From owner-freebsd-stable  Mon Nov  6  4:14: 6 2000
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Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2000 04:13:48 -0800
From: "David O'Brien" <obrien@FreeBSD.ORG>
To: Zero Sum <>
Cc: stable@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: Buildworld failure of STABLE as of 18:00 CET 2000-11-03
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On Mon, Nov 06, 2000 at 09:55:43AM +1100, Zero Sum wrote:
> > ``cd /usr/src && make cleandir && make cleandir'' is actually the command
> > you'd want to do that 100% deep steam cleaning of your source tree.
> Why make cleandir twice?

The first one is effectively ``rm -rf /usr/obj/</usr/src>'' as it removes
the obj dir when it exists and is empty after the cleaning.  The second
run will then clean /usr/src/.  "cleandir" removes .depend and other bits
that "clean" would leave behind.

-- David  (
          GNU is Not Unix / Linux Is Not UniX

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