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Date:      Fri, 26 Apr 2013 12:03:04 +0700 (NOVT)
From:      Eugene Grosbein <>
Subject:   ports/178170: [patch] xdb misbehaviour on keyboard layouts switch
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>Number:         178170
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       [patch] xdb misbehaviour on keyboard layouts switch
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Fri Apr 26 05:10:00 UTC 2013
>Originator:     Eugene Grosbein
>Release:        FreeBSD 8.4-BETA1 amd64
System: FreeBSD 8.4-BETA1 FreeBSD 8.4-BETA1 #1: Tue Apr 16 17:55:46 NOVT 2013 amd64


	The problem described here is exactly identical to

	In short, xkb switches keyboard layouts on press of switching key
	combination. This breaks application hotkeys like Ctrl-Shift-A
	when your layout switching key combo is Ctrl-Shift. xkb should
	switch layouts on key release, not press, like Windows GUI does.


	The section in xorg.conf:

Section "InputDevice"
	Identifier  "Keyboard0"
	Driver      "kbd"
	Option      "XkbRules" "xorg"
	Option      "XkbModel" "pc105"
	Option      "XkbLayout" "us,ru"
	Option      "XkbVariant" "winkeys"
	Option      "XkbOptions" "grp:ctrl_shift_toggle"

	For example, you cannot use Ctrl-Shift-A in Firefox with such config.


	The patch taken from mentioned bug solves the problem
	by changing xkb behaviour to switch layouts on key release.

	The patch should be added to ports tree as

--- xkb/xkbActions.c
+++ xkb/xkbActions.c
@@ -325,24 +325,83 @@ _XkbFilterLatchState(	XkbSrvInfoPtr	xkbi,
     return 1;
+static int xkbSwitchGroupOnRelease(void)
+    /* TODO: user configuring */
+    return TRUE;
+static void xkbUpdateLockedGroup(XkbSrvInfoPtr xkbi, XkbAction* pAction)
+    XkbGroupAction ga = pAction->group;
+    if (ga.flags&XkbSA_GroupAbsolute)
+	xkbi->state.locked_group= XkbSAGroup(&ga);
+    else xkbi->state.locked_group+= XkbSAGroup(&ga);
+static XkbFilterPtr _XkbNextFreeFilter(XkbSrvInfoPtr xkbi);
 static int
-_XkbFilterLockState(	XkbSrvInfoPtr	xkbi,
+_XkbFilterLockGroup(	XkbSrvInfoPtr	xkbi,
 			XkbFilterPtr	filter,
 			unsigned	keycode,
 			XkbAction *	pAction)
-    if (pAction&&(pAction->type==XkbSA_LockGroup)) {
-	if (pAction->group.flags&XkbSA_GroupAbsolute)
-	     xkbi->state.locked_group= XkbSAGroup(&pAction->group);
-	else xkbi->state.locked_group+= XkbSAGroup(&pAction->group);
-	return 1;
+    int sendEvent = 1;
+    if (!xkbSwitchGroupOnRelease()) {
+	xkbUpdateLockedGroup(xkbi, pAction);
+	return sendEvent;
+    }
+    /* Delay switch till button release */
+    if (filter->keycode==0) {		/* initial press */
+	filter->keycode = keycode;
+	filter->active = 1;
+	filter->filterOthers = 0; /* for what? */
+	filter->filter = _XkbFilterLockGroup;
+	/* filter->priv = 0; */
+	filter->upAction = *pAction;
+	/* Ok, now we need to simulate the action which would go if this action didn't block it.
+	   XkbSA_SetMods is the one: it is to set modifier' flag up. */
+	{
+	    XkbStateRec	fake_state = xkbi->state;
+	    XkbAction act;
+	    fake_state.mods = 0;
+	    act = XkbGetKeyAction(xkbi, &fake_state, keycode);
+	    /* KLUDGE: XkbSA_SetMods only? */
+	    if (act.type == XkbSA_SetMods) { 
+		XkbFilterPtr filter = _XkbNextFreeFilter(xkbi);
+		sendEvent = _XkbFilterSetState(xkbi,filter,keycode,&act);
+	    }
+	}
+    else {
+  	/* do nothing if some button else is pressed */
+	if (!pAction)
+	    xkbUpdateLockedGroup(xkbi, &filter->upAction);
+	filter->active = 0;
+    }
+    return sendEvent;
+static int
+_XkbFilterLockMods(	XkbSrvInfoPtr	xkbi,
+			XkbFilterPtr	filter,
+			unsigned	keycode,
+			XkbAction *	pAction)
     if (filter->keycode==0) {		/* initial press */
 	filter->keycode = keycode;
 	filter->active = 1;
 	filter->filterOthers = 0;
 	filter->priv = 0;
-	filter->filter = _XkbFilterLockState;
+	filter->filter = _XkbFilterLockMods;
 	filter->upAction = *pAction;
 	xkbi->state.locked_mods^= pAction->mods.mask;
 	xkbi->setMods = pAction->mods.mask;
@@ -1104,9 +1163,12 @@ xkbDeviceInfoPtr xkbPrivPtr = XKBDEVICEINFO(dev);
 		case XkbSA_LockMods:
+		    filter = _XkbNextFreeFilter(xkbi);
+		    sendEvent=_XkbFilterLockMods(xkbi,filter,key,&act);
+		    break;
 		case XkbSA_LockGroup:
 		    filter = _XkbNextFreeFilter(xkbi);
-		    sendEvent=_XkbFilterLockState(xkbi,filter,key,&act);
+		    sendEvent=_XkbFilterLockGroup(xkbi,filter,key,&act);
 		case XkbSA_ISOLock:
 		    filter = _XkbNextFreeFilter(xkbi);

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