From owner-freebsd-hubs Mon Sep 10 13:50: 2 2001
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Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 22:49:45 +0200
From: Daniel Lang
To: Garrett Wollman
Cc: Jordan Hubbard ,,
Subject: Re: FreeBSD 4.4 upcoming release/timetabling/mirroring
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Hi there,
Garrett Wollman wrote on Mon, Sep 10, 2001 at 04:13:06PM -0400:
> > No, I didn't miss it. You and Jason are simply asking for information
> > I don't have to give you and you're not going to get.
> You are trying to tell me you are incapable of running `du -s | mail
> freebsd-hubs' before copying the files onto ftp-master?!
> You have no place casting aspersions on other people's competence,
> then.
I just would like to suggest everyone to take it a bit
more easy.
I think this is not the time to summon hard feelings.
Everything is a bit hectic these days, and a few
unlucky things have happened.
The banana-skin has two sides after all, but we all
share the same goal.
I guess it will be possible for the release folks,
to give estimates on disk space. What Jordan has mentioned
is sufficient for most mirrors I guess. I don't think a precise
figure up to the last byte would be necessary.
And a release date will also be given to the mirror
maintainers. Thats all most of us needed.
One could argue about the time, this happens in advance,
but for now, it should be ok. Next time won't happen in a
short interval. FreeBSD is no quirky Losix distribution
where releases and foreign-language distributions are
shipped every couple of weeks.
On the other hand if a RC is due to be included or
a release may be shipped within the next month or so,
I guess its not a problem to notify.
For the 5 CD-Set a final comment:
The WC/Wind River CD-Set was never carried by the mirrors,
as far as I'm recall, just the first CD of the set was,
and I don't think this will change with 4.4-RELEASE.
So anyway, I wrote much more, I intended to,
so just keep up the good work.
Best regards,
IRCnet: Mr-Spock - Cool people don't move, they just hang around. -
Daniel Lang * * ++49 89 289 25735 *
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