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Date:      Wed, 28 Nov 2001 04:23:47 -0600
From:      Len Conrad <>
Subject:   Re: Mail server (Sendmail) benchmarking
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>I'm nearing the deployment phase for a project I'm working on that will 
>the sending of a very large number of relatively small (2k-5k) emails 
>like 500,000 or more daily).

500K copies of one msg body in different envelopes, or 500K unique 
bodies?  The difference is huge.  My numbers below are for 1 msg body.

Can you string out delivery over 24 hours or does the client want all 500K 
to go out with 1 hour?  (one postfix admin had to delivery 100K perishable 
"financial info" msgs in 1 hour, and used 10 postfix machines in parallel)

What is the source of injecting messages into the MTA? a list manager?

>I'm just curious if anyone has some estimations as to about how
>many emails I can reasonably expect one machine running FreeBSD 4.4-SECURE 
>(or whatever that branch is being called now) with Sendmail to be able to 
>send in a day.

I manage a FreeBSD4.4 + ecartis 1.0.0 + postfix "joke" co-lo list 
server.  900 Mhz, 1 gb RAM, one ATA100 disk.  I have ecartis queue chunking 
at 100. The average msgs size is 20K.  The critical softupdates is not 
activated (co-lo monkey is a lazy bugger)

There a several lists sent every day, but two of them are about 5O+ K 
members each. When these 2 lists are sent in different hours, delivery is 
about 30K/hour.  When these 2 lists are sent nearly simultaneously,  the 
hourly delivery rate flirts with 60K.

Here are the hourly rates for 27 NOV, for the two lists clearly sent at 
different hours:

Per-Hour Traffic Summary
     time          received  delivered   deferred    bounced     rejected
     0000-0100          24         25         23          0          0
     0100-0200          35         35         32          0          0
     0200-0300         441       4860         89         34          1
     0300-0400        1906      30527       1632        179          0
     0400-0500        1163      17368       1970        163          1
     0500-0600         134        351        552         29          0
     0600-0700          86        158        347          0          0
     0700-0800          81        303        352          2          0
     0800-0900         105        139        117          2          0
     0900-1000         183        323        144          1          0
     1000-1100        2047      38412       1591        137          1
     1100-1200        1314      23289       2245         35          0
     1200-1300         170        358       1030          2          1

and here are the "msg queue times" for the Top 20 recipient domains:

Host/Domain Summary: Message Delivery (top 20)
  sent cnt  bytes   defers   avg dly max dly host/domain
  -------- -------  -------  ------- ------- -----------
   55623     1291m     186    32.7 s   34.1 m
   17020   415467k     401     1.1 m    1.4 h
   11075   261578k       0    21.0 s    3.2 m
    3926    92451k    5547     1.1 h    5.7 h
    3924    47431k       0     4.5 s   15.8 m
    2966    70305k       6    20.0 s   28.0 m
    2735    63637k     578     3.2 m    2.0 h
    2117    49463k      79     1.6 m    4.8 h
     899    21084k       0    11.7 s   36.0 s
     837    20329k    3557     3.0 h   20.0 h
     618    14843k       0    12.8 s   21.0 s
     574    13775k       0    13.0 s    2.1 m
     471    11362k       0    13.1 s   33.0 s
     410     9460k       0    15.7 s    1.7 m
     402     9591k       0    13.5 s    1.9 m
     369     8606k       0    13.7 s   23.0 s
     280     6655k       0    12.7 s   26.0 s
     259     5906k       0    10.8 s   18.0 s
     257     6076k       0    18.5 s    1.7 m
     237     5671k       0    17.6 s    1.5 m

... was a bad day for AOL, which usually has 0 defers and sub-20 second 
avg.   In contrast, note the typically crappy peformance of MS's MX's.

webtv and excite are so ludicrous, I don't bother to compare them with the 
big boys who have the volumes and should have the resources to be the 
best.  I wonder what  OS is run on the MX's of MS and AOL??

The above times are for how long a msg lived on disk in the mailqueue, from 
completion of injection to completion of delivery.

I suspect a pretty good chunk of those seconds was queue wait time within 
the machine, and not just SMTP-session time, because I've seen other 
postfix gateways deliver 100's non-list mail to AOL, eg, with a 
sub-6-second average.  ie, our poor little single, ATA100 disk is 
overwhelmed, but jokes can wait.  :))

If you figure an average of 20 secs per delivery, for 500K msgs, that's 10 
million delivery-seconds.  If you had 1000 SMTP processes delivering in 
parallel, that's 10K seconds start to finish, about 3 hours, which is 
achievable with postfix.

So your bandwidth calculation is not 3 gb in 24 hours, but in 3 hours.

>The machine(s) I'm looking at will be P3-933Mhz with 1GB of RAM.  My main
>question is whether I will need to throw more than one machine at this.

yes, no doubt about.  one machine could do it, if you had the time to wait, 
but if you client wants spiked delivery, you will need multiple machines, 
say 2 to 4 primary machines.

>I've done some calculations, and 500,000 emails at 5k each is 2.5GB/day.
>Dividing that by 86400 (# of seconds/day) I get 28935 bytes/second, but I am
>promised by the client that I'll have the bandwidth I need, so I'm just mostly
>wondering if the machine will be the limiting factor

The machine will be, so go multi-box. of maybe your bandwidth will be, if 
you want to deliver all 3 gb in one hour.

DNS: put BIND8 as caching-only on each box as "forward first" with one 
external DNS box as a single forwarder.   This will build a big, common 
cache in the forwarder, which will be shared among the caches in the BINDs 
of the MTAs.


1. run softupdates on the logging and mailqueue filesystems

2. 2 disks: one for logging, one for mailq

3. use fast disks with big caching,  160 Mb/sec SCSI, with 64 or 128 megs 
of on-board caching.  disk i/o for mailqueueing is the the limiting factor.

4. so, benchmark with md. or, with deep pockets, try SSD, solid state disk, 
for the mailqueue disk.  :)))  Actually, one user on the postfix lists run 
SSD to obtain highest possible disk bandwidth.

5. memory: 1 or 1.5 gb should be enough

6. SMTP/D processes. postfix prefers SMTPD processes receiving over SMTP 
processes sending.   When the message injection source is high-capacity, 
SMTPD receiving will hog the disk bandwidth, such that SMTP sending will be 
starved of disk access to the mailqueue, and msg delivery rate 
suffers.  Tough problem, and tedious to balannce by limiting the max number 
of SMTPD processes so that some disk bandwidth is left for SMTP processes.

Wietse has recently added a new parameter that couples the receiving and 
sending rates, the "in_flow_delay" param, so that when out_flow is sensed 
as starved, you can set in_flow_delay to a number of seconds.  This pauses 
in_flow so out_flow can send, dynamically coupling in_flow with out_flow to 
better share total disk bandwidth. if you weren't paying attention: disk 
bandwidth is the limiting factor.

7. the key to delivery is 100's of SMTP processes (about 1 mb/process) 
sending in parallel.  So increase SMTP max from default of 50 to 
500.  STMPD of 50 should be enough to overwhelm the disk i/o. and run 2 or 
3 primary outbound machines in parallel.

8. with 500K msgs, probably 5 or 6% will be dead addresses, so make sure 
you use a list manager with automatic bounce unsubscribe 
management.  postfix helps here too, as it has a "fallback_relay" which 
allows you a two-tier delivery scheme, where certain classes of msgs 
undeliverable by the primary outbound relay will be dumped on the 
fallback_relay machine, freeing the primary relay's deferred queue and disk 
i/o for good deliverable addreses.

>forum, I can ask it in -questions but I thought the people in -isp would 
>have more similar experience to what I'm asking.

best place is to ask in the users list for the MTA you plan to use.

Len : ISC BIND 8.2.4 for NT4 & W2K  : Build free, hi-perf, anti-abuse mail gateways

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