From owner-freebsd-bugs  Wed Jul  9 16:40:07 1997
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Date: Wed, 9 Jul 1997 16:40:04 -0700 (PDT)
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To: freebsd-bugs
From: Kazutaka YOKOTA <>
Subject: Re: i386/4030: syscons thinks CTRL is always pressed 
Reply-To: Kazutaka YOKOTA <>
Sender: owner-bugs@FreeBSD.ORG
Precedence: bulk

The following reply was made to PR i386/4030; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Kazutaka YOKOTA <>
Subject: Re: i386/4030: syscons thinks CTRL is always pressed 
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 08:43:34 +0900

 >> >>Number:         4030
 >> >>Category:       i386
 >> >>Synopsis:       syscons thinks CTRL pressed, must reboot [repeatable]
 >Okay, the patch works.  However, I can still reproduce the
 >problem if I use a slight variation on the first keymap.
    scan                       cntrl          alt    alt   cntrl lock
    code  base   shift  cntrl  shift  alt    shift  cntrl  shift state
 >  090   cr     rctrl  nl     nl     rctrl  rctrl  nl     nl	O
 >Press and hold Alt, then press rctrl.  Release all keys.  Then
 >press `d' or whatever and you'll log out.
 Well, it depends on which key you release first!!  If you press Alt
 then right Ctrl, syscons picks up the fifth field, thinks `rctrl' is
 down and set the internal ctrl bit .
 Then, if you release Ctrl first, then Alt, syscons correctly picks up
 the fifth field again, thinks `rctrl' is released, and clears the
 internal ctrl bit.
 But, if you release Alt first, then Ctrl, syscons picks up the first
 field, and thinks `cr' is released.  The internal ctrl bit remains
 A tricky bug.  But, at the same time I wonder this bug should be
 attributed to this rather strange keymap entry...
 >The patch, as shown, is good enough for me, since the keymap one
 >would have to use to reproduce the bug now is not very useful
 >(for me, anyways).