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Date:      Mon, 24 Jun 2002 22:18:19 -0400 (EDT)
From:      Robert Watson <>
Cc:        Chris BeHanna <>, FreeBSD Security <>,
Subject:   Re: [openssh-unix-announce] Re: Upcoming OpenSSH vulnerability (fwd)
Message-ID:  <>
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We're in the process of merging OpenSSH 3.3 into -CURRENT, and will do the
same for -STABLE shortly as well.  In order to do this and maintain PAM
support, we'll be jumping from the base OpenSSH distribution to the
OpenSSH-portable distribution, which includes support for PAM (as PAM is
not used in OpenBSD).  Because 5.0-CURRENT uses OpenPAM rather than
Linux-PAM, we'll need to do a little testing and make sure the adaptation
works properly in combination with Privilege Seperation.  You should see
commit messages from this merge-work over the next couple of days.

It's not yet clear how we should handle OpenSSH and the various RELENG_4_X
branches; it might depend a bit on the complexity of the merge work and
the nature of the vulnerability once vulnerability information is
published.  Typically for patch levels on released versions, we've adopted
a highly conservative approach for security bug fixes, avoiding complex
and risky changes and leaning in a more minimal direction.  Obviously
which way we go on that one will depend on the nature of the

Robert N M Watson             FreeBSD Core Team, TrustedBSD Projects      Network Associates Laboratories

On Mon, 24 Jun 2002, Peter C. Lai wrote:

> Is OpenSSH 3.3 now part of the base system? So are we phasing out
> ssh as part of the base system (since the answer to the first
> question is no, and therefore only the portable versions
> have privsep available)? Again, we don't know if
> older versions of ssh are vulnerable or not. I suppose
> this notice is great for those on the bleeding edge, but
> doesn't help the rest of the majority of users, who probably
> *aren't* running 3.3. The freebsd security-officer tries
> to help the general cross-section of the users, not just
> the few who run the latest and greatest.
> On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 09:35:06PM -0400, Chris BeHanna wrote:
> >     Although I sympathize with the desire to be able to make informed
> > decisions regarding older versions of supported software that's in the
> > field, I have to say that I side with Theo here:  We're being warned that
> > a critical exploit will be published in a few days, along with the
> > simultaneous release of a version of the software that fixes the bug
> > that leads to the exploit, AND we're being told how to immunize
> > ourselves against the exploit--using currently-available
> > software--several days in advance of the announcement.
> > 
> >     Result:  it's possible to completely prevent the window of
> > vulnerability that usually exists between the announcement of an
> > exploit and the availability of a fix for same.  Any other way
> > *guarantees* that there will be a leak prior to the bugfix release,
> > causing more than a few folks to get burned by the exploit before they
> > get a chance to read their mail and learn how to enable the workaround.
> > In a perfect world, Theo could publicize the exploit without fear of
> > it being used to burn people prior to their learning how to use the
> > workaround.  But in a perfect world, we wouldn't need OpenSSH.
> > 
> >     Thank you, Theo.
> > 
> > -- 
> > Chris BeHanna
> > Software Engineer                   (Remove "bogus" before responding.)
> >
> >                  Turning coffee into software since 1990.
> > 
> > 
> > To Unsubscribe: send mail to
> > with "unsubscribe freebsd-security" in the body of the message
> -- 
> Peter C. Lai
> University of Connecticut
> Dept. of Molecular and Cell Biology | Undergraduate Research Assistant
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> with "unsubscribe freebsd-security" in the body of the message

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