Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2014 11:20:28 -0700 From: Alan Somers <> To: "Justin O'Conor" <> Cc: FreeBSD-scsi <> Subject: Re: LSI SAS 3008 card - 35 out of 36 disks detected Message-ID: <> In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <>
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--f46d044519992ba4680509b87b14 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 8:58 AM, Justin O'Conor <> wrote: > Hi All, > Thanks, this is encouraging. smp_discover ses0|1 see 36 sata disks. This is from the 10.1 install. > There are certainly some inconsistencies in the smp_discover responses. For example, the SEP on ses0 (phy identifier: 36) has "connector type: SAS virtual connector" and "connector element index: 24" But the SEP on ses1 (phy identifier: 28) has "connector type: No information" and "connector element index: 0". Also note that "phy identifier: 12" on ses1 has "connector element index: 0". That would be the first slot on the rear expander, if the slots and phys are numbered the same way. My best guess is that phy 12 and phy 28 mapped to the same map_idx in mpr_mapping.c:1168. So the information for the SEP overwrote the information for the first disk slot. If my guess is true, then recabling your chassis as you suggested wouldn't help. However, you might try the attached but untested patch. It will prevent the SEP from being added to the mapping table while printing a useful error message. If I'm correct, then the patch will let you use all 36 disk slots, but you won't have ses1 anymore. In the meantime, I'll try to reproduce your problem. I have all the required equipment in my lab. -Alan --f46d044519992ba4680509b87b14 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; name="mpr_mapping.diff" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="mpr_mapping.diff" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 X-Attachment-Id: f_i3g5zkc30 SW5kZXg6IHN5cy9kZXYvbXByL21wcl9tYXBwaW5nLmMKPT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09 PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PQotLS0gc3lzL2Rldi9t cHIvbXByX21hcHBpbmcuYwkocmV2aXNpb24gMjc1NjIwKQorKysgc3lzL2Rldi9tcHIvbXByX21h cHBpbmcuYwkod29ya2luZyBjb3B5KQpAQCAtMTE2OCw2ICsxMTY4LDIyIEBACiAJCQltYXBfaWR4 ID0gZXRfZW50cnktPnN0YXJ0X2luZGV4ICsgcGh5X2NoYW5nZS0+c2xvdCAtCiAJCQkgICAgZXRf ZW50cnktPnN0YXJ0X3Nsb3Q7CiAJCQltdF9lbnRyeSA9ICZzYy0+bWFwcGluZ190YWJsZVttYXBf aWR4XTsKKwkJCWlmIChtdF9lbnRyeS0+cGh5c2ljYWxfaWQgIT0gMCAmJgorCQkJICAgIG10X2Vu dHJ5LT5waHlzaWNhbF9pZCAhPSBwaHlfY2hhbmdlLT5waHlzaWNhbF9pZCkgeworCQkJCXByaW50 ZigiJXM6IGZhaWxlZCB0byBhZGQgdGhlIGRldmljZSB3aXRoIHNsb3QgIgorCQkJCSAgICAiJTVk IGJlY2F1c2UgdGhhdCBlbnRyeSBpbiB0aGUgbWFwcGluZyAiCisJCQkJICAgICJ0YWJsZSBpdCBh bHJlYWR5IHVzZWQuICBUaGlzIGlzIGEgYnVnIGluICIKKwkJCQkgICAgImVpdGhlciB0aGUgSEJB IGZpcm13YXJlIG9yIHRoZSBleHBhbmRlciAiCisJCQkJICAgICJmaXJtd2FyZS4gT2xkIGVudHJ5 OiBwaHlzaWNhbF9pZD0lMTZseCAiCisJCQkJICAgICJkZXZfaGFuZGxlPSUjMDR4LiAgTmV3IGVu dHJ5OiAiCisJCQkJICAgICJwaHlzaWNhbF9pZD0lMTZseCBoYW5kbGU9JSMwNHhcbiIsCisJCQkJ ICAgIF9fZnVuY19fLCBwaHlfY2hhbmdlLT5zbG90LAorCQkJCSAgICBtdF9lbnRyeS0+cGh5c2lj YWxfaWQsCisJCQkJICAgIG10X2VudHJ5LT5kZXZfaGFuZGxlLAorCQkJCSAgICBwaHlfY2hhbmdl LT5waHlzaWNhbF9pZCwKKwkJCQkgICAgcGh5X2NoYW5nZS0+ZGV2X2hhbmRsZSk7CisJCQkJY29u dGludWU7CisJCQl9CiAJCQltdF9lbnRyeS0+cGh5c2ljYWxfaWQgPSBwaHlfY2hhbmdlLT5waHlz aWNhbF9pZDsKIAkJCW10X2VudHJ5LT5jaGFubmVsID0gMDsKIAkJCW10X2VudHJ5LT5pZCA9IG1h cF9pZHg7Cg== --f46d044519992ba4680509b87b14--
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