), I[4] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,y,z,c), I[5] = (T)(img)(x,y,z,c), \
++  I[6] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,y,z,c), I[7] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,y,z,c), I[8] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_n1##y,z,c), \
++  I[9] = (T)(img)(x,_n1##y,z,c), I[10] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[11] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_n1##y,z,c), \
++  I[12] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_n2##y,z,c), I[13] = (T)(img)(x,_n2##y,z,c), I[14] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n2##y,z,c), \
++  I[15] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_n2##y,z,c)
++#define cimg_get5x5(img,x,y,z,c,I,T) \
++  I[0] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_p2##y,z,c), I[1] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_p2##y,z,c), I[2] = (T)(img)(x,_p2##y,z,c), \
++  I[3] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_p2##y,z,c), I[4] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_p2##y,z,c), I[5] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_p1##y,z,c), \
++  I[6] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_p1##y,z,c), I[7] = (T)(img)(x,_p1##y,z,c), I[8] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_p1##y,z,c), \
++  I[9] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_p1##y,z,c), I[10] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,y,z,c), I[11] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,y,z,c), \
++  I[12] = (T)(img)(x,y,z,c), I[13] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,y,z,c), I[14] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,y,z,c), \
++  I[15] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[16] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[17] = (T)(img)(x,_n1##y,z,c), \
++  I[18] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[19] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[20] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_n2##y,z,c), \
++  I[21] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_n2##y,z,c), I[22] = (T)(img)(x,_n2##y,z,c), I[23] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n2##y,z,c), \
++  I[24] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_n2##y,z,c)
++#define cimg_get6x6(img,x,y,z,c,I,T) \
++  I[0] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_p2##y,z,c), I[1] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_p2##y,z,c), I[2] = (T)(img)(x,_p2##y,z,c), \
++  I[3] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_p2##y,z,c), I[4] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_p2##y,z,c), I[5] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_p2##y,z,c), \
++  I[6] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_p1##y,z,c), I[7] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_p1##y,z,c), I[8] = (T)(img)(x,_p1##y,z,c), \
++  I[9] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_p1##y,z,c), I[10] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_p1##y,z,c), I[11] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_p1##y,z,c), \
++  I[12] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,y,z,c), I[13] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,y,z,c), I[14] = (T)(img)(x,y,z,c), \
++  I[15] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,y,z,c), I[16] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,y,z,c), I[17] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,y,z,c), \
++  I[18] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[19] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[20] = (T)(img)(x,_n1##y,z,c), \
++  I[21] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[22] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[23] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_n1##y,z,c), \
++  I[24] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_n2##y,z,c), I[25] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_n2##y,z,c), I[26] = (T)(img)(x,_n2##y,z,c), \
++  I[27] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n2##y,z,c), I[28] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_n2##y,z,c), I[29] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_n2##y,z,c), \
++  I[30] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_n3##y,z,c), I[31] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_n3##y,z,c), I[32] = (T)(img)(x,_n3##y,z,c), \
++  I[33] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n3##y,z,c), I[34] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_n3##y,z,c), I[35] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_n3##y,z,c)
++#define cimg_get7x7(img,x,y,z,c,I,T) \
++  I[0] = (T)(img)(_p3##x,_p3##y,z,c), I[1] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_p3##y,z,c), I[2] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_p3##y,z,c), \
++  I[3] = (T)(img)(x,_p3##y,z,c), I[4] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_p3##y,z,c), I[5] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_p3##y,z,c), \
++  I[6] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_p3##y,z,c), I[7] = (T)(img)(_p3##x,_p2##y,z,c), I[8] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_p2##y,z,c), \
++  I[9] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_p2##y,z,c), I[10] = (T)(img)(x,_p2##y,z,c), I[11] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_p2##y,z,c), \
++  I[12] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_p2##y,z,c), I[13] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_p2##y,z,c), I[14] = (T)(img)(_p3##x,_p1##y,z,c), \
++  I[15] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_p1##y,z,c), I[16] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_p1##y,z,c), I[17] = (T)(img)(x,_p1##y,z,c), \
++  I[18] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_p1##y,z,c), I[19] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_p1##y,z,c), I[20] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_p1##y,z,c), \
++  I[21] = (T)(img)(_p3##x,y,z,c), I[22] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,y,z,c), I[23] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,y,z,c), \
++  I[24] = (T)(img)(x,y,z,c), I[25] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,y,z,c), I[26] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,y,z,c), \
++  I[27] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,y,z,c), I[28] = (T)(img)(_p3##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[29] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_n1##y,z,c), \
++  I[30] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[31] = (T)(img)(x,_n1##y,z,c), I[32] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n1##y,z,c), \
++  I[33] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[34] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[35] = (T)(img)(_p3##x,_n2##y,z,c), \
++  I[36] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_n2##y,z,c), I[37] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_n2##y,z,c), I[38] = (T)(img)(x,_n2##y,z,c), \
++  I[39] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n2##y,z,c), I[40] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_n2##y,z,c), I[41] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_n2##y,z,c), \
++  I[42] = (T)(img)(_p3##x,_n3##y,z,c), I[43] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_n3##y,z,c), I[44] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_n3##y,z,c), \
++  I[45] = (T)(img)(x,_n3##y,z,c), I[46] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n3##y,z,c), I[47] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_n3##y,z,c), \
++  I[48] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_n3##y,z,c)
++#define cimg_get8x8(img,x,y,z,c,I,T) \
++  I[0] = (T)(img)(_p3##x,_p3##y,z,c), I[1] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_p3##y,z,c), I[2] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_p3##y,z,c), \
++  I[3] = (T)(img)(x,_p3##y,z,c), I[4] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_p3##y,z,c), I[5] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_p3##y,z,c), \
++  I[6] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_p3##y,z,c), I[7] = (T)(img)(_n4##x,_p3##y,z,c), I[8] = (T)(img)(_p3##x,_p2##y,z,c), \
++  I[9] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_p2##y,z,c), I[10] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_p2##y,z,c), I[11] = (T)(img)(x,_p2##y,z,c), \
++  I[12] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_p2##y,z,c), I[13] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_p2##y,z,c), I[14] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_p2##y,z,c), \
++  I[15] = (T)(img)(_n4##x,_p2##y,z,c), I[16] = (T)(img)(_p3##x,_p1##y,z,c), I[17] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_p1##y,z,c), \
++  I[18] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_p1##y,z,c), I[19] = (T)(img)(x,_p1##y,z,c), I[20] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_p1##y,z,c), \
++  I[21] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_p1##y,z,c), I[22] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_p1##y,z,c), I[23] = (T)(img)(_n4##x,_p1##y,z,c), \
++  I[24] = (T)(img)(_p3##x,y,z,c), I[25] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,y,z,c), I[26] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,y,z,c), \
++  I[27] = (T)(img)(x,y,z,c), I[28] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,y,z,c), I[29] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,y,z,c), \
++  I[30] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,y,z,c), I[31] = (T)(img)(_n4##x,y,z,c), I[32] = (T)(img)(_p3##x,_n1##y,z,c), \
++  I[33] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[34] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[35] = (T)(img)(x,_n1##y,z,c), \
++  I[36] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[37] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[38] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_n1##y,z,c), \
++  I[39] = (T)(img)(_n4##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[40] = (T)(img)(_p3##x,_n2##y,z,c), I[41] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_n2##y,z,c), \
++  I[42] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_n2##y,z,c), I[43] = (T)(img)(x,_n2##y,z,c), I[44] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n2##y,z,c), \
++  I[45] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_n2##y,z,c), I[46] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_n2##y,z,c), I[47] = (T)(img)(_n4##x,_n2##y,z,c), \
++  I[48] = (T)(img)(_p3##x,_n3##y,z,c), I[49] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_n3##y,z,c), I[50] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_n3##y,z,c), \
++  I[51] = (T)(img)(x,_n3##y,z,c), I[52] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n3##y,z,c), I[53] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_n3##y,z,c), \
++  I[54] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_n3##y,z,c), I[55] = (T)(img)(_n4##x,_n3##y,z,c), I[56] = (T)(img)(_p3##x,_n4##y,z,c), \
++  I[57] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_n4##y,z,c), I[58] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_n4##y,z,c), I[59] = (T)(img)(x,_n4##y,z,c), \
++  I[60] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n4##y,z,c), I[61] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_n4##y,z,c), I[62] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_n4##y,z,c), \
++  I[63] = (T)(img)(_n4##x,_n4##y,z,c);
++#define cimg_get9x9(img,x,y,z,c,I,T) \
++  I[0] = (T)(img)(_p4##x,_p4##y,z,c), I[1] = (T)(img)(_p3##x,_p4##y,z,c), I[2] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_p4##y,z,c), \
++  I[3] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_p4##y,z,c), I[4] = (T)(img)(x,_p4##y,z,c), I[5] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_p4##y,z,c), \
++  I[6] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_p4##y,z,c), I[7] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_p4##y,z,c), I[8] = (T)(img)(_n4##x,_p4##y,z,c), \
++  I[9] = (T)(img)(_p4##x,_p3##y,z,c), I[10] = (T)(img)(_p3##x,_p3##y,z,c), I[11] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_p3##y,z,c), \
++  I[12] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_p3##y,z,c), I[13] = (T)(img)(x,_p3##y,z,c), I[14] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_p3##y,z,c), \
++  I[15] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_p3##y,z,c), I[16] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_p3##y,z,c), I[17] = (T)(img)(_n4##x,_p3##y,z,c), \
++  I[18] = (T)(img)(_p4##x,_p2##y,z,c), I[19] = (T)(img)(_p3##x,_p2##y,z,c), I[20] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_p2##y,z,c), \
++  I[21] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_p2##y,z,c), I[22] = (T)(img)(x,_p2##y,z,c), I[23] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_p2##y,z,c), \
++  I[24] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_p2##y,z,c), I[25] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_p2##y,z,c), I[26] = (T)(img)(_n4##x,_p2##y,z,c), \
++  I[27] = (T)(img)(_p4##x,_p1##y,z,c), I[28] = (T)(img)(_p3##x,_p1##y,z,c), I[29] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_p1##y,z,c), \
++  I[30] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_p1##y,z,c), I[31] = (T)(img)(x,_p1##y,z,c), I[32] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_p1##y,z,c), \
++  I[33] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_p1##y,z,c), I[34] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_p1##y,z,c), I[35] = (T)(img)(_n4##x,_p1##y,z,c), \
++  I[36] = (T)(img)(_p4##x,y,z,c), I[37] = (T)(img)(_p3##x,y,z,c), I[38] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,y,z,c), \
++  I[39] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,y,z,c), I[40] = (T)(img)(x,y,z,c), I[41] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,y,z,c), \
++  I[42] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,y,z,c), I[43] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,y,z,c), I[44] = (T)(img)(_n4##x,y,z,c), \
++  I[45] = (T)(img)(_p4##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[46] = (T)(img)(_p3##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[47] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_n1##y,z,c), \
++  I[48] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[49] = (T)(img)(x,_n1##y,z,c), I[50] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n1##y,z,c), \
++  I[51] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[52] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[53] = (T)(img)(_n4##x,_n1##y,z,c), \
++  I[54] = (T)(img)(_p4##x,_n2##y,z,c), I[55] = (T)(img)(_p3##x,_n2##y,z,c), I[56] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_n2##y,z,c), \
++  I[57] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_n2##y,z,c), I[58] = (T)(img)(x,_n2##y,z,c), I[59] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n2##y,z,c), \
++  I[60] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_n2##y,z,c), I[61] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_n2##y,z,c), I[62] = (T)(img)(_n4##x,_n2##y,z,c), \
++  I[63] = (T)(img)(_p4##x,_n3##y,z,c), I[64] = (T)(img)(_p3##x,_n3##y,z,c), I[65] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_n3##y,z,c), \
++  I[66] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_n3##y,z,c), I[67] = (T)(img)(x,_n3##y,z,c), I[68] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n3##y,z,c), \
++  I[69] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_n3##y,z,c), I[70] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_n3##y,z,c), I[71] = (T)(img)(_n4##x,_n3##y,z,c), \
++  I[72] = (T)(img)(_p4##x,_n4##y,z,c), I[73] = (T)(img)(_p3##x,_n4##y,z,c), I[74] = (T)(img)(_p2##x,_n4##y,z,c), \
++  I[75] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_n4##y,z,c), I[76] = (T)(img)(x,_n4##y,z,c), I[77] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n4##y,z,c), \
++  I[78] = (T)(img)(_n2##x,_n4##y,z,c), I[79] = (T)(img)(_n3##x,_n4##y,z,c), I[80] = (T)(img)(_n4##x,_n4##y,z,c)
++#define cimg_get2x2x2(img,x,y,z,c,I,T) \
++  I[0] = (T)(img)(x,y,z,c), I[1] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,y,z,c), I[2] = (T)(img)(x,_n1##y,z,c), \
++  I[3] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[4] = (T)(img)(x,y,_n1##z,c), I[5] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,y,_n1##z,c), \
++  I[6] = (T)(img)(x,_n1##y,_n1##z,c), I[7] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n1##y,_n1##z,c)
++#define cimg_get3x3x3(img,x,y,z,c,I,T) \
++  I[0] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_p1##y,_p1##z,c), I[1] = (T)(img)(x,_p1##y,_p1##z,c), \
++  I[2] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_p1##y,_p1##z,c), I[3] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,y,_p1##z,c), I[4] = (T)(img)(x,y,_p1##z,c), \
++  I[5] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,y,_p1##z,c), I[6] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_n1##y,_p1##z,c), I[7] = (T)(img)(x,_n1##y,_p1##z,c), \
++  I[8] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n1##y,_p1##z,c), I[9] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_p1##y,z,c), I[10] = (T)(img)(x,_p1##y,z,c), \
++  I[11] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_p1##y,z,c), I[12] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,y,z,c), I[13] = (T)(img)(x,y,z,c), \
++  I[14] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,y,z,c), I[15] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[16] = (T)(img)(x,_n1##y,z,c), \
++  I[17] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n1##y,z,c), I[18] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_p1##y,_n1##z,c), I[19] = (T)(img)(x,_p1##y,_n1##z,c), \
++  I[20] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_p1##y,_n1##z,c), I[21] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,y,_n1##z,c), I[22] = (T)(img)(x,y,_n1##z,c), \
++  I[23] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,y,_n1##z,c), I[24] = (T)(img)(_p1##x,_n1##y,_n1##z,c), I[25] = (T)(img)(x,_n1##y,_n1##z,c), \
++  I[26] = (T)(img)(_n1##x,_n1##y,_n1##z,c)
++// Macros to perform various image loops.
++// These macros are simpler to use than loops with C++ iterators.
++#define cimg_for(img,ptrs,T_ptrs) \
++  for (T_ptrs *ptrs = (img)._data, *_max##ptrs = (img)._data + (img).size(); ptrs<_max##ptrs; ++ptrs)
++#define cimg_rof(img,ptrs,T_ptrs) for (T_ptrs *ptrs = (img)._data + (img).size() - 1; ptrs>=(img)._data; --ptrs)
++#define cimg_foroff(img,off) for (cimg_ulong off = 0, _max##off = (img).size(); off<_max##off; ++off)
++#define cimg_for1(bound,i) for (int i = 0; i<(int)(bound); ++i)
++#define cimg_forX(img,x) cimg_for1((img)._width,x)
++#define cimg_forY(img,y) cimg_for1((img)._height,y)
++#define cimg_forZ(img,z) cimg_for1((img)._depth,z)
++#define cimg_forC(img,c) cimg_for1((img)._spectrum,c)
++#define cimg_forXY(img,x,y) cimg_forY(img,y) cimg_forX(img,x)
++#define cimg_forXZ(img,x,z) cimg_forZ(img,z) cimg_forX(img,x)
++#define cimg_forYZ(img,y,z) cimg_forZ(img,z) cimg_forY(img,y)
++#define cimg_forXC(img,x,c) cimg_forC(img,c) cimg_forX(img,x)
++#define cimg_forYC(img,y,c) cimg_forC(img,c) cimg_forY(img,y)
++#define cimg_forZC(img,z,c) cimg_forC(img,c) cimg_forZ(img,z)
++#define cimg_forXYZ(img,x,y,z) cimg_forZ(img,z) cimg_forXY(img,x,y)
++#define cimg_forXYC(img,x,y,c) cimg_forC(img,c) cimg_forXY(img,x,y)
++#define cimg_forXZC(img,x,z,c) cimg_forC(img,c) cimg_forXZ(img,x,z)
++#define cimg_forYZC(img,y,z,c) cimg_forC(img,c) cimg_forYZ(img,y,z)
++#define cimg_forXYZC(img,x,y,z,c) cimg_forC(img,c) cimg_forXYZ(img,x,y,z)
++#define cimg_rof1(bound,i) for (int i = (int)(bound) - 1; i>=0; --i)
++#define cimg_rofX(img,x) cimg_rof1((img)._width,x)
++#define cimg_rofY(img,y) cimg_rof1((img)._height,y)
++#define cimg_rofZ(img,z) cimg_rof1((img)._depth,z)
++#define cimg_rofC(img,c) cimg_rof1((img)._spectrum,c)
++#define cimg_rofXY(img,x,y) cimg_rofY(img,y) cimg_rofX(img,x)
++#define cimg_rofXZ(img,x,z) cimg_rofZ(img,z) cimg_rofX(img,x)
++#define cimg_rofYZ(img,y,z) cimg_rofZ(img,z) cimg_rofY(img,y)
++#define cimg_rofXC(img,x,c) cimg_rofC(img,c) cimg_rofX(img,x)
++#define cimg_rofYC(img,y,c) cimg_rofC(img,c) cimg_rofY(img,y)
++#define cimg_rofZC(img,z,c) cimg_rofC(img,c) cimg_rofZ(img,z)
++#define cimg_rofXYZ(img,x,y,z) cimg_rofZ(img,z) cimg_rofXY(img,x,y)
++#define cimg_rofXYC(img,x,y,c) cimg_rofC(img,c) cimg_rofXY(img,x,y)
++#define cimg_rofXZC(img,x,z,c) cimg_rofC(img,c) cimg_rofXZ(img,x,z)
++#define cimg_rofYZC(img,y,z,c) cimg_rofC(img,c) cimg_rofYZ(img,y,z)
++#define cimg_rofXYZC(img,x,y,z,c) cimg_rofC(img,c) cimg_rofXYZ(img,x,y,z)
++#define cimg_for_in1(bound,i0,i1,i) \
++ for (int i = (int)(i0)<0?0:(int)(i0), _max##i = (int)(i1)<(int)(bound)?(int)(i1):(int)(bound) - 1; i<=_max##i; ++i)
++#define cimg_for_inX(img,x0,x1,x) cimg_for_in1((img)._width,x0,x1,x)
++#define cimg_for_inY(img,y0,y1,y) cimg_for_in1((img)._height,y0,y1,y)
++#define cimg_for_inZ(img,z0,z1,z) cimg_for_in1((img)._depth,z0,z1,z)
++#define cimg_for_inC(img,c0,c1,c) cimg_for_in1((img)._spectrum,c0,c1,c)
++#define cimg_for_inXY(img,x0,y0,x1,y1,x,y) cimg_for_inY(img,y0,y1,y) cimg_for_inX(img,x0,x1,x)
++#define cimg_for_inXZ(img,x0,z0,x1,z1,x,z) cimg_for_inZ(img,z0,z1,z) cimg_for_inX(img,x0,x1,x)
++#define cimg_for_inXC(img,x0,c0,x1,c1,x,c) cimg_for_inC(img,c0,c1,c) cimg_for_inX(img,x0,x1,x)
++#define cimg_for_inYZ(img,y0,z0,y1,z1,y,z) cimg_for_inZ(img,x0,z1,z) cimg_for_inY(img,y0,y1,y)
++#define cimg_for_inYC(img,y0,c0,y1,c1,y,c) cimg_for_inC(img,c0,c1,c) cimg_for_inY(img,y0,y1,y)
++#define cimg_for_inZC(img,z0,c0,z1,c1,z,c) cimg_for_inC(img,c0,c1,c) cimg_for_inZ(img,z0,z1,z)
++#define cimg_for_inXYZ(img,x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1,x,y,z) cimg_for_inZ(img,z0,z1,z) cimg_for_inXY(img,x0,y0,x1,y1,x,y)
++#define cimg_for_inXYC(img,x0,y0,c0,x1,y1,c1,x,y,c) cimg_for_inC(img,c0,c1,c) cimg_for_inXY(img,x0,y0,x1,y1,x,y)
++#define cimg_for_inXZC(img,x0,z0,c0,x1,z1,c1,x,z,c) cimg_for_inC(img,c0,c1,c) cimg_for_inXZ(img,x0,z0,x1,z1,x,z)
++#define cimg_for_inYZC(img,y0,z0,c0,y1,z1,c1,y,z,c) cimg_for_inC(img,c0,c1,c) cimg_for_inYZ(img,y0,z0,y1,z1,y,z)
++#define cimg_for_inXYZC(img,x0,y0,z0,c0,x1,y1,z1,c1,x,y,z,c) \
++  cimg_for_inC(img,c0,c1,c) cimg_for_inXYZ(img,x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1,x,y,z)
++#define cimg_for_insideX(img,x,n) cimg_for_inX(img,n,(img)._width - 1 - (n),x)
++#define cimg_for_insideY(img,y,n) cimg_for_inY(img,n,(img)._height - 1 - (n),y)
++#define cimg_for_insideZ(img,z,n) cimg_for_inZ(img,n,(img)._depth  - 1 - (n),z)
++#define cimg_for_insideC(img,c,n) cimg_for_inC(img,n,(img)._spectrum - 1 - (n),c)
++#define cimg_for_insideXY(img,x,y,n) cimg_for_inXY(img,n,n,(img)._width - 1 - (n),(img)._height - 1 - (n),x,y)
++#define cimg_for_insideXYZ(img,x,y,z,n) \
++  cimg_for_inXYZ(img,n,n,n,(img)._width - 1 - (n),(img)._height - 1 - (n),(img)._depth - 1 - (n),x,y,z)
++#define cimg_for_insideXYZC(img,x,y,z,c,n) \
++  cimg_for_inXYZ(img,n,n,n,(img)._width - 1 - (n),(img)._height - 1 - (n),(img)._depth - 1 - (n),x,y,z)
++#define cimg_for_out1(boundi,i0,i1,i) \
++ for (int i = (int)(i0)>0?0:(int)(i1) + 1; i<(int)(boundi); ++i, i = i==(int)(i0)?(int)(i1) + 1:i)
++#define cimg_for_out2(boundi,boundj,i0,j0,i1,j1,i,j) \
++ for (int j = 0; j<(int)(boundj); ++j) \
++ for (int _n1j = (int)(j<(int)(j0) || j>(int)(j1)), i = _n1j?0:(int)(i0)>0?0:(int)(i1) + 1; i<(int)(boundi); \
++  ++i, i = _n1j?i:(i==(int)(i0)?(int)(i1) + 1:i))
++#define cimg_for_out3(boundi,boundj,boundk,i0,j0,k0,i1,j1,k1,i,j,k) \
++ for (int k = 0; k<(int)(boundk); ++k) \
++ for (int _n1k = (int)(k<(int)(k0) || k>(int)(k1)), j = 0; j<(int)(boundj); ++j) \
++ for (int _n1j = (int)(j<(int)(j0) || j>(int)(j1)), i = _n1j || _n1k?0:(int)(i0)>0?0:(int)(i1) + 1; i<(int)(boundi); \
++  ++i, i = _n1j || _n1k?i:(i==(int)(i0)?(int)(i1) + 1:i))
++#define cimg_for_out4(boundi,boundj,boundk,boundl,i0,j0,k0,l0,i1,j1,k1,l1,i,j,k,l) \
++ for (int l = 0; l<(int)(boundl); ++l) \
++ for (int _n1l = (int)(l<(int)(l0) || l>(int)(l1)), k = 0; k<(int)(boundk); ++k) \
++ for (int _n1k = (int)(k<(int)(k0) || k>(int)(k1)), j = 0; j<(int)(boundj); ++j) \
++ for (int _n1j = (int)(j<(int)(j0) || j>(int)(j1)), i = _n1j || _n1k || _n1l?0:(int)(i0)>0?0:(int)(i1) + 1; \
++  i<(int)(boundi); ++i, i = _n1j || _n1k || _n1l?i:(i==(int)(i0)?(int)(i1) + 1:i))
++#define cimg_for_outX(img,x0,x1,x) cimg_for_out1((img)._width,x0,x1,x)
++#define cimg_for_outY(img,y0,y1,y) cimg_for_out1((img)._height,y0,y1,y)
++#define cimg_for_outZ(img,z0,z1,z) cimg_for_out1((img)._depth,z0,z1,z)
++#define cimg_for_outC(img,c0,c1,c) cimg_for_out1((img)._spectrum,c0,c1,c)
++#define cimg_for_outXY(img,x0,y0,x1,y1,x,y) cimg_for_out2((img)._width,(img)._height,x0,y0,x1,y1,x,y)
++#define cimg_for_outXZ(img,x0,z0,x1,z1,x,z) cimg_for_out2((img)._width,(img)._depth,x0,z0,x1,z1,x,z)


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