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Date:      Thu, 5 Dec 2002 19:32:13 +0100
From:      Marc Fonvieille <blackend@FreeBSD.ORG>
To:        Robert Watson <rwatson@FreeBSD.ORG>
Cc:        doc@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: Man page entities in the handbook: 5.0?
Message-ID:  <>
References:  <>

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On Thu, Dec 05, 2002 at 12:54:04PM -0500, Robert Watson wrote:
> As we've been adapting the system documentation for 5.0-RELEASE, I've
> added some man page entities for 5.0 concepts.  However, when I build the
> handbook and follow cross-references for man pages, they by default search
> 4.7-RELEASE.  Should I individually modify entities for strictly 5.0
> concepts to use a vendor of current, or do we need do make some more
> wholesale change?
> A related question has to do with the general issue of differences between
> 4.x and 5.0.  In some areas, there are few or any differences (user
> management). In other, there are minor differences (no need to use
> MAKEDEV, we have devfs).  In yet others, it's almost completely different
> -- the kernel configuration section is rapidly become more <note> than
> text in the first place.  I'm wondering if either of the following two
> models would make sense:
> (1) Build a handbook5 version of the handbook from the same handbook
>     source, only conditionally use 5.x-only sections, dropping 4.x-only
>     sections, and use the 5.x man page cross references.
> (2) Simply have two versions of chapters or sections that are
>     substantially different, such as kernel configuration.
> Both have their merits -- (1) sounds like a much more complicated task,
> but might be more effective -- 5.x users would view their version of the
> page and get the right man pages when they clicked, etc.  4.x users would
> view either handbook/ or handbook4/.  Either course would reflect the
> similarity of the two branches, but as they diverge (1) might provide a
> better way to manage the differences, especially where users might find
> markably different things in the man pages.  (newfs, fsck, etc).
> In any case, it's not immediately pressing as 5.0 is really an early
> adtopers' release, other than that I'd like to get the man entities
> working, I just want to make sure I do it the right way. 

We talked about that manual page problem in past when I worked on
vendor attributes.  There are many solution to "fix" the problem:

- changing the default manual pages in the
  but 4.X Handbook will be useless

- using current attritute everywher, painful and not good for the future
  when 5.X will replace 4.X

- using this fix for -CURRENT/5.X Handbook:

Index: freebsd.dsl
RCS file: /home/ncvs/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/share/sgml/freebsd.dsl,v
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -r1.17 freebsd.dsl
--- freebsd.dsl	17 Oct 2002 21:54:53 -0000	1.17
+++ freebsd.dsl	5 Dec 2002 18:12:06 -0000
@@ -60,11 +60,10 @@
                  (u (string-append ""
                          (data r) "&" "sektion=" (data m))))
             (case v
-              (("current") (string-append u "&" "manpath=FreeBSD+5.0-current"))
               (("xfree86") (string-append u "&" "manpath=XFree86+4.2.0"))
               (("netbsd")  (string-append u "&" "manpath=NetBSD+1.5"))
               (("ports")   (string-append u "&" "manpath=FreeBSD+Ports"))
-              (else u))))
+              (else (string-append u "&" "manpath=FreeBSD+5.0-current")))))
       <!-- More aesthetically pleasing chapter headers for print output -->

use that diff.


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