From owner-freebsd-multimedia  Sat Apr 19 14:28:23 1997
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To: Randall Hopper <>
cc:, David Dawes <>
Subject: Re: bt848/fxtv: More info on system freezes 
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Date: Sat, 19 Apr 1997 14:28:16 -0700
From: Amancio Hasty <>
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We may have to file a bug report with the X server group to see if we can
get them to help us out. I will be honest with you every day I use
fxtv and I don't get a crash -- once I did get the font corruption and
the system didn't craash however I have not been able to reproduce it.

My take is that is probably more to do with the PCI chipset. 
The "mistery-bit" on the Bt848 is supposed to be a work around for 
the Natoma chipset. I still don't know what is supposed to do other
than  what I stated. All I am saying is that is difficult to troubleshoot
on my PPRo . Guess that I will have to switch testing to my P100 which
does have a Natoma chipset.

You got a high praise on fxtv . Just showed the program to a friend of mine
(switch between full screen and normal, use the keypad to switch channel, etc..)
and my friend said : "Wow" . 


P.S.: To David, we are doing high speed data transfer (PCI to PCI) from the
bt848 (video capture chip) to the S3's frame buffer.

>From The Desk Of Randall Hopper :
>      I beat on the system freeze problem this morning, and whittled it down
> to a very simple procedure that always quickly reproduces the problem on my
> system.
>      First, how to reproduce it, followed by my system configuration:
>      1) Start up X with no clients except a single stock xterm.
>      2) Start up fxtv 0.4 such that it doesn't overlap the xterm.
>         fxtv is continuous displaying to the screen w/ direct video.
>      3) Now, start up a full-screen app (a text-mode app; runs in the xterm)
>      4) Lean on the key that causes the app to redraw its display
>      After about 10-30 seconds, the xterm font gets corrupted.  Shortly
>      thereafter (milliseconds or seconds later), the X server locks up
>      hard.  Display dead, keyboard dead, mouse dead.
>      Sometimes if I'm quick about it, I can get up off the "refresh" key in
>      time for the queued refreshes to quit "after" the font is first
>      corrupted but "before" the X server has locked.  I can then
>      Ctrl-Alt-Bksp to kill the server, and start it up again, giving me a
>      sensible display with no traces of the corruption.
>      Seems to be evidence that the X server state is being corrupted 
>      somehow, and not the system in general.
>      Further evidence that this is typically localized to the X server and
>      its state is that, if I have a kernel rebuild going on in an xterm and
>      the the lock-up occurs, the kernel build will continue for 30-60 sec,
>      presumably until the ptty device queue fills up because there's no
>      process on the other end slirping off of it.
>      Also of note is that after the font corruption starts, it continues to
>      mutate some with each refresh.  Line corruption through characters is
>      the most common and stays fairly constant across refreshes, but there
>      is some "white noise" (stray pixels) that appear and disappear in the
>      font characters.  Also, the corruption is in the colors that are used
>      on the xterm at the time (purple, white, and blue).  Seems to indicate
>      that the font data is being corrupted before it's being blasted on the
>      screen rather than after the fact by some corruption directly applied
>      to the frame buffer.
>      Motherboard:  ASUS P55TP4XE (Triton 1), P100, 32Meg mem
>      Video Card :  STB Velocity 3D (S3988 "Virge", 4Meg VRAM)
>      FreeBSD Ver:  2.2-GAMMA
>      XServer Cfg:  XFree 3.2A (S3V server)
>                    1024x768 555 16bpp w/ 1152x900 desktop
>      XTerm Cfg  :  stock xterm; 80x47 geometry w/ 9x15 font
>      TV Software:  Driver - bt848-970401 w/ Amancio's "missing fields" patch
>                    Client - FXTV 0.4
>      BIOS Cfg   :  I did try Steve's suggestion of:
>                    PCI Streaming = OFF; Video BIOS Cache = OFF; 
>                    VGA Palette Snoop = OFF
>                    All testing done/problems encountered this morning were
>                    with these settings.
> Randall