Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2016 12:22:30 +0900 From: (=?iso-2022-jp?B?GyRCNF07M0Q+PjsbKEI=?=) To: Tomoaki AOKI <> Cc: Subject: [FreeBSD-users-jp 95846] Re: =?iso-2022-jp?b?aXBmdxskQiRIGyhCRE5T?= Message-ID: <> In-Reply-To: <> (message from Tomoaki AOKI on Sun, 10 Jul 2016 17:55:51 %2B0900)
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$B@DLZ(B $BMM(B Sun, 10 Jul 2016 17:55:51 +0900 Tomoaki AOKI <> writes: >$B0l1~G0$N0Y!#(B > >FreeBSD$B$@$H(B >$B!!(B1./etc/defaults/rc.conf$B$rFI$_9~$`!#(B $B$($(!"$=$l$O>5CN$7$F$$$^$9!#(BPC-BSD$B$G$O$3$N(B /etc/defaults/rc.conf $B$NCf$K(B rc_conf_files="/etc/rc.conf.pcbsd /etc/rc.conf /etc/rc.conf.local" $B$H$$$&9T$,$"$k(B($B$D$^$j85AD(BFreeBSD$B$N(B /etc/defaults/rc.conf $B$r$$$8$C$F(B $B$$$k(B)$B$N$G!"(B 2./etc/rc.conf.pcbsd$B$rFI$`(B 3./etc/rc.conf$B$rFI$`(B 4./etc/rc.conf.local$B$,$"$l$PFI$`(B $B$H$J$j$^$9!#$J$*!"(B/etc/rc.conf.pcbsd $B$NCf$G=EMW$J@_Dj$O(B pcdm_enable="YES" $B$G!"$3$l$r(B rc.conf $B$G(B NO $B$K@_Dj$9$k$H!"0l8+$7$?$H$3$m(BFreeBSD$B$H6hJL$,$D$+(B $B$J$/$J$k$H;W$$$^$9!#(B >$B!!(B2./etc/rc.conf$B$,$"$l$P(B/etc/defaults/rc.conf$BFb$N=hM}$GFI$_9~$`!#(B >$B!!(B3./etc/rc.conf.local$B$,$"$l$P(B/etc/defaults/rc.conf$BFb$N=hM}$GFI$_9~$`!#(B >$B!!(B4./etc/defaults/vendor.conf$B$,$"$l$P(B/etc/defaults/rc.conf$BFb$N=hM}$G(B >$B!!(B $BFI$_9~$`!#(B >$B$H$$$&N.$l$K$J$C$F$*$j!"8e$N@_Dj$GA0$N@_Dj$r>e=q$-$G$-$k$h$&$K$J$C$F(B >$B$*$j!"%G%U%)%k%H$G$O!"(B/etc/defaults/rc.conf$B$7$+B8:_$7$^$;$s!#(B >$B0l1~$N;H$$J,$1$H$7$F!"(B > >$B!!!&(B/etc/defaults/rc.conf$B$O(BFreeBSD$B$NF0:n>eI,MW$J@_Dj$N%G%U%)%k%H$r(B >$B!!!!E;$a$F$"$j!"4IM}<T!&%f!<%6$K$h$kJT=8$O0l@ZA[Dj$7$J$$!#(B $B=>$C$F!"(BPC-BSD$B$,(B /etc/defaults/rc.conf $B$NCf$N(B rc_conf_files $B$H$$$&JQ?t$r(B $B$$$8$C$?$N$O!"85AD(B FreeBSD$B$N@_7W<T$N!VA[Dj30!W$+$bCN$l$^$;$s$M!#(B >$B!!!&(B/etc/rc.conf$B$O%5%$%H!J?&>l$d<+Bp!KFb$NA4%5!<%P!&C<Kv$G6&DL$N(B >$B!!!!@_Dj$r9T$&!#!!%G%U%)%k%H$GITET9g$N$"$k>l9g$N$_:n@.MW!#(B > >$B!!!&(B/etc/rc.conf.local$B$O$=$N%5!<%P!&C<Kv8GM-$N@_Dj$r9T$&!#(B >$B!!!!(B/etc/rc.conf$B$^$G$N@_Dj$GITET9g$N$"$k>l9g$N$_:n@.MW!#(B $B$3$N$h$&$J!V3,AXE*$J!W9M$($O;d$K$OHs>o$KG<F@$G$-$k$N$b$G$9$,!"$7$+$7$=$l(B $B$J$i(B hostname $B$d(B ifconfig_($B%$%s%?!<%U%'!<%9L>(B)$B$O(B/etc/rc.conf.local $B$KF~(B $B$l$k$Y$-!"$H$$$&5DO@$K$J$k$H;W$$$^$9!#(BFreeBSD$B$N%$%s%9%H!<%i!<$G$O$I$&@_(B $BDj$5$l$^$9$+!)$^$?3'$5$s$O$I$&$7$F$$$^$9$+!)(BPC-BSD$B$O$3$l$i$O(B /etc/rc.conf $B$K@_Dj$5$l$F$7$^$$$^$9!#(B ($B0zMQESCfN,(B) >/etc/defaults/vendor.conf$B$r;H$&0UL#$O!"%Y%s%@!<$H$7$F$NJ]>Z>e!"2?$,$J$s(B >$B$G$b%f!<%6B&$G>e=q$-$5$l$k$H:$$k@_Dj$,$"$k>l9g$X$NBP1~$G$7$g$&$+!#(B >PC-BSD$B$G$=$A$i$r;H$C$F$$$J$$$N$J$i!"!V@_Dj$7$?$N$KH?1G$5$l$J$$!#!!$J$s(B >$B$G!)!W$H$$$&ITJ?$r;:$s$G$^$G6/@)$7$?$$@_Dj$OL5$$!"$H$$$&$3$H$G$7$g$&!#(B > >...$B$H=q$$$F$$$F5$$K$J$C$?$N$G(Bsvnweb$B$G3NG'$7$?$i!"(Bstable/10$B$G$O(B >/etc/defaults/vendor.donf$B$K4X$9$k=hM}$OF~$C$F$$$^$;$s$G$7$?!#!!(B11$B7O$+$i(B >$B$N?75!G=$N$h$&$G$9!#!!$b$7$+$9$k$H(BPC-BSD$B$N(B10$B7O$+$i$O$3$A$i$N;EAH$_$,(B >$B;H$o$l$k$+$b!)(B $B$H$$$&$h$j!"(B PC-BSD$B$N(B /etc/rc.conf.pcbsd $B$r!V;29M$K$7$F!W!"$"$k$$$O!V1F(B $B6A$5$l$F!W(B/etc/defaults/vendor.conf $B$,(B 11 $B$GF3F~$5$l$?$N$G$O$J$$$G$9$+!)(B PC-BSD$B$O!"(BFreeBSD$B$r4pK\$H$7$J$,$i$b!"$$$/$+$NE@$G!VK\2H(BFreeBSD$B$N2~NI$r@h(B $BF3$7$?$$!W$H$$$&$h$&$J0U?^$r46$8$k$H$3$m$,$"$j$^$9!#Nc$($P(B package $B$,(Btbz $B$+$i(B txz $B$KJQ$o$C$?$N$O!"K\2H(B FreeBSD$B$h$j$b(B PC-BSD$B$NJ}$,@h$G$7$?!#$3$N$h(B $B$&$JBVEY$r<h$k(BPC-BSD$B$N%A!<%`$,K\2H(BFreeBSD$B$N%3%"%a%s%P!<$H$I$&$$$&?M4V4X(B $B78$J$N$+!";d$O>/$75$$K$J$C$F$$$?$N$G$9$,!":#2s(BPC-BSD$B$N(BKris Moore$B$,(B Core.9 $B$K2C$o$C$?(B(7$B7n(B6$BF|$N(B FreeBSD-Announce$B;2>H(B)$B$N$G!"(BPC-BSD$B$H(BFreeBSD$B$N(B $B4V$N!VP*N%!W$O$3$l$^$G$h$j$b>/$J$/$J$k$@$m$&$H9M$($F$$$^$9!#(B >> # grep firewall rc.conf.pcbsd >> firewall_enable="YES" >> firewall_type="open" >> firewall_enable="YES" >> firewall_script="/etc/ipfw.rules" >> firewall_type="open" >> >> $B$H$J$C$F$*$j$^$9!#(B > >/etc/ipfw.rules$B$H$$$&$N$O(BPC-BSD$BFH<+$N$h$&$G$9$M!#(B >FreeBSD$B$N>l9g!"(B/etc/defaults/rc.conf$B$K(Bfirewall_script="/etc/rc.firewall" >$B$N@_Dj$,$"$j$^$9$N$G!"(B/etc/rc.firewall$B$rCV$-49$($k7A$G;H$&$3$H$K$J$j(B >$B$^$9!#!!=>$C$F!"F1$8(Bfirewall_type="open"$B$G$b(BFreeBSD$B$H=hM}$,0[$J$k(B >$B2DG=@-$,$"$j$^$9!#(B PC-BSD10.2, 10.3 $B$N(B /etc/ipfw.rules $B$O0J2<$N$h$&$K$J$C$F$*$j$^$9!#(B #!/bin/sh # To re-apply rules, you can run "sh /etc/ipfw.rules" # Flush out the list before we begin. ipfw -q -f flush # Set rules command prefix cmd="ipfw -q add" # No restrictions on loopback #################################################################### $cmd 00020 allow all from any to any via lo0 #################################################################### # Check the state of packets #################################################################### $cmd 01000 check-state $cmd 01050 allow tcp from any to any established $cmd 01100 allow udp from any to any established #################################################################### # Allow all outgoing packets #################################################################### $cmd 02000 allow ip from any to any out keep-state $cmd 02050 allow ip6 from any to any out keep-state $cmd 02100 allow ipv6-icmp from any to any keep-state $cmd 02150 allow icmp from any to any keep-state #################################################################### # Allow specific ports IN now # Add items to /etc/ipfw.openports in the format # {tcp|udp} <portnum> #################################################################### nextnum=10000 if [ -e "/etc/ipfw.openports" ] ; then while read line do echo $line | grep -q "^#" if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then continue ; fi proto="`echo $line | awk '{print $1}'`" port="`echo $line | awk '{print $2}'`" if [ -z "$proto" -o -z "$port" ] ; then continue ; fi $cmd $nextnum allow $proto from any to any $port in keep-state nextnum=`expr $nextnum + 1` done < /etc/ipfw.openports fi #################################################################### # Allow specific IPs incoming traffic now (Used for jails mainly) # Add items to /etc/ipfw.openip in the format # {ip4|ip6} <ip> #################################################################### nextnum=20000 if [ -e "/etc/ipfw.openip" ] ; then while read line do echo $line | grep -q "^#" if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then continue ; fi proto="`echo $line | awk '{print $1}'`" ip="`echo $line | awk '{print $2}'`" if [ -z "$proto" -o -z "$ip" ] ; then continue ; fi $cmd $nextnum allow $proto from any to $ip in keep-state nextnum=`expr $nextnum + 1` done < /etc/ipfw.openip fi #################################################################### # Deny all other incoming troublemakers #################################################################### $cmd 64000 deny log all from any to any #################################################################### # Check for user custom rules if [ -e "/etc/ipfw.custom" ] ; then sh /etc/ipfw.custom fi >> PC-BSD $B$r(BNFS$B%5!<%P!<$K$9$k$K$O!"$"$H(B /etc/hosts.allow $B$b$$$8$kI,MW$,$"$j(B >> $B$^$9$,!"3'MM$KHdO*$9$k$h$&$JOC$G$b$J$$$H;W$$$^$9$N$G!">JN,$7$^$9!#(B > >$B@x:_E*$K<{MW$O$"$j$=$&$J5$$b$7$^$9$,!">/$J$/$H$b(BFreeBSD$B$G$O$3$N%U%!%$%k(B >$B<+BN$,;vNc=8$N$h$&$K$J$C$F$$$k$N$G!"8+$?$$$H$$$&@<$,5s$,$C$?$i$G$$$$$+(B >$B$H!#(B PD-BSD10.2 $B$N(B /etc/hosts.allow $B$O0J2<$NDL$j$G$9!#(B # # hosts.allow access control file for "tcp wrapped" applications. # $FreeBSD: src/etc/hosts.allow,v 2006/02/19 14:57:01 ume Exp $ # # NOTE: The hosts.deny file is deprecated. # Place both 'allow' and 'deny' rules in the hosts.allow file. # See hosts_options(5) for the format of this file. # hosts_access(5) no longer fully applies. # _____ _ _ # | ____| __ __ __ _ _ __ ___ _ __ | | ___ | | # | _| \ \/ / / _` | | '_ ` _ \ | '_ \ | | / _ \ | | # | |___ > < | (_| | | | | | | | | |_) | | | | __/ |_| # |_____| /_/\_\ \__,_| |_| |_| |_| | .__/ |_| \___| (_) # |_| # !!! This is an example! You will need to modify it for your specific # !!! requirements! # Start by allowing everything (this prevents the rest of the file # from working, so remove it when you need protection). # The rules here work on a "First match wins" basis. #ALL : ALL : allow # Wrapping sshd(8) is not normally a good idea, but if you # need to do it, here's how #sshd : : deny # Protect against simple DNS spoofing attacks by checking that the # forward and reverse records for the remote host match. If a mismatch # occurs, access is denied, and any positive ident response within # 20 seconds is logged. No protection is afforded against DNS poisoning, # IP spoofing or more complicated attacks. Hosts with no reverse DNS # pass this rule. ALL : PARANOID : RFC931 20 : deny # Allow anything from localhost. Note that an IP address (not a host # name) *MUST* be specified for rpcbind(8). ALL : localhost : allow # Comment out next line if you build libwrap with NO_INET6=yes. ALL : [::1] : allow ALL : : allow # To use IPv6 addresses you must enclose them in []'s ALL : [fe80::%fxp0]/10 : allow ALL : [fe80::]/10 : deny ALL : [2001:db8:2:1:2:3:4:3fe1] : deny ALL : [2001:db8:2:1::]/64 : allow # Sendmail can help protect you against spammers and relay-rapers sendmail : localhost : allow sendmail : : allow sendmail : : deny sendmail : ALL : allow # Exim is an alternative to sendmail, available in the ports tree exim : localhost : allow exim : : allow exim : : deny exim : ALL : allow # Rpcbind is used for all RPC services; protect your NFS! # (IP addresses rather than hostnames *MUST* be used here) rpcbind : : allow rpcbind : : allow rpcbind : ALL : deny # NIS master server. Only local nets should have access ypserv : localhost : allow ypserv : : deny ypserv : : allow ypserv : ALL : deny # Provide a small amount of protection for ftpd ftpd : localhost : allow ftpd : : allow ftpd : : deny ftpd : ALL : allow # You need to be clever with finger; do _not_ backfinger!! You can easily # start a "finger war". fingerd : ALL \ : spawn (echo Finger. | \ /usr/bin/mail -s "tcpd\: %u@%h[%a] fingered me!" root) & \ : deny # The rest of the daemons are protected. #ALL : ALL \ # : severity \ # : twist /bin/echo "You are not welcome to use %d from %h." # denyhosts sshd : /etc/hosts.deniedssh : deny sshd : ALL : allow -------- $B4];3D>>;!wE}7W?tM}8&5f=j(B
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