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Date:      Tue, 3 Nov 1998 14:13:32 +0300 (MSK)
From:      Andrey Zakhvatov <>
To:        FreeBSD-gnats-submit@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   ports/8551: Update port: lang/ptoc
Message-ID:  <>

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>Number:         8551
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       Update port: lang/ptoc
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Tue Nov  3 03:20:01 PST 1998
>Originator:     Andrey Zakhvatov
South Ural Railway ICC
>Release:        FreeBSD 2.2.7-RELEASE i386


   This is a patch to update lang/ptoc port.

diff -Nru ptoc/Makefile ptoc-3.34/Makefile
--- ptoc/Makefile	Thu Oct 15 10:24:41 1998
+++ ptoc-3.34/Makefile	Tue Nov  3 19:02:22 1998
@@ -1,27 +1,23 @@
 # New ports collection makefile for:	ptoc
-# Version required:			2.01
+# Version required:			3.34
 # Date created:				10 December 1997
 # Whom:					Andrey Zakhvatov
 # $Id: Makefile,v 1.5 1998/10/14 23:56:40 jseger Exp $
-DISTNAME=		ptoc
-PKGNAME=		ptoc-2.01
+DISTNAME=		ptoc_3.34
+PKGNAME=		ptoc-3.34
 MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR=	devel/lang/pascal
 MAKEFILE=		makefile
-USE_GMAKE=		yes
-	@ ${RM} ${WRKSRC}/libXbgi.a
-	@ ${RM} ${WRKSRC}/libptoc.a
+USE_XLIB=		yes
+WRKSRC=			${WRKDIR}/ptoc
 	@ ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/cganal ${PREFIX}/bin
@@ -34,16 +30,17 @@
 	@ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/${file} ${PREFIX}/include/ptoc
 	@ ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/ptoc
-.for file in ptoc.pas tptoc.pas graph.pas
+.for file in graph.pas ptoc.pas tptoc.pas
 	@ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/${file} ${PREFIX}/share/ptoc
-	@ ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/doc/ptoc
-	@ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/README ${PREFIX}/share/doc/ptoc
-	@ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/paslib.doc ${PREFIX}/share/doc/ptoc
 	@ ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/examples/ptoc
-	@ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/Makefile ${PREFIX}/share/examples/ptoc
-.for file in bgidemo.pas coord.txt hello.pas impact.pas lister.pas polut2.pas printer.pas q2.txt random.txt rename.pas set.pas test.pas tpascal.pas trinor.pas vibrkinp.pas vibrkinp.txt vibrtabl.pas war2.pas xy2orig.txt
+	@ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/examples/makefile ${PREFIX}/share/examples/ptoc/Makefile
+.for file in bgidemo.pas coord.txt hello.pas impact.pas lister.pas polut2.pas printer.pas q2.txt random.txt rename.pas set.pas test.pas tpascal.pas trinor.pas vibrkinp.pas vibrkinp.txt vibrtabl.pas war2.pas war2.txt xy2orig.txt
 	@ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/examples/${file} ${PREFIX}/share/examples/ptoc
+.if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
+	@ ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/doc/ptoc
+	@ ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/Readme.htm ${PREFIX}/share/doc/ptoc
 .include <>
diff -Nru ptoc/files/Makefile ptoc-3.34/files/Makefile
--- ptoc/files/Makefile	Fri Mar 27 10:51:22 1998
+++ ptoc-3.34/files/Makefile	Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-CC=	gcc -O -I. -I/usr/local/include/ptoc -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib
-CGANAL=	cganal
-PTOC=	ptoc -I .:/usr/local/share/ptoc
-PTOC_LIB=	-lptoc
-BGI_LIB=	-lXbgi
-MATH_LIB=	-lm
-EXE = hello_c hello_cxx impact war2 trinor tpascal set_c set_cxx lister polut2 vibrkinp vibrtabl bgidemo
-all: convert executable
-convert: hello.c hello.cxx impact.cxx war2.cxx test.c test.cxx polut2.cxx \
-rename.cxx tpascal.cxx trinor.cxx lister.cxx vibrkinp.cxx vibrtabl.cxx bgidemo.cxx
-executable: $(EXE)
-# Hello world
-hello.c: hello.pas
-	$(PTOC) -c -in hello.pas 
-hello.cxx: hello.pas
-	$(PTOC) -in hello.pas
-hello_c: hello.c
-	$(CC) -o hello_c hello.c $(PTOC_LIB)
-hello_cxx: hello.cxx
-	$(CC) -o hello_cxx hello.cxx $(PTOC_LIB)
-# Graphic example: BGIDEMO
-bgidemo.cxx: bgidemo.pas
-	$(PTOC) -turbo -analyze -in bgidemo.pas
-bgidemo: bgidemo.cxx
-	$(CC) -DTURBO_PASCAL -funsigned-char -o bgidemo bgidemo.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) $(BGI_LIB) $(GRAPH_LIB) $(MATH_LIB)
-# Some numeric programs for Turbo Pascal
-# Examples with BGI
-vibrtabl.cxx: vibrtabl.pas
-	$(PTOC) -turbo -in vibrtabl.pas
-vibrtabl: vibrtabl.cxx
-	$(CC) -DTURBO_PASCAL -o vibrtabl vibrtabl.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) $(BGI_LIB) $(GRAPH_LIB) $(MATH_LIB)
-vibrkinp.cxx: vibrkinp.pas
-	$(PTOC) -turbo -in vibrkinp.pas
-vibrkinp: vibrkinp.cxx
-	$(CC) -DTURBO_PASCAL -o vibrkinp vibrkinp.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) $(BGI_LIB) $(GRAPH_LIB) $(MATH_LIB)
-polut2.cxx: polut2.pas
-	$(PTOC) -turbo -in polut2.pas
-polut2: polut2.cxx
-	$(CC) -DTURBO_PASCAL -o polut2 polut2.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) $(BGI_LIB) $(GRAPH_LIB) $(MATH_LIB)
-impact.cxx: impact.pas
-	$(PTOC) -turbo -in impact.pas
-impact: impact.cxx
-	$(CC) -DTURBO_PASCAL -o impact impact.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) $(MATH_LIB)
-trinor.cxx: trinor.pas
-	$(PTOC) -turbo -in trinor.pas
-trinor: trinor.cxx
-	$(CC) -DTURBO_PASCAL -o trinor trinor.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) $(MATH_LIB)
-war2.cxx: war2.pas
-	$(PTOC) -turbo -in war2.pas
-war2: war2.cxx
-	$(CC) -DTURBO_PASCAL -o war2 war2.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) $(MATH_LIB)
-# This program reads data from files war2.txt, random.txt, coord.txt
-# and produce file xy2.txt. Your can compare this file with xy2orig.txt
-# produced by original Pascal program. 
-# File from examples to Borland Pascal.
-lister.cxx: lister.pas
-	$(PTOC) -turbo -init -in lister.pas
-printer.cxx: printer.pas
-	$(PTOC) -turbo -init -in printer.pas
-lister: lister.cxx printer.cxx
-	$(CC) -DTURBO_PASCAL -o lister lister.cxx printer.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) 
-# Some tests for converter. This programms produce dummy output.
-test.c: test.pas
-	rm -f call.grp
-	$(PTOC) -c -analyze -smallenum -intset -in test.pas
-	$(CGANAL)	
-	$(PTOC) -c -analyze -smallenum -intset -in test.pas 
-# It is neccessary to run converter twice.
-# At first phase call graph of functions is constructed and
-# at second phase correct code is generated.
-test.cxx: test.pas
-	rm -f call.grp
-	$(PTOC) -analyze -in test.pas
-	$(PTOC) -analyze -in test.pas
-rename.cxx: rename.pas
-	$(PTOC) -in rename.pas
-set.cxx: set.pas
-	$(PTOC) -in set.pas
-set.c: set.pas
-	$(PTOC) -c -intset -in set.pas
-set_cxx: set.cxx
-	$(CC) -o set_cxx set.cxx $(PTOC_LIB)
-set_c: set.c
-	$(CC) -o set_c set.c $(PTOC_LIB)
-# Test for Turbo Pascal
-tpascal.cxx: tpascal.pas
-	$(PTOC) -turbo -cstring -in tpascal.pas
-tpascal: tpascal.cxx
-	$(CC) -o tpascal -DTURBO_PASCAL tpascal.cxx $(PTOC_LIB)
-	rm -f $(EXE) *~ *.o core call.grp recur.prc
diff -Nru ptoc/files/md5 ptoc-3.34/files/md5
--- ptoc/files/md5	Fri Mar 27 10:51:22 1998
+++ ptoc-3.34/files/md5	Tue Oct 27 22:08:47 1998
@@ -1 +1 @@
-MD5 (ptoc.tgz) = 41115dc1b6e74ce8cd9048644c2ef41f
+MD5 (ptoc_3.34.tar.gz) = 975baf0f6220ec0f42741e4fcd00830e
diff -Nru ptoc/patches/patch-aa ptoc-3.34/patches/patch-aa
--- ptoc/patches/patch-aa	Fri Mar 27 10:51:23 1998
+++ ptoc-3.34/patches/patch-aa	Wed Oct 28 22:14:01 1998
@@ -1,22 +1,15 @@
---- makefile	Tue Sep  2 08:49:02 1997
-+++ /home/andy/tmp/wrk/makefile	Wed Dec 10 11:26:08 1997
-@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
- # Chose compiler You prefere.
- #
+--- main.cxx	Wed Jun  3 13:18:44 1998
++++ /home/andy/tmp/wrk/main.cxx	Wed Oct 28 22:12:00 1998
+@@ -309,7 +309,12 @@
--CC =		gcc -O5 -g -Wall -c
-+CC =		gcc
-+CFLAGS+=	-c
-@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
- # Chose linker You prefere.
- #
--LD =		gcc -static 
-+LD =		gcc
- #LD =		cxx -non_shared
+     compile_system_library = TRUE;
+     token::input(dprintf("%s%s", prog_path, 
++#ifdef PREFIX
++			 turbo_pascal ? PREFIX "/share/ptoc/tptoc.pas" :
++                                        PREFIX "/share/ptoc/ptoc.pas")); 
+ 			 turbo_pascal ? "tptoc.pas" : "ptoc.pas")); 
+     zzparse(); 
+     compile_system_library = FALSE;
diff -Nru ptoc/patches/patch-ab ptoc-3.34/patches/patch-ab
--- ptoc/patches/patch-ab	Fri Mar 27 10:51:23 1998
+++ ptoc-3.34/patches/patch-ab	Mon Nov  2 19:26:04 1998
@@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
---- Xbgi/makefile	Thu Jun 26 14:43:30 1997
-+++ /home/andy/tmp/wrk/Xbgi/makefile	Mon Dec  8 17:01:03 1997
-@@ -44,12 +44,12 @@
- LIB = ../libXbgi.a
+--- main.h	Wed Jun  3 13:20:28 1998
++++ /home/andy/tmp/wrk/main.h	Wed Oct 28 22:12:08 1998
+@@ -37,7 +37,11 @@
- CC = gcc
--CCFLAGS = -O2 -g
-+CFLAGS+= -I/usr/X11R6/include
- AR = ar
- ARFLAGS = rc
+ #define CALL_GRAPH_FILE     "call.grp"
+ #define RECURSIVE_PROC_FILE "recur.prc"
++#ifdef PREFIX
++#define CONFIG_FILE         PREFIX "/etc/ptoc.cfg"
+ #define CONFIG_FILE         "ptoc.cfg"
- .c.o:
--	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c $<
-+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
- ../libXbgi.a: $(OBJ)
- 	$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(LIB) $(OBJ)
+ extern bool  use_call_graph;
+ extern bool  pio_init;
diff -Nru ptoc/patches/patch-ac ptoc-3.34/patches/patch-ac
--- ptoc/patches/patch-ac	Fri Mar 27 10:51:23 1998
+++ ptoc-3.34/patches/patch-ac	Mon Nov  2 14:50:52 1998
@@ -1,11 +1,95 @@
---- main.h	Tue Aug 26 21:16:28 1997
-+++ /home/andy/tmp/wrk/main.h	Mon Dec  8 17:58:12 1997
-@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
- #define CALL_GRAPH_FILE     "call.grp"
- #define RECURSIVE_PROC_FILE "recur.prc"
--#define CONFIG_FILE         "ptoc.cfg"
-+#define CONFIG_FILE         "/usr/local/etc/ptoc.cfg"
+--- makefile	Wed Apr 15 09:28:48 1998
++++ /home/andy/tmp/wrk/makefile	Mon Nov  2 14:49:09 1998
+@@ -8,29 +8,54 @@
+ default : all
- extern bool  use_call_graph;
- extern bool  pio_init;
+ #
+-# Install path
++# C/C++ compiler
+ #
+-INSTALL_LIB_DIR = /usr/lib
+-INSTALL_BIN_DIR = /usr/bin
++CC?= gcc
++CXX?= g++
+ #
+-# Target.
++# C/C++ flags
+ #
++CFLAGS?= -O5 -g -Wall -c
++CXXFLAGS?= -O5 -g -Wall -c
++#CFLAGS= -fno-exceptions -O5 -g -Wall -c
++#CXXFLAGS= -fno-exceptions -O5 -g -Wall -c
+-BINS =	ptoc cganal 
+-LIBS =  libptoc.a libXbgi.a 
++# X Window System directory
++X11BASE?= /usr/X11R6
++# Local packages directory
++LOCALBASE?= /usr/local
++# Installation directory
++# Config file
++CONFIG_FILE?= $(LOCALBASE)/etc/ptoc.conf
+ #
+-# Chose compiler You prefer.
++# Install path
+ #
+-#CC =	cxx
+-CC =	gcc
+-CCFLAGS = -O5 -g -Wall -c
+-#CCFLAGS = -fno-exceptions -O5 -g -Wall -c
++# Target.
++BINS =	ptoc cganal 
++LIBS =  libptoc.a libXbgi.a 
++INCLUDES = -I. -I$(X11BASE)/include
+ YACC =		bison -d -p zz 
+ LEX =		flex -i -F -8
+@@ -39,9 +64,9 @@
+ # Chose linker You prefer.
+ #
+-LD =		$(CC)
++LD =		$(CXX)
+ #LDFLAGS =	-non_shared
+-LDFLAGS =	-static
++#LDFLAGS =	-static
+ AR =            ar
+@@ -66,10 +91,10 @@
+ #
+ .cxx.o : 
+-		$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(DEFINES) $(INCLUDES) -o $@ $<
++		$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(DEFINES) $(INCLUDES) -o $@ -c $<
+ .c.o : 
+-		$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(DEFINES) $(INCLUDES) -o $@ $<
++		$(CC) $(CXXFLAGS) $(DEFINES) $(INCLUDES) -o $@ -c $<
+ #
+ # Custom targets.
diff -Nru ptoc/patches/patch-ad ptoc-3.34/patches/patch-ad
--- ptoc/patches/patch-ad	Fri Mar 27 10:51:23 1998
+++ ptoc-3.34/patches/patch-ad	Wed Oct 28 22:14:01 1998
@@ -1,11 +1,29 @@
---- main.cxx	Tue Aug 26 21:17:50 1997
-+++ /home/andy/tmp/wrk/main.cxx	Tue Dec  9 06:54:16 1997
-@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
-     compile_system_library = TRUE;
-     token::input(dprintf("%s%s", prog_path, 
--			 turbo_pascal ? "tptoc.pas" : "ptoc.pas")); 
-+			 turbo_pascal ? "/usr/local/share/ptoc/tptoc.pas" : "/usr/local/share/ptoc/ptoc.pas")); 
-     zzparse(); 
+--- Xbgi/makefile	Wed Jun 25 16:43:30 1997
++++ /home/andy/tmp/wrk/Xbgi/makefile	Wed Oct 28 22:12:25 1998
+@@ -43,19 +43,22 @@
-     compile_system_library = FALSE;
+ LIB = ../libXbgi.a
+-CC = gcc
+-CCFLAGS = -O2 -g
++# C compiler
++CC?= gcc
++CFLAGS?= -O2 -g
+ AR = ar
+ ARFLAGS = rc
++X11BASE?= /usr/X11R6
+ .c.o:
+-	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c $<
++	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I$(X11BASE)/include -c $<
+ ../libXbgi.a: $(OBJ)
+ 	$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(LIB) $(OBJ)
+ demo: demo.c
+-	gcc -O -g -o demo demo.c ../libXbgi.a -L/usr/X11/lib -lX11 -lm
++	gcc -O -g -o demo demo.c ../libXbgi.a -L$(X11BASE)/lib -lX11 -lm
+ clean:
+ 	rm -f $(OBJ) *~ usleep.o demo
diff -Nru ptoc/patches/patch-ae ptoc-3.34/patches/patch-ae
--- ptoc/patches/patch-ae	Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
+++ ptoc-3.34/patches/patch-ae	Tue Nov  3 19:01:21 1998
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+--- examples/makefile	Sun Mar  1 01:37:02 1998
++++ /home/andy/tmp/wrk/examples/makefile	Tue Nov  3 19:00:11 1998
+@@ -1,10 +1,18 @@
+-#CC = gcc -g -O5 -fno-exceptions
+-CC = gcc -g -O5 
+-CGANAL = ../cganal
+-PTOC = ../ptoc
+-PTOC_LIB = ../libptoc.a
+-BGI_LIB = ../libXbgi.a
+-GRAPH_LIB = -L/usr/X11/lib -lX11
++# Compilers
++CC?= cc
++CXX?= c++
++CGANAL = cganal
++PTOC = ptoc
++# Include files and libraries
++PTOC_INC = -I/usr/local/include/ptoc
++PTOC_LIB = -L/usr/local/lib -lptoc
++BGI_LIB = -L/usr/local/lib -lXbgi
++GRAPH_LIB = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11
+ MATH_LIB = -lm
+ EXE = hello_c hello_cxx impact war2 trinor tpascal set_c set_cxx lister polut2 vibrkinp vibrtabl bgidemo
+@@ -24,11 +32,11 @@
+ hello.cxx: hello.pas
+ 	$(PTOC) -in hello.pas
+-hello_c: hello.c $(PTOC_LIB) 
+-	$(CC) -I.. -o hello_c hello.c $(PTOC_LIB)
++hello_c: hello.c
++	$(CC) $(PTOC_INC) -o hello_c hello.c $(PTOC_LIB)
+-hello_cxx: hello.cxx $(PTOC_LIB)
+-	$(CC) -I.. -o hello_cxx hello.cxx $(PTOC_LIB)
++hello_cxx: hello.cxx
++	$(CXX) $(PTOC_INC) -o hello_cxx hello.cxx $(PTOC_LIB)
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Graphic example: BGIDEMO
+@@ -36,8 +44,8 @@
+ bgidemo.cxx: bgidemo.pas
+ 	$(PTOC) -turbo -preserve -analyze -in bgidemo.pas
+-bgidemo: bgidemo.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) $(BGI_LIB)
+-	$(CC) -I.. -DTURBO_PASCAL -funsigned-char -o bgidemo bgidemo.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) $(BGI_LIB) $(GRAPH_LIB) $(MATH_LIB)
++bgidemo: bgidemo.cxx
++	$(CXX) $(PTOC_INC) -DTURBO_PASCAL -funsigned-char -o bgidemo bgidemo.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) $(BGI_LIB) $(GRAPH_LIB) $(MATH_LIB)
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Some numeric programs for Turbo Pascal
+@@ -47,42 +55,42 @@
+ vibrtabl.cxx: vibrtabl.pas
+ 	$(PTOC) -turbo -in vibrtabl.pas
+-vibrtabl: vibrtabl.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) $(BGI_LIB)
+-	$(CC) -I.. -DTURBO_PASCAL -o vibrtabl vibrtabl.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) $(BGI_LIB) $(GRAPH_LIB) $(MATH_LIB)
++vibrtabl: vibrtabl.cxx
++	$(CXX) $(PTOC_INC) -DTURBO_PASCAL -o vibrtabl vibrtabl.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) $(BGI_LIB) $(GRAPH_LIB) $(MATH_LIB)
+ vibrkinp.cxx: vibrkinp.pas
+ 	$(PTOC) -turbo -in vibrkinp.pas
+-vibrkinp: vibrkinp.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) $(BGI_LIB)
+-	$(CC) -I.. -DTURBO_PASCAL -o vibrkinp vibrkinp.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) $(BGI_LIB) $(GRAPH_LIB) $(MATH_LIB)
++vibrkinp: vibrkinp.cxx
++	$(CXX) $(PTOC_INC) -DTURBO_PASCAL -o vibrkinp vibrkinp.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) $(BGI_LIB) $(GRAPH_LIB) $(MATH_LIB)
+ polut2.cxx: polut2.pas
+ 	$(PTOC) -turbo -in polut2.pas
+-polut2: polut2.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) $(BGI_LIB)
+-	$(CC) -I.. -DTURBO_PASCAL -o polut2 polut2.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) $(BGI_LIB) $(GRAPH_LIB) $(MATH_LIB)
++polut2: polut2.cxx
++	$(CXX) $(PTOC_INC) -DTURBO_PASCAL -o polut2 polut2.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) $(BGI_LIB) $(GRAPH_LIB) $(MATH_LIB)
+ impact.cxx: impact.pas
+ 	$(PTOC) -turbo -in impact.pas
+-impact: impact.cxx $(PTOC_LIB)
+-	$(CC) -I.. -DTURBO_PASCAL -o impact impact.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) $(MATH_LIB)
++impact: impact.cxx
++	$(CXX) $(PTOC_INC) -DTURBO_PASCAL -o impact impact.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) $(MATH_LIB)
+ trinor.cxx: trinor.pas
+ 	$(PTOC) -turbo -in trinor.pas
+-trinor: trinor.cxx $(PTOC_LIB)
+-	$(CC) -I.. -DTURBO_PASCAL -o trinor trinor.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) $(MATH_LIB)
++trinor: trinor.cxx
++	$(CXX) $(PTOC_INC) -DTURBO_PASCAL -o trinor trinor.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) $(MATH_LIB)
+ war2.cxx: war2.pas
+ 	$(PTOC) -turbo -in war2.pas
+-war2: war2.cxx $(PTOC_LIB)
+-	$(CC) -I.. -DTURBO_PASCAL -o war2 war2.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) $(MATH_LIB)
++war2: war2.cxx
++	$(CXX) $(PTOC_INC) -DTURBO_PASCAL -o war2 war2.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) $(MATH_LIB)
+ # This program reads data from files war2.txt, random.txt, coord.txt
+ # and produce file xy2.txt. Your can compare this file with xy2orig.txt
+ # produced by original Pascal program. 
+@@ -97,8 +105,8 @@
+ printer.cxx: printer.pas
+ 	$(PTOC) -turbo -init -in printer.pas
+-lister: lister.cxx printer.cxx $(PTOC_LIB)
+-	$(CC) -g -I.. -DTURBO_PASCAL -o lister lister.cxx printer.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) 
++lister: lister.cxx printer.cxx
++	$(CXX) $(PTOC_INC) -DTURBO_PASCAL -o lister lister.cxx printer.cxx $(PTOC_LIB) 
+ #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Some tests for converter. This programms produce dummy output.
+@@ -128,11 +136,11 @@
+ set.c: set.pas
+ 	$(PTOC) -c -intset -in set.pas
+-set_cxx: set.cxx $(PTOC_LIB)
+-	$(CC) -I.. -o set_cxx set.cxx $(PTOC_LIB)
++set_cxx: set.cxx
++	$(CXX) $(PTOC_INC) -o set_cxx set.cxx $(PTOC_LIB)
+-set_c: set.c $(PTOC_LIB)
+-	$(CC) -I.. -o set_c set.c $(PTOC_LIB)
++set_c: set.c
++	$(CC) $(PTOC_INC) -o set_c set.c $(PTOC_LIB)
+ # Test for Turbo Pascal
+@@ -140,14 +148,16 @@
+ 	$(PTOC) -turbo -cstring -in tpascal.pas
+ tpascal: tpascal.cxx
+-	$(CC) -I.. -o tpascal -DTURBO_PASCAL tpascal.cxx $(PTOC_LIB)
++	$(CXX) $(PTOC_INC) -o tpascal -DTURBO_PASCAL tpascal.cxx $(PTOC_LIB)
++# Erase intermediate files after generating binaries
+ clean:
+-	rm -f $(EXE) *~ *.o core call.grp recur.prc
++	rm -f $(EXE) $(convert) *~ *.o *.core call.grp recur.prc \
++	hello.c hello.cxx impact.cxx war2.cxx trinor.cxx tpascal.cxx \
++	set.c set.cxx lister.cxx polut2.cxx vibrkinp.cxx vibrtabl.cxx \
++	bgidemo.cxx printer.cxx printer.h
diff -Nru ptoc/pkg/PLIST ptoc-3.34/pkg/PLIST
--- ptoc/pkg/PLIST	Fri Mar 27 10:51:23 1998
+++ ptoc-3.34/pkg/PLIST	Tue Nov  3 18:47:58 1998
@@ -9,11 +9,7 @@
@@ -33,7 +29,11 @@
 @dirrm include/ptoc
 @dirrm share/doc/ptoc
 @dirrm share/examples/ptoc


   Please, check and apply this patch.


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