From owner-freebsd-questions Wed Jul 24 6:18:58 2002 Delivered-To: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 264E737B400; Wed, 24 Jul 2002 06:18:51 -0700 (PDT) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id B60D343E6A; Wed, 24 Jul 2002 06:18:48 -0700 (PDT) (envelope-from Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.5.1877.757.75); Wed, 24 Jul 2002 09:17:07 -0400 Received: by (Postfix, from userid 111) id BA628BA12; Wed, 24 Jul 2002 09:16:52 -0400 (EDT) Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" From: "Brian T. Schellenberger" To: Subject: Re: Got past installworld, new problems however [WASRe: make installworld fails with mergemaster errors - 4.4Rel upgrade to 4.6 Stable] Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 09:16:52 -0400 User-Agent: KMail/1.4.2 Cc: , Doug Barton , , References: <> <> <> In-Reply-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Message-Id: <> Sender: owner-freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG Precedence: bulk List-ID: List-Archive: (Web Archive) List-Help: (List Instructions) List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: X-Loop: FreeBSD.ORG On Wednesday 24 July 2002 04:06 am, wrote: | Hello Brian, | Thanks for the reply. | | As I'm actually still going through bringing the up to a "usable state", | the disappeared user accounts are not too much of a problem at the moment. | Its the lack of authentication for root login I'm really concerned with on | this point! But they are the same problem. The root password isn't being authenticated because the account has no password, which is because the password (accounts) file is messed up. Of course you can fix the root password problem by merely running "passwd" if you want. | I'll take a look at XFree86Config and check for anything untoward. I've not | used ktrace, nor kdump before. Are they used in the same way as truss? I can't say since I've never used truss before. But they are used like this: ktrace kdump | I think you'll ned an option to ktrace to get it to follow the shell scripts down; otherwise it just traces the first executable found, but you can "man ktrace" for more information. | However, as I do intend on upgrading XFree86 to XFree86-4.2.1 today, would | it be more effective to re-install (remove > install latest version), or | simply upgrade the current version (via portupgrade)? I strongly recomemnd deintalling via 'pkg_delete X*' (you can use pkg_info first to be sure that this will deinstall what you expect) and then re-installing. Actually, I'd probably install from packages rather than ports, it's a lot quicker. Heck, I *know* I'd do it that way because I *did* do it that way just four days ago. The pkg_add -r didn't work right for XFree86-4 because it was looking the wrong place, but if you make it look for "All" packages instead of "Latest" you should be golden. | ps waux - show process report, [-a: include all process with a tty session] | + [-u: report user ID for each process listed] + [-w: show wide output] | | So, seeing that apache is configured to start on bootup, I would have | expected to see a process called httpd running with variou runtime options | listed in the returned process table - which of course, I don't. Check startup messages in /var/log/messages. Also try starting it by hand. If it's configured to start then it most likely is starting; if it's not still running it's probably dying before you check up on it. | I really am hoping that I could aviod having the reinstall FBSD again here. | This install's taken well over two days of debugging already:- | | initial install took the default XFree86-3.3.6x (didn't want that) | The box hung at installation when I included gnome desktop (hence only | XFree86-4.0.2 installed this time around) | | | Well., thanks again for taking the time, Brian. Hope that what I've | included here lights a few bulbs in a few peoples' heads before too long. You're welcome. Good luck. | | Stacey | | Quoting "Brian T. Schellenberger" : | > On Wednesday 24 July 2002 03:40 am, wrote: | > | Hi Doug, | > | Thanks for getting back to me. I actually got around that problem | > | > in the | > | > | end. | > | | > | However upon completing the upgrade, I noticed a couple of things: | > | | > | 1] startx has stopped working (just XFree86-4.0.2 from the 4.4 CD Set, | > | > no | > | > | gnome of kde installed as yet) | > | > Hard to say. Does /etc/X11/XFree86Config look like it always did? | > Might want to ktrace/kdump and see what it's really calling. | > | > | typing "startx" for any user just sits there doing nothing (after 5 | > | > mins or | > | > | so I killed it with cttrl c) | > | | > | 2] All user account except that for root disappeared. | > | > Something went wrong with mergemaster. Perhaps you installed when you | > should | > have merged. (Or perhaps the problem is with the weird make stuff you | > cite | > below. I don't believe that I ever did anything of the sort and things | > worked ok for me.) | > | > Regardless, the solution is simple: | > Restore your /etc/passwd /etc/master.passwd from backup. | > | > | 3] During bootup apache failed with "unable to find my FQDN". After | > | > login | > | > | (as root) "ps waux | grep httpd" returns nothing. | > | > Sorry, that's Greek to me. | > | > | 4] The box does not ask me to enter a password when logging in as root | > | > on | > | > | the console | > | > See [2] above. | > | > | I'm not sure if this is the right way to get the above queries | > | > addressed, | > | > | but let me know if I should post another to the list. | > | > This is a good place for . . . well, questions. | > | > | Thanks again for taking the time to respond. | > | | > | Stacey | > | | > | Quoting Doug Barton : | > | > On Wed, 24 Jul 2002 wrote: | > | > > Hello, | > | > > I've just done a fresh install of 4.4Rel, and I'm trying to | > | > | > | > upgrade to | > | > | > | > > the latest stable. | > | > > | > | > > In single user mode [using shutdown now] having dropped from | > | > multiuser | > | > | > mode - | > | > | > | > > All went well until I got to "make installworld". I hit the issue | > | > | > | > mentioned in | > | > | > | > > UPDATING 20020404 about the new Sendmail user smmsp. I followed | > | > the | > | > | > advice to: | > | > > cd /usr/src/usr.sbin/mergemaster; make install clean | > | > | > | > The "clean" there is the problem. What UPDATING actually says is: | > | > | > | > cd /usr/src/usr.sbin/mergemaster; make all install [clean] | > | > | > | > I'll delete that altogether, as it's misleading and potentially | > | > dangerous. | > | > | > | > -- | > | > "We have known freedom's price. We have shown freedom's power. | > | > And in this great conflict, ... we will see freedom's | > | > victory." | > | > | > - George W. Bush, President of the United States | > | > State of the Union, January 28, 2002 | > | > | > | > Do YOU Yahoo!? | > | | > | To Unsubscribe: send mail to | > | with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message | > | > -- | > Brian, the man from Babble-On . . . . (personal) | > | > | > | > -- Brian, the man from Babble-On . . . . (personal) To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-questions" in the body of the message