From owner-freebsd-questions  Fri Nov 24 16:51:33 2000
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From: "Chuck" <>
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Subject: Am I going to have to switch to LINUX?
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I need help...

Here's my dilemma... I have a server that was running some chat scripts
written in perl... They were running on FreeBSD 2.2.7 just fine... I got the
idea to upgrade my hardware and software to FreeBSD 4.1... I get an error
every time I try to send 2 things to the chat daemon at once... It causes an
error that said "Accept : bad file descriptor" ... Here is what the code
that sets up the chat daemon looks like... Afterward this is the script that
sends the chat messages to the chat daemon... Is there any variable that I
need to set that is different between the versions... If I send one request
to the chat deamon at a time it works fine... If I send more than one thing
to it the chat daemon crashes... I'm about to give up and use a different
operating system...



chatd (perl script)

# Get socket stuff ready to listen for messages
socket(CHAT,$AF_UNIX,$SOCK_STREAM,0) || die "socket: $!";
bind(CHAT, pack($sockaddr_un, $AF_UNIX, $socket_path)) || die "bind: $!\n";
listen(CHAT,5) || die "listen: $!";
select(CHAT); $| = 1; select(NS); $| = 1; select(STDOUT);

# The Big Loop
while (1) {
    print "Waiting for connection..." if $verbose;

      if (!accept(NS,CHAT)) {
	  # probably got interrupted from a HUP for a reload
	  if ($! =~ /^Int/) {
	      redo ACCEPT;
	  # or, maybe they just want us dead, or error
	  else {
	      die "accept: $!\n";

    # Child does all the dirty work
    if (($child = fork) == 0) {
	local($message, $forum, $writer);
	print "got one!\n" if $verbose;

	# command comes in as a null-separated list of arguments
	chop($_ = <NS>);
	local($command, $forum, $writer) = split(/\0/);
	while (<NS>) { $message .= $_; }

	if ($verbose) {
	    print "COMMAND $command, FORUM $forum, WRITER $writer\n";
	    print "WROTE: $message\n\n";

	if ($command eq 'TALK') {
	    &announce($forum, $writer, $message);
	elsif ($command =~ /^WHISPER (\d+)/) {
	    &whisper($forum, $1, $writer, $message);
        elsif ($command eq 'LEAVE' ) {
	       &announce_exit($forum, $writer, $message);

    waitpid(-1, 0);

## Subroutines

# Make me a daemon
sub daemonize {

  FORK: {
      if ($pid = fork) {
	  &drop_pid($pid) || die "Could not write pid to file $pidfile\n";
	  print "Chat Daemon started at pid $pid\n";
      elsif (defined $pid) {;}	# child...continues from here
      elsif ($! =~ /No more process/) {
	  sleep 5;
	  redo FORK;
      else {
	  return 0;		# can't fork
    return 1;

# Signal handler.  Cleans up after the daemon and quits.
sub handler {
    local($sig) = @_;
    print "Caught SIG$sig, cleaning up and quitting...\n";
    unlink($socket_path, $pidfile);

# Do a reload of the data files after a HUP signal.
sub reload {
    print "\n\nReloading data...\n\n";
    do "$chatdir/";

## end of chatd

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (perl script)

# Send a command to the chat daemon.  Needs forum, writer number, and
# a message to send.
sub chat {
    local($command, $forum, $writer, $message) = @_;

    if (socket(S,$AF_UNIX,$SOCK_STREAM,0) &&
	connect(S,pack($sockaddr_un,$AF_UNIX,$socket_path))) {

	select(S); $| = 1; select(STDOUT);
	print S "$command\0$forum\0$writer\n";
	print S $message;
    else {
	print <<EOH;
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>$server Chat Error: Could not connect</TITLE></HEAD>
<H1>Error: Could not connect to Chat Daemon</H1>
<P>Use the "back" button on your browser to return to the previous
page and try again.  If this error persists for <B>over 15
minutes</B>, please e-mail me
<A HREF="mailto:$chatmaster">$chatmaster</A> regarding this


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