From owner-freebsd-current  Tue Oct 28 23:53:19 1997
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Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 23:53:09 -0800
From: John-Mark Gurney <>
To: Satoshi Asami <>
Subject: Re: bad system call - world build
References: <> <199710290716.XAA23260@silvia.HIP.Berkeley.EDU>
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In-Reply-To: <199710290716.XAA23260@silvia.HIP.Berkeley.EDU>; from Satoshi Asami on Tue, Oct 28, 1997 at 11:16:12PM -0800
Reply-To: John-Mark Gurney <>
Organization: Cu Networking
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Satoshi Asami scribbled this message on Oct 28:
>  * Besides, doing a make world on -current sources on a 2.X machine
>  * falls way short of the goal.  All of /etc is still the old stuff.
>  * 
>  * I think it is time to say:
>  * 
>  * 	 If you want to get from 2.X to 3.X, you install a 3.X snapshot
> I'm afraid you are *completely* missing the point, Kamp-san.  People
> want to build -current on a 2.X fileserver so they can install it on a
> 3.X client.  (Or vice versa.)  It was working until the getcwd()
> change went in.  Peter thought he could fix it.  We are now trying to
> see why it doesn't work.

well.. if any body wants a core from vi, I can get you one...  know how
anoying it is to acidentally type vi from your "-current build environment
session" and have it core dump?? :)

how do I get the syscall off it?  and I hope your not going to say
KTRACE, as I don't have it compiled into my kernel right now...

oh...  and I'm still turning out worlds on my 2.2.1-R box... (I plan
on getting my notebook up to -current with the buildworld that's running

I've been tempted to add the following to our src/Makefile:  :)
	@echo "Sorry, but Rome wasn't built in a day."

  John-Mark Gurney                          Modem/FAX: +1 541 683 6954
  Cu Networking

  Live in Peace, destroy Micro$oft, support free software, run FreeBSD