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Date:      Tue, 4 Apr 1995 13:44:43 -0400 (EDT)
From:      KEITH Regan <>
Subject:   Binding a socket
Message-ID:  <Pine.3.87.9504041343.A14351-0100000@cmc>

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Hey - I'm having some problems with my unpatched FreeBSD 2.0
Walnut Creek CDROM.

I'm am trying to bind a socket to a specific port (> 1024) with address
INADDR_ANY using the TCP protocol in the Inet domain with the REUSEADDR
and REUSEPORT options enabled and I get the EADDRINUSE error.  I looked at
what I believe to be the netinet source code for "bind" processing 
(in_pcb.c) and it is unclear why in in_pcbbind near: 

                        return (error);
                t = in_pcblookup(head, zeroin_addr, 0,
                    sin->sin_addr, lport, wild);
                if (t && (reuseport & t->inp_socket->so_options) == 0)
                        return (EADDRINUSE);

there is this check against the option settings of the in_pcblookup
results. It would seem that, if reuseport is ever true (and in my case it
is (I think)), then any "sin" address will always be declared in use even
if it has never been in use. I have verified this.  With REUSEADDR and 
REUSEPORT not enabled, the bind works.  With them enabled, it does not.
I've tried just using REUSEADDR, and while I can get the bind to work, 
any subsequent attempt at "reusing" the port results in the same error.

Whatdayathink?  Do I have it all wrong?

It there some clever work around or patch that I can use to move on?

Thanx in advance. 



/~~~~~\  /~~~~\  /~\  /~\ |~~~~\   /~~\   |~~~~~~~|   Keith G. Regan
| |---/ | /~~\ | |  \/  | |  +-|  / /\ \  |--| |--|   Director
| |     | |  | | | \  / |  \  \  | [<>] |    | |      Software Engineering
| |---\ | \__/ | | |\/| | |-+  | | |  | |    | |      Comsat Mobile Comm.
\_____/  \____/  |_|  |_| \____/ |_|  |_|    |_|      22300 Comsat Drive 
                                                      Clarksburg, MD 78720 
                                                      Tel: (301) 428-2348
     M O B I L E  C O M M U N I C A T I O N S         Fax: (301) 601-5959

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