From owner-freebsd-current Wed May 1 03:05:38 1996 Return-Path: owner-current Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.7.3/8.7.3) id DAA28122 for current-outgoing; Wed, 1 May 1996 03:05:38 -0700 (PDT) Received: from ( []) by (8.7.3/8.7.3) with SMTP id DAA28080 Wed, 1 May 1996 03:05:01 -0700 (PDT) Received: from localhost (luigi@localhost) by (8.6.5/8.6.5) id LAA08814; Wed, 1 May 1996 11:47:43 +0200 From: Luigi Rizzo Message-Id: <> Subject: Re: lmbench IDE anomaly To: (Terry Lambert) Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 11:47:43 +0200 (MET DST) Cc:,, hackers@FreeBSD.ORG, current@FreeBSD.ORG In-Reply-To: <> from "Terry Lambert" at Apr 30, 96 01:33:01 pm X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL23] Content-Type: text Sender: owner-current@FreeBSD.ORG X-Loop: Precedence: bulk > > That's about right. The SCSI disk gets the chance to sort the I/O to suit > > itself, optimising its performance. The IDE disk only gets to look at one > > transaction at a time, so it's at the mercy of the disksorting code in > > the operating system. I don't know that FreeBSD's disksort stuff is > > terribly wonderful, but I'd happily stand corrected. > > The disksort stuff is pessimal. Contact for details. The original poster was doing a couple of lmdd from /dev/rwd0a, the raw device. Does disksort get in the way in this case ? BTW, running a number of dd on /dev/wd0a works *much* better, you get almost n times the bandwidth at least with up to 5 instances, what I tried. Luigi ==================================================================== Luigi Rizzo Dip. di Ingegneria dell'Informazione email: Universita' di Pisa tel: +39-50-568533 via Diotisalvi 2, 56126 PISA (Italy) fax: +39-50-568522 ====================================================================