Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 22:37:09 +0900 (JST) From: To: Cc: Subject: ports/28174: New port: japanese/shinonome Message-ID: <>
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>Number: 28174 >Category: ports >Synopsis: New port: japanese/shinonome >Confidential: no >Severity: non-critical >Priority: low >Responsible: freebsd-ports >State: open >Quarter: >Keywords: >Date-Required: >Class: change-request >Submitter-Id: current-users >Arrival-Date: Fri Jun 15 06:40:01 PDT 2001 >Closed-Date: >Last-Modified: >Originator: Yoichi NAKAYAMA >Release: FreeBSD 4.3-STABLE i386 >Organization: E-ken, Dept. of Physics, Nagoya University, JAPAN >Environment: >Description: This is a new port for shinonome fonts. It includes 12,14,16 dot fonts. (public domain software) >How-To-Repeat: >Fix: # This is a shell archive. Save it in a file, remove anything before # this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file". Note, it may # create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and # have default permissions. # # This archive contains: # # shinonome # shinonome/Makefile # shinonome/distinfo # shinonome/pkg-comment # shinonome/pkg-descr # shinonome/pkg-plist # shinonome/pkg-req # echo c - shinonome mkdir -p shinonome > /dev/null 2>&1 echo x - shinonome/Makefile sed 's/^X//' >shinonome/Makefile << 'END-of-shinonome/Makefile' X# New ports collection makefile for: shinonome X# Date created: June 15 2001 X# Whom: Yoichi NAKAYAMA <> X# X# $FreeBSD$ X# X XPORTNAME= shinonome XPORTVERSION= 0.9.2 XCATEGORIES= japanese x11-fonts XMASTER_SITES= X XMAINTAINER= X XUSE_BZIP2= yes XHAS_CONFIGURE= yes XUSE_GMAKE= yes XUSE_X_PREFIX= yes XFONTSDIR= lib/X11/fonts/local XDOCSDIR= share/doc/shinonome XCONFIGURE_ARGS= --with-fontdir=${PREFIX}/${FONTSDIR} --enable-compress X.include <> X X.if ${XFREE86_VERSION} == 4 XBUILD_DEPENDS+= bdftopcf:${PORTSDIR}/x11/XFree86-4-clients XRUN_DEPENDS= mkfontdir:${PORTSDIR}/x11/XFree86-4-clients X.endif X XFONTNAMES= \ X shnm6x12a shnm7x14rbi shnmk12maru shnmk14bi \ X shnm6x12ab shnm7x14ri shnmk12marub shnmk14i \ X shnm6x12abi shnm8x16a shnmk12marubi shnmk14min \ X shnm6x12ai shnm8x16ab shnmk12marui shnmk14minb \ X shnm6x12r shnm8x16abi shnmk12min shnmk14minbi \ X shnm6x12rb shnm8x16ai shnmk12minb shnmk14mini \ X shnm6x12rbi shnm8x16r shnmk12minbi shnmk16 \ X shnm6x12ri shnm8x16rb shnmk12mini shnmk16b \ X shnm7x14a shnm8x16rbi shnmk12p shnmk16bi \ X shnm7x14ab shnm8x16ri shnmk12pb shnmk16i \ X shnm7x14abi shnmk12 shnmk12pbi shnmk16min \ X shnm7x14ai shnmk12b shnmk12pi shnmk16minb \ X shnm7x14r shnmk12bi shnmk14 shnmk16minbi \ X shnm7x14rb shnmk12i shnmk14b shnmk16mini XDOCS= AUTHORS BUGS ChangeLog ChangeLog.0 DESIGN.12 DESIGN.14 \ X DESIGN.16 DESIGN.18 INSTALL README THANKS TODO X XPLIST_SUB= FONTSDIR=${FONTSDIR} DOCSDIR=${DOCSDIR} X Xpre-install: X @${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/${DOCSDIR} X @${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/fonts.alias ${PREFIX}/${DOCSDIR} X @${SETENV} PKG_PREFIX=${PREFIX} \ X ${SH} ${PKGREQ} ${PKGNAME} INSTALL Xdo-install: X.for i in ${FONTNAMES} X @(cd ${WRKSRC}; ${GZIP_CMD} ${i}.pcf; \ X ${INSTALL_DATA} ${i}.pcf.gz ${PREFIX}/${FONTSDIR}) X.endfor X @mkfontdir ${PREFIX}/${FONTSDIR} X @${CAT} ${PREFIX}/${DOCSDIR}/fonts.alias >> ${PREFIX}/${FONTSDIR}/fonts.alias X.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS) X.for i in ${DOCS} X @${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/${i} ${PREFIX}/${DOCSDIR} X.endfor X.endif X X.include <> END-of-shinonome/Makefile echo x - shinonome/distinfo sed 's/^X//' >shinonome/distinfo << 'END-of-shinonome/distinfo' XMD5 (shinonome-0.9.2.tar.bz2) = 7b42d052eebfb4c03c7b9354ee3a91e6 END-of-shinonome/distinfo echo x - shinonome/pkg-comment sed 's/^X//' >shinonome/pkg-comment << 'END-of-shinonome/pkg-comment' XJapanese 12,14,16 dot fonts END-of-shinonome/pkg-comment echo x - shinonome/pkg-descr sed 's/^X//' >shinonome/pkg-descr << 'END-of-shinonome/pkg-descr' Xshinonome fonts - japanese public domain fonts X XWWW: END-of-shinonome/pkg-descr echo x - shinonome/pkg-plist sed 's/^X//' >shinonome/pkg-plist << 'END-of-shinonome/pkg-plist' X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnm6x12a.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnm6x12ab.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnm6x12abi.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnm6x12ai.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnm6x12r.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnm6x12rb.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnm6x12rbi.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnm6x12ri.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnm7x14a.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnm7x14ab.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnm7x14abi.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnm7x14ai.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnm7x14r.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnm7x14rb.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnm7x14rbi.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnm7x14ri.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnm8x16a.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnm8x16ab.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnm8x16abi.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnm8x16ai.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnm8x16r.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnm8x16rb.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnm8x16rbi.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnm8x16ri.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk12.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk12b.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk12bi.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk12i.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk12maru.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk12marub.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk12marubi.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk12marui.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk12min.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk12minb.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk12minbi.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk12mini.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk12p.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk12pb.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk12pbi.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk12pi.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk14.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk14b.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk14bi.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk14i.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk14min.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk14minb.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk14minbi.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk14mini.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk16.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk16b.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk16bi.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk16i.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk16min.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk16minb.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk16minbi.pcf.gz X%%FONTSDIR%%/shnmk16mini.pcf.gz X%%DOCSDIR%%/fonts.alias X%%DOCSDIR%%/AUTHORS X%%DOCSDIR%%/BUGS X%%DOCSDIR%%/ChangeLog X%%DOCSDIR%%/ChangeLog.0 X%%DOCSDIR%%/DESIGN.12 X%%DOCSDIR%%/DESIGN.14 X%%DOCSDIR%%/DESIGN.16 X%%DOCSDIR%%/DESIGN.18 X%%DOCSDIR%%/INSTALL X%%DOCSDIR%%/README X%%DOCSDIR%%/THANKS X%%DOCSDIR%%/TODO X@dirrm %%DOCSDIR%% X@exec cd %D/%%FONTSDIR%% ; %D/bin/mkfontdir X@exec cat %D/%%DOCSDIR%%/fonts.alias >> %D/%%FONTSDIR%%/fonts.alias X@unexec cd %D/%%FONTSDIR%% ; %D/bin/mkfontdir X@unexec if [ `wc -c %D/%%FONTSDIR%%/fonts.dir | awk '{print $1}'` = 2 ]; then rm -f %D/%%FONTSDIR%%/fonts.dir; fi X@unexec if [ ! -s %D/%%FONTSDIR%%/fonts.alias ]; then rm -f %D/%%FONTSDIR%%/fonts.alias; fi END-of-shinonome/pkg-plist echo x - shinonome/pkg-req sed 's/^X//' >shinonome/pkg-req << 'END-of-shinonome/pkg-req' X#!/bin/sh X Xif [ "x$1" = "x" ]; then X exit 1; Xfi Xif [ "x$2" != "xINSTALL" -a "x$2" != "xDEINSTALL" ]; then X exit 1; Xfi X Xexport FONTDIR; FONTDIR=${PKG_PREFIX}/lib/X11/fonts/local X Xif [ "$2x" = "INSTALLx" -a ! -d ${FONTDIR} ]; then X echo '**********************************************************************' X echo "****** ${FONTDIR}/ doesn't exist." X echo "****** Creating ${FONTDIR}/" X echo '****** Please upgrade your XFree86 to 3.3.3 or upper,' X echo "****** or add this directory to your /etc/XF86Config's FontPath entry." X echo '**********************************************************************' X mkdir ${FONTDIR} Xfi X X# font alias entry here! XFONTS_ALIAS=${PKG_PREFIX}/share/doc/shinonome/fonts.alias X Xif [ "$2" = "DEINSTALL" ] ; then X echo "Updating ${FONTDIR}/fonts.alias" X cd ${FONTDIR} X touch fonts.alias X cp fonts.alias fonts.alias.orig X grep -v -- "`cat ${FONTS_ALIAS}`" fonts.alias.orig > fonts.alias X rm -f fonts.alias.orig Xfi X Xecho "**********************************************************" Xecho "You should restart X server or do 'xset fp rehash' command" Xecho "to enable this update." Xecho "**********************************************************" X Xexit 0; END-of-shinonome/pkg-req exit >Release-Note: >Audit-Trail: >Unformatted: To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-ports" in the body of the message
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