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Date:      Mon, 29 Apr 2013 23:17:14 -0500
From:      dweimer <>
To:        FreeBSD Questions <>
Subject:   Virtual Box service vboxheadless shutdown problems.
Message-ID:  <>

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I have recently setup a FreeBSD server to run virtual box, and a couple 
of FreeBSD jails.  Performance is running great, but upon getting my UPS 
setup with NUT, and running some reboot tests to verify that everything 
is shutting down and starting up properly I ran into an issue.

The /usr/local/etc/rc.d/vboxheadless script is not shutting down the VM 
properly, which in turn is causing other services to not stop properly.

I have set the following options in my rc.conf file


issuing service vboxheadless stop, does correctly shutdown the VM 
cleanly, and of course service vboxheadless start starts everything OK.  
But when running a shutdown command the shutdown process hangs, until it 
gets a 90 sec watchdog timeout on the vboxheadless stop command.  The 
VNC console to the VM, never shows any attempt for the VM to shutdown.  
The windows VM, also doesn't show any events in the log as if it tried 
to shutdown.

Has anyone else ran into this?  Or have any idea what to check to find 
out more information as to what is happening to stop the shutdown 
process from running correctly?

Dean E. Weimer

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