Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 18:39:55 -0600 From: Aaron Dalton <> To: Subject: ports/71014: New Port: devel/p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar - Perl implementation of the A* pathfinding algorithm Message-ID: <> Resent-Message-ID: <>
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>Number: 71014 >Category: ports >Synopsis: New Port: devel/p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar - Perl implementation of the A* pathfinding algorithm >Confidential: no >Severity: serious >Priority: medium >Responsible: freebsd-ports-bugs >State: open >Quarter: >Keywords: >Date-Required: >Class: change-request >Submitter-Id: current-users >Arrival-Date: Fri Aug 27 00:40:23 GMT 2004 >Closed-Date: >Last-Modified: >Originator: Aaron Dalton >Release: FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE i386 >Organization: >Environment: System: FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE #0: Sat Aug 14 16:19:13 MDT 2004 i386 >Description: This module implements the A* pathfinding algorithm. It acts as a base class from which a custom map object can be derived. It requires from the map object a subroutine named "getSurrounding" and provides to the object a routine called "findPath" which calculates the shortest (ie. least-expensive) path between two nodes. >How-To-Repeat: >Fix: --- submission.txt begins here --- # This is a shell archive. Save it in a file, remove anything before # this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file". Note, it may # create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and # have default permissions. # # This archive contains: # # p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar # p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar/Makefile # p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar/pkg-plist # p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar/pkg-descr # p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar/distinfo # echo c - p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar mkdir -p p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar > /dev/null 2>&1 echo x - p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar/Makefile sed 's/^X//' >p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar/Makefile << 'END-of-p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar/Makefile' X# New ports collection makefile for: AI::Pathfinding::AStar X# Date created: 26 August 2004 X# Whom: Aaron Dalton <> X# X# $FreeBSD$ X# X XPORTNAME= AI-Pathfinding-AStar XPORTVERSION= 0.02 XCATEGORIES= devel perl5 XMASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_PERL_CPAN} XMASTER_SITE_SUBDIR= AI XPKGNAMEPREFIX= p5- X XMAINTAINER= XCOMMENT= Perl implementation of the A* pathfinding algorithm X XPERL_CONFIGURE= yes X XBUILD_DEPENDS+= ${SITE_PERL}/Heap/${PORTSDIR}/devel/p5-Heap-Simple XRUN_DEPENDS+= ${BUILD_DEPENDS} X XMAN3= AI::Pathfinding::AStar.3 X X.include <> X X.if ${PERL_LEVEL} < 500600 XIGNORE= Uses devel/p5-Heap-Simple, which requires perl5.6, install lang/perl5 or lang/perl5.8 X.endif X X.include <> END-of-p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar/Makefile echo x - p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar/pkg-plist sed 's/^X//' >p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar/pkg-plist << 'END-of-p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar/pkg-plist' X%%SITE_PERL%%/AI/Pathfinding/ X%%SITE_PERL%%/%%PERL_ARCH%%/auto/AI/Pathfinding/AStar/.packlist X@dirrm %%SITE_PERL%%/%%PERL_ARCH%%/auto/AI/Pathfinding/AStar X@dirrm %%SITE_PERL%%/%%PERL_ARCH%%/auto/AI/Pathfinding X@unexec rmdir %D/%%SITE_PERL%%/%%PERL_ARCH%%/auto/AI 2>/dev/null || true X@dirrm %%SITE_PERL%%/AI/Pathfinding X@unexec rmdir %D/%%SITE_PERL%%/AI 2>/dev/null || true END-of-p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar/pkg-plist echo x - p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar/pkg-descr sed 's/^X//' >p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar/pkg-descr << 'END-of-p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar/pkg-descr' XThis module implements the A* pathfinding algorithm. It acts as a base class Xfrom which a custom map object can be derived. It requires from the map object Xa subroutine named "getSurrounding" and provides to the object a routine called X"findPath" which calculates the shortest (ie. least-expensive) path between two Xnodes. X XWWW: X X- Aaron Dalton END-of-p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar/pkg-descr echo x - p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar/distinfo sed 's/^X//' >p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar/distinfo << 'END-of-p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar/distinfo' XMD5 (AI-Pathfinding-AStar-0.02.tar.gz) = 679867a36718f5c9a6bb7bd2d6a28994 XSIZE (AI-Pathfinding-AStar-0.02.tar.gz) = 4697 END-of-p5-AI-Pathfinding-AStar/distinfo exit --- submission.txt ends here --- >Release-Note: >Audit-Trail: >Unformatted:
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