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Date:      Tue, 16 Apr 2002 22:06:23 -0700 (PDT)
From:      Paul Mauvais <>
Subject:   Trying to get it to just boot :-)
Message-ID:  <>

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OK, I'm not that bad at reading directions, but I've done something wrong
:-)...and I am new to the SPARC FreeBSD stuff....

I've setup (via dhcp) a boot/nfs server to boot an Ultra5 off of the BSD

host zort {
        hardware ethernet 08:00:20:a7:76:2b;
        option host-name "";
        always-reply-rfc1048 on;
        filename "kernel-bsd";
        option root-path "";

The machine finds the tftp loader and boots OK, then finds and loads the
kernel OK, but then after the normal boot messages I get the following:

ad0: 8693MB <ST39140A> [17662/16/63] at ata2-master WDMA2
acd0: CDROM <CRD-8322B> at ata3-master PIO4

Manual root filesystem specification:
  <fstype>:<device>  Mount <device> using filesystem <fstype>
                       eg. ufs:da0a
  ?                  List valid disk boot devices
  <empty line>       Abort manual input

mountroot> ?

I thought my dhcp definitions above would tell it where to find the nfs
root so I could boot and then label the disks/etc.  I have the distrib
tarball unpacked in the /tftpboot/bsd directory as mentioned in the
definitions above.  Nothing I try does much at this point (except
sometimes dump me into the debugger).

Do I need something else?  Easier to boot off the ISO? :-)


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