From owner-freebsd-hackers Tue Jul 4 17:04:17 1995 Return-Path: hackers-owner Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.6.10/8.6.6) id RAA22726 for hackers-outgoing; Tue, 4 Jul 1995 17:04:17 -0700 Received: from Root.COM (implode.Root.COM []) by (8.6.10/8.6.6) with ESMTP id RAA22720 for ; Tue, 4 Jul 1995 17:04:15 -0700 Received: from corbin.Root.COM (corbin []) by Root.COM (8.6.11/8.6.5) with ESMTP id RAA06942; Tue, 4 Jul 1995 17:04:00 -0700 Received: from localhost (localhost []) by corbin.Root.COM (8.6.11/8.6.5) with SMTP id RAA11108; Tue, 4 Jul 1995 17:04:43 -0700 Message-Id: <199507050004.RAA11108@corbin.Root.COM> To: cc:, Subject: Re: tmpfs? In-reply-to: Your message of "Tue, 04 Jul 95 19:30:30 EDT." From: David Greenman Reply-To: davidg@Root.COM Date: Tue, 04 Jul 1995 17:04:42 -0700 Sender: Precedence: bulk >Is there a way to do somehting similar to Sun's TMPFS where SWAP and RAM >are mounted on /tmp instead of on a real filesystem this would make >compiles that use the /tmp files very fast because they never have to >leave ram to the drive unless there is a reason to Swap... We have an "MFS" memory filesystem that is often used for this purpose. You'll gain a lot more by using the "-pipe" option with CC, however, as this avoids the temporary files altogether. -DG