From owner-freebsd-questions  Thu Sep 21  3:10:47 2000
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Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 05:10:07 -0500 (CDT)
To: "Ronald F. Guilmette" <>
Subject: Re: What release do I need to get rfork_thread()
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Ronald F. Guilmette writes:
> I was just reading about the new library function, rfork_thread().
> The man page I was looking at said "HISTORY... first appeared in
> FreeBSD 5.0".
> Humm... I'm still running 3.3 here.
> Is the rfork_thread() library function available in FreeBSD 4.1?
> If so, I'll upgrade ASAP.  If not, then I don't know if I'm brave
> enough to be a beta tester for 5.0.

Well, anyone can download 3.5 and run it. Check the handbook on
"staying current with FreeBSD". I'd recommend using the PRE_SMPNG tag
the first time around.

On the other hand, you're probably a lot better off asking the author
to MFC the function, then updating to 4.1-STABLE (see "staying stable
with FreeBSD" in the handbook). If he MFC's it, you'll get it
gratis. If he doesn't, you'll be in a lot better position to try
making it work yourself - assuming he hasn't explained why it won't

If you have to stay with 3.x, repeat the above with 3.5-STABLE instead
of 4.1.

Oh yeah - the source is in the CVS repository; it's in


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