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Date:      Wed, 18 Mar 1998 23:11:15 +1030 (CST)
From:      Kris Kennaway <>
To:        Matthew Thyer <>
Cc:        Andrew Reilly <>, current@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: Disk munging problem with current solved
Message-ID:  <Pine.OSF.3.90.980318230642.25352A-100000@bragg>
In-Reply-To: <>

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On Wed, 18 Mar 1998, Matthew Thyer wrote:

> I use it all the time as I'm behind a firewall at work and cant
> use cvsup.

If you have an account on a machine which has unshielded access to the 
net (e.g. the firewall machine itself) you can install a SOCKS proxy on 
the machine and use it as a gateway to traverse the firewall for things 
like cvsup (and ftp, telnet, etc). If set up correctly this is a secure 
gateway to the outside. You dont even need root access on the machine to 
do this (though you probably should clear it first, depending on how 
tight your site security policy is). Using this you can then use m3socks 
to get cvsup talking through the SOCK proxy.


 WOWBO     /\  .      Through the darkness of future past,     /\  .     BWOWB
 OBWOW    /##\/#\          The Magician longs to see.         /##\/#\    BOBWO
 WBOBW   /       \     One chance out between two worlds,    /       \   OWBOB
 WOWBO  /         \           Fire, Walk with me!           /         \  BWOWB

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