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Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 19:19:43 +0100
From: Shaun Jurrens <>
To: freebsd-net@FreeBSD.ORG
Cc: Alexey Luckyanchikov <>
Subject: Re: Weird path MTU autodiscovery problem in 4.5-RELEASE
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Alexey Luckyanchikov wrote:

#>Server have not any filters. ipfw support is compiled in, but first rule
#>is 'allow ip from any to any' and dump which you can see below was made
#>on server.

	yeah, but icmp is it's own protocol, so you're probably filtering it
and bpf will see it because it sees what comes in on the interface before
ipfw processes it. ICMP isn't allowed by default in ipfw. I'd suggest you
unload the module, if possible and see if it works correctly then.

Yours truly,

Shaun D. Jurrens

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