From owner-freebsd-net@FreeBSD.ORG  Tue Mar  7 17:17:54 2006
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Date: Tue, 07 Mar 2006 12:17:42 -0500
From: Christopher McGee <>
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Cc: Yar Tikhiy <>,
Subject: Re: Carp on vlan with em driver
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Gleb Smirnoff wrote:

>On Tue, Mar 07, 2006 at 12:34:16AM +0300, Yar Tikhiy wrote:
>Y> > Is this something that will be applied to 5.x - RELEASE at some point?
>Y> 5.5 will be the last RELEASE on the 5.x line, so it's the last
>Y> chance now.  Alas, I don't feel myself competent enough just to
>Y> apply this to RELENG_5 instantly because I haven't really followed
>Y> the development of RELENG_5 for quite a while.  Let's ask Gleb
>Y> Smirnoff if he believes it is OK to make the change in question.
>Y> Adding him to Cc:.  Gleb, thanks in advance for your valuable
>Y> opinion! :-)
>Y> As for my dealing with this issue, I just upgraded my 5.x systems
>Y> to 6-STABLE at last. It was completely painless because 5.x and 6.x
>Y> didn't differ radically in the system-to-admin interface, such as
>Y> configuration files etc.
>CARP will not work correctly on vlan(4) on em(4) in RELENG_5, sorry.
>The suggested patch is a hack and can't be accepted, since we
>have a clean and nice working solution in RELENG_6.
>I am running RELENG_6 since mid-summer on my routers utilizing CARP
>on vlan(4) interface with em(4) as parent. I suggest to upgrade to
>RELENG_6, as well as many other developers and users do. Even
>5.5-RELEASE release notes suggest to move to RELENG_6.
Since 6.x is only a .0 I have been reluctant to make a switch for 
production machines.  The machines that this is required for are 
redundant firewalls.  They have the availability to push a full gigabit, 
will I run into any throughput problems or any other potential problems 
with 6.x?
