From owner-freebsd-questions  Wed Aug 30 23:45:19 2000
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Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 01:45:32 -0500
From: Lucas Bergman <>
To: Stephen Hansen <>
Subject: Re: Windows not working right (Was: NAT Not working right)
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> I'm on a FreeBSD 4.1-STABLE system, which was recently CVSupdated as
> of yesterday. I have my FreeBSD system connected to the internet via
> a cable connection, and there is a Win98 box connecting through NAT.
> [snip]
> Now, it all works just fine and perfectly -- the problem is, if my
> FreeBSD box reboots, the other machine can't access the internet
> until /it/ reboots.

I've noticed the same thing.  Unless someone knows something about
this that I don't, you're emailing the wrong people:  It sounds more
like you've exposed a bug in Microsoft's TCP/IP implementation than
one in FreeBSD's NAT implementation.

> What can I do to fix this?

This may sound a little too pithy, but it's the way I fixed the
problem: Don't reboot your FreeBSD box.  There's really no reason to
do so, except every few months when I tinker with the hardware or
update the kernel.

                             S. Lucas Bergman
                             Northwestern University
                             Mathematics Department
                             PGP Public Key (0xC0C73619):

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