From owner-freebsd-current  Sat Nov 23  3:34: 9 2002
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Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2002 03:18:40 -0800
From: Terry Lambert <>
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To: Ertan Kucukoglu <>
Subject: Re: ACPI problem
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Ertan Kucukoglu wrote:
> I want to use the power key to shutdown the system. It is
> compaq evo 300, P4 1.6ghz, 368MB RAM
> Yesterday OS was 5.0DP2. I can not power it off. It comes
> to a point when it should cut the power off 'System is
> shutting down using ACPI' like message is displayed and
> after a while. It just panics at free().
> This morning I cvsuped and buildworld the machine. This
> time it do not panic, but 'Timeout' error message comes and
> system reset itself leading a new boot.' Is this problem
> because of my hardware or something else?

You will most likely need to dump your ACPI table and file
a bug report, assigning it to the ACPI code owner, who will
then tell you what is wrong with your BIOS, an ha yuned to
do to fix it (or give you a patch to th ACPI code in FreeBSD,
to make it tolerate your BIOS).

The first step will be a bug report.

-- Terry

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