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Date:      Wed, 3 Feb 2010 15:39:52 GMT
From:      Dominic Fandrey <>
Subject:   ports/143530: [maintainer-update] sysutils/automounter - do not mount through fs IDs by default
Message-ID:  <>
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>Number:         143530
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       [maintainer-update] sysutils/automounter - do not mount through fs IDs by default
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          maintainer-update
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Feb 03 15:40:02 UTC 2010
>Originator:     Dominic Fandrey
>Release:        RELENG_8
FreeBSD mobileKamikaze.norad 8.0-STABLE FreeBSD 8.0-STABLE #0: Fri Jan 22 22:51:14 CET 2010     root@mobileKamikaze.norad:/usr/obj/HP6510b-8/amd64/usr/src/sys/HP6510b-8  amd64

- Remove the second clause from the license.
- Set blacklist_nodes to prevent mount attempts through file system IDs,
  because these mounts only work once.



Patch attached with submission follows:

diff -Nur automounter.orig/Makefile automounter/Makefile
--- automounter.orig/Makefile	2010-02-03 16:07:16.000000000 +0100
+++ automounter/Makefile	2010-02-03 16:25:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 PORTNAME=	automounter
 CATEGORIES=	sysutils
 MASTER_SITES=	SF/bsdadminscripts/${PORTNAME}
diff -Nur automounter.orig/distinfo automounter/distinfo
--- automounter.orig/distinfo	2010-02-03 16:07:16.000000000 +0100
+++ automounter/distinfo	2010-02-03 16:25:06.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-MD5 (automounter-1.3.4.tar.gz) = 927ae5dcb93ea46f5435db29014b914e
-SHA256 (automounter-1.3.4.tar.gz) = 7c3eafd536e477e2edde772f5715d77013407393bbeadc2b995f47d7d69eed21
-SIZE (automounter-1.3.4.tar.gz) = 14089
+MD5 (automounter-1.3.5.tar.gz) = ea3adeee1d29cfc8efb2f22a1b9a5e96
+SHA256 (automounter-1.3.5.tar.gz) = 542e2df233518c00ec7471a0758d686e7a52ddfc465f4037e160edde81e1d614
+SIZE (automounter-1.3.5.tar.gz) = 14232


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