From owner-freebsd-mobile  Mon Mar 23 00:32:47 1998
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Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 09:37:37 +0100
From: Mike Crawfurd <>
Organization: CMG Advanced Technologies Rotterdam
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Subject: Compaq 4120 and X11
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Hi there,

I have a problem with X on my Compaq 4120.
The compaq laptop has a cirrus logic 7148 PCI, which is supported by
I've configured X many times on my home computer, but never on a laptop.
The configuration is not working at all, I've removed all the
resolutions which are
not supported by my monitor (I've removed everything but 640x480x256,
640x400x256 and
800x600x256), but still it give a black screen and the system "hangs".
The CRTL-ALT-F1, CRTL-ALT-BS don't work anymore and the only thing I can
do is a reboot.
I've read the trouble shooter about the cirrus chips and used the
options "noaccel" and
"nobitblk", etc. but still no luck in getting it right.

Can someone help me with this problem ?
Or does someone have a working XFconfig file for me ? (ppl that also
have a compaq 4120 with a cl 7148)

Thanks in advance,

Mike Crawfurd.

Mike Crawfurd                          Telephone. (+31) 10 253 7000
CMG Advanced Technologies Industries   Telefax.   (+31) 10 253 7033
Kralingseweg 241, 3062 CE Rotterdam    Mobile.    (+31) 65 534 7574
The Netherlands                        Email.

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