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Date:      Sun,  2 May 2004 02:15:05 +0000 (UTC)
From:      Ryan Lackey <>
Subject:   ports/66157: cvsup host is case-sensitive
Message-ID:  <>
Resent-Message-ID: <>

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>Number:         66157
>Category:       ports
>Synopsis:       cvsup host is case-sensitive
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-ports-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Sat May 01 19:20:03 PDT 2004
>Originator:     Ryan Lackey
>Release:        FreeBSD 5.2-CURRENT i386
System: FreeBSD 5.2-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.2-CURRENT #7: Sat Apr 17 03:10:34 UTC 2004 i386
	When I try to cvsup /root/standard-supfile, I get 
0:44@bb1-sfo:/var/log/apache2# cvsup /root/standard-supfile
Connected to
Rejected by server: Access limit exceeded; try again later
Will retry at 00:49:37

With *default

(this happens with any cvsup server with in lower case)

cat /root/standard-supfile:

# $FreeBSD: src/share/examples/cvsup/standard-supfile,v 1.21 2002/07/30 14:08:16 blackend Exp $
# This file contains all of the "CVSup collections" that make up the
# FreeBSD-current source tree.
# CVSup (CVS Update Protocol) allows you to download the latest CVS
# tree (or any branch of development therefrom) to your system easily
# and efficiently (far more so than with sup, which CVSup is aimed
# at replacing).  If you're running CVSup interactively, and are
# currently using an X display server, you should run CVSup as follows
# to keep your CVS tree up-to-date:
#	cvsup standard-supfile
# If not running X, or invoking cvsup from a non-interactive script, then
# run it as follows:
#	cvsup -g -L 2 standard-supfile
# You may wish to change some of the settings in this file to better
# suit your system:
#		This specifies the server host which will supply the
#		file updates.  You must change it to one of the CVSup
#		mirror sites listed in the FreeBSD Handbook at
#		You can	override this setting on the command line
#		with cvsup's "-h host" option.
# base=/usr
#		This specifies the root where CVSup will store information
#		about the collections you have transferred to your system.
#		A setting of "/usr" will generate this information in
#		/usr/sup.  Even if you are CVSupping a large number of
#		collections, you will be hard pressed to generate more than
#		~1MB of data in this directory.  You can override the
#		"base" setting on the command line with cvsup's "-b base"
#		option.  This directory must exist in order to run CVSup.
# prefix=/usr
#		This specifies where to place the requested files.  A
#		setting of "/usr" will place all of the files requested
#		in "/usr/src" (e.g., "/usr/src/bin", "/usr/src/lib").
#		The prefix directory must exist in order to run CVSup.

# Defaults that apply to all the collections
# IMPORTANT: Change the next line to use one of the CVSup mirror sites
# listed at
*default base=/usr
*default prefix=/usr
*default release=cvs tag=.
*default delete use-rel-suffix

# If your network link is a T1 or faster, comment out the following line.
#*default compress

## Main Source Tree.
# The easiest way to get the main source tree is to use the "src-all"
# mega-collection.  It includes all of the individual "src-*" collections.

# These are the individual collections that make up "src-all".  If you
# use these, be sure to comment out "src-all" above.
# These are the individual collections that make up FreeBSD's crypto
# collection. They are no longer export-restricted and are a part of
# src-all

Changing /root/standard-supfile so host is specified as:
fixes the problem.

Both seem to resolve to the same IP, so I don't see why this is case

I am using cvsup 
2:14@bb2-sfo:~# cvsup -v
CVSup client, non-GUI version
Copyright 1996-2003 John D. Polstra
Software version: SNAP_16_1h
Protocol version: 17.0
Operating system: FreeBSD4
Report problems to
CVSup is a registered trademark of John D. Polstra


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