From owner-freebsd-questions  Wed Jan 17 23:39:25 2001
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Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 08:38:53 +0100
From: Szilveszter Adam <>
Subject: Re: too much confusion over kernel building
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On Wed, Jan 17, 2001 at 11:15:28PM -0800, Dima Dorfman wrote:
> > Over the past few weeks and months, I've seen far too many people 
> > using "make buildkernel KERNEL=MYKERNEL" when they should have 
> > used "config MYKERNEL".
> I'm not quite sure we should be advocating using the older, `config
> MYKERN` method.  It doesn't really have any advantages over the newer
> one, and suggesting different ones for different purposes will only
> confuse the novices, IMO.  Plus, `make buildkernel KERNEL=MYKERNEL` is
> quite a bit simpler than,
>       config MYKERNEL && cd ../../compile/MYKERNEL && make depend && make
> So, my question is, why use the older one?  I can understand why
> people still use it because they've been doing it that way for the
> last X years, but that's no reason to teach it to new people.

Because not all do source upgrades *at all* yet they might need to
recompile their kernels. (Yes, with modules this will become increasingly
rare.) Most of the people I deal with on the Hungarian FreeBSD mailing list
do not even install the full system and do not even consider the source
tree because Internet access is paid for by the minute here. Also, it is
really ridiculous to say (or imply) that in order to have a fully
functional system, you must burn close to 1 gig to stuff everything on it
when a quite functional desktop system using some other OS:-) can be gotten
well under 500 megs. (yes I mean win95 here.) Also, on a server it is *not*
a great idea to waste this much space just for its own needs. really the
only situation where this is OK is on a developing machine to develop
FreeBSD itself, or your play workstation at home, which may not do
anything in particular other than looking great in front of friends. (yes,
mine falls into this category:-)

Szilveszter ADAM
Szeged University
Szeged Hungary

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