From owner-freebsd-questions Wed Jul 5 22:20:29 2000 Delivered-To: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 0BABB37C39A for ; Wed, 5 Jul 2000 22:20:22 -0700 (PDT) (envelope-from Received: (from jin@localhost) by (8.10.0/8.10.0) id e665KJp29466; Wed, 5 Jul 2000 22:20:19 -0700 (PDT) Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 22:20:19 -0700 (PDT) From: Jin Guojun (DSD staff) Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: Pac$Bell Internet DSL howto Cc: Sender: owner-freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG Precedence: bulk X-Loop: FreeBSD.ORG } > I have a friend also got the $39/mo DSL dynamic IP service. I am trying } > to connect a FreeBSD box on it, but getting some errors. I never used } > PPP before, so had no clue what other things need to be done beside } > 15.4. Here is what I did: (the ep0 works well on static IP subnet) } } I have not tested using the same Ethernet card for both the local IP service } and the PPPoE. In my friend's case, we used a separate card with a } cross-over cable to connect the router to the DSL bridge. In that } circumstance, ifconfig_ep1="up" -- the interface } must be up but unconfigured for PPPoE to work. Since you mentioned the cable, I brought crampping tools, some 4-wrie and 8-wire CAT5 cables there. It is the cable. I do not know what the DSL modem is doing, even though the ep0 (3C509B) is 10BT NIC, the DSL modem needs a straight 8-wire cable instead of 4-wire cable. When the 4-wire cable cable is plugged in, the link light on the NIC is up, but nothing works. < Notice that there is a link light at the edge of the RJ45 jack on the back of the DSL modem, it is off when 4-wire cable is used. It is up when the 8-wire cable is installed. However, after boot-up and NIC is configured, changing 8-wire cable to 4-wire cable will keep the link light on the RJ45 up. I have no idea why the DSL modem needs 8-wire for the 10BT NIC for dynamic- IP negotation, I use 4-wire cable for my static-IP DSL modem, but this may be worth to be recorded for other people to know this wiered problem. Thanks, -Jin } > } > } > adding following lines into /etc/ppp/ppp.conf and /etc/rc.conf, reboot } > system: (YOURLOGINNAME & YOURPASSWORD substituted by real strings, these } > are only information given by PacBell, and work under window95) } > } > --------------------------- info. output ------------------------- } > % cat /etc/ppp/ppp.conf } > pacbell: # or name_of_service_provider } > set device PPPoE:ep0 # replace xl1 with your ethernet device } > set mru 1492 } > set mtu 1492 } > set authname YOURLOGINNAME } > set authkey YOURPASSWORD } > set log Phase tun command # you can add more detailed logging if you wis } h } > set dial } > set login } > set ifaddr } > add default HISADDR } > nat enable yes # if you want to enable nat for your local net } > } > papchap: } > set authname YOURLOGINNAME } > set authkey YOURPASSWORD } > } > default: } > set device /dev/cuaa1 } > } > set log Phase Chat LCP IPCP CCP tun command } > set speed 115200 } > set dial "ABORT BUSY ABORT NO\\sCARRIER TIMEOUT 5 \"\" AT OK-AT-OK ATE1Q0 OK } \\dATDT\\T TIMEOUT 40 CONNECT" } > } > set timeout 120 } > set ifaddr } > add default HISADDR } > enable dns } > } > % cat /etc/rc.conf } > } > # This file now contains just the overrides from /etc/defaults/rc.conf } > # please make all changes to this file. } > } > ppp_enable="YES" } > ppp_mode="ddial" } > ppp_nat="YES" } > ppp_profile="pacbell" } > # -- sysinstall generated deltas -- # } > network_interfaces="ep0 lo0" } > ifconfig_ep0="up" } > #ifconfig_ep0="inet 131.243.x.y netmask" } > #defaultrouter="131.243.x.z" } > hostname="" } > } > --------------------------- end of info. output ------------------------- } > } > boot errors: } > } > module_register: module netgraph already exists! } > linker_file_sysinit "netgrapg.ko" failed to register! 17 } > } > uptime erros: } > ppp[61]: tun0: Warning: kldload: ng_ether:No such file or directory. } > Chat Script failed } > } > Would some help us? } > } > -Jin } > } > > A friend of mine just recently got the $39/mo DSL deal Pac$Bell } > > Internet is offering. There was a big enough hiccup that I thought I } > > would document it for the archives. } > > } > > The "technical" folks at Pac$Bell said that they use DHCP, but in fact } > > they don't. They supply windows and Mac software (and aparently Linux } > > as well) that you are supposed to use to hook up. In actual fact, this } > > software does nothing more than PPPoE. DHCP doesn't enter in to it. } > > } > > Anyway, the procedure in section 15.4 of the handbook mostly works just } > > fine } > > (I did not have to include the NETGRAPH_PPPOE option, as netgraph is now } > > smart enough to load its own modules). One thing I found necessary } > > was an ifconfig_xl1="up" line in /etc/rc.conf to "up" the interface } > > before } > > ppp would work. } > > } > > There is a chicken-and-egg problem that I could not surmount, however. } > > In order to activate service, you have to hook up in order to visit } > > their } > > website and get the username and password you will use later as your } > > authname and authkey (you cannot do this from any other ISP). } > > It is unknown how to do this first-time hookup. We worked around it } > > by having the Pac$Bell guy use his machine to visit the website and } > > get the username and password. You could also, I suppose, use the } > > supplied } > > windows software once to establish an account and then use FreeBSD from } > > then on. } > > } > > Of course, IMHO the next thing that needs to happen is that PPPoE } > > support needs to get into the mpd-netgraph port, so that the whole } > > gizmo can live in the kernel and cut out all that context } > > switching. Archie? :-) To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message