Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 17:31:57 +0400 From: "Denis N. Peplin" <> To: Subject: ports/54614: Qmail client for DrWeb antivirus suite Message-ID: <> Resent-Message-ID: <>
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>Number: 54614 >Category: ports >Synopsis: New port: drweb-qmail >Confidential: no >Severity: non-critical >Priority: medium >Responsible: freebsd-ports-bugs >State: open >Quarter: >Keywords: >Date-Required: >Class: change-request >Submitter-Id: current-users >Arrival-Date: Fri Jul 18 06:40:09 PDT 2003 >Closed-Date: >Last-Modified: >Originator: Denis N.Peplin <> >Release: FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE-p2 i386 >Organization: <organization of PR author (multiple lines)> >Environment: System: FreeBSD 4 >Description: >How-To-Repeat: >Fix: # This is a shell archive. Save it in a file, remove anything before # this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file". Note, it may # create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and # have default permissions. # # This archive contains: # # . # ./files # ./files/patch-aa # ./Makefile # ./pkg-plist # ./pkg-descr # ./distinfo # ./pkg-message # echo c - . mkdir -p . > /dev/null 2>&1 echo c - ./files mkdir -p ./files > /dev/null 2>&1 echo x - ./files/patch-aa sed 's/^X//' >./files/patch-aa << 'END-of-./files/patch-aa' X--- etc/drweb/drweb_qmail.conf.orig Fri Jul 18 16:49:32 2003 X+++ etc/drweb/drweb_qmail.conf Fri Jul 18 16:56:33 2003 X@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ X # Address = local:/usr/local/drweb/run/drwebd.skt X # Address = pid:/usr/local/drweb/run/ X # Address = pid:/var/drweb/run/, X-Address = inet:3000@localhost X+Address = local:/usr/local/drweb/run/drwebd.sock X X # Enable/disable caching resolved daemon host X # (useful only if daemon uses TCP/IP communications) X@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ X DenyOnOne = yes X X # List with rules for users or domains to block scanning X-DenyList = /etc/drweb/users.conf X+DenyList = /usr/local/drweb/users.conf X X # Directory used for story temporary files X Spool = /var/drweb/spool X@@ -204,10 +204,10 @@ X FilterMail = X X # List of unnotificable viruses X-UnnotificableVirusesList = /etc/drweb/viruses.conf X+UnnotificableVirusesList = /usr/local/drweb/viruses.conf X X # List of unnotificable addresses X-UnnotificableAddressesList = /etc/drweb/addresses.conf X+UnnotificableAddressesList = /usr/local/drweb/addresses.conf X X # Quarantine directory. X # The infected files could be moved in that dir X@@ -237,15 +237,15 @@ X RcptsNotify = yes X X # Files with notification templates X-SenderTemplate = /etc/drweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/virus-sender.msg X-AdminTemplate = /etc/drweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/virus-admin.msg X-RcptsTemplate = /etc/drweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/virus-rcpts.msg X+SenderTemplate = /usr/local/drweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/virus-sender.msg X+AdminTemplate = /usr/local/drweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/virus-admin.msg X+RcptsTemplate = /usr/local/drweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/virus-rcpts.msg X X [SkipNotifications] X SenderNotify = yes X AdminNotify = no X RcptsNotify = no X-SenderTemplate = /etc/drweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/skip-sender.msg X+SenderTemplate = /usr/local/drweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/skip-sender.msg X AdminTemplate = X RcptsTemplate = X X@@ -253,16 +253,16 @@ X SenderNotify = yes X AdminNotify = yes X RcptsNotify = no X-SenderTemplate = /etc/drweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/archive-sender.msg X-AdminTemplate = /etc/drweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/archive-admin.msg X+SenderTemplate = /usr/local/drweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/archive-sender.msg X+AdminTemplate = /usr/local/drweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/archive-admin.msg X RcptsTemplate = X X [ErrorNotifications] X SenderNotify = yes X AdminNotify = yes X RcptsNotify = no X-SenderTemplate = /etc/drweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/error-sender.msg X-AdminTemplate = /etc/drweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/error-admin.msg X+SenderTemplate = /usr/local/drweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/error-sender.msg X+AdminTemplate = /usr/local/drweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/error-admin.msg X RcptsTemplate = X X [RuleFilterNotifications] X@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ X AdminNotify = yes X RcptsNotify = no X SenderTemplate = X-AdminTemplate = /etc/drweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/rule-admin.msg X+AdminTemplate = /usr/local/drweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/rule-admin.msg X RcptsTemplate = X X ################### END-of-./files/patch-aa echo x - ./Makefile sed 's/^X//' >./Makefile << 'END-of-./Makefile' X# New ports collection makefile for: drweb-qmail X# Date created: 5 February 2003 X# Whom: Denis N. Peplin <> X# X# $FreeBSD$ X# X XPORTNAME= drweb_qmail XPORTVERSION= 4.29.12 XCATEGORIES= security mail XMASTER_SITES= XDISTNAME= drweb-qmail-${PORTVERSION}-D-freebsd4 X XMAINTAINER= X XRUN_DEPENDS= ${DRWEB_PREFIX}/drwebd:${PORTSDIR}/security/drweb \ X ${QMAIL_PREFIX}/bin/qmail-queue:${PORTSDIR}/mail/qmail X XCOMMENT= Qmail client for DrWeb antivirus suite X XQMAIL_PREFIX?= /var/qmail XQMAIL_NOFILES?= qnofiles X XDRWEB_WRKDIR= /var/drweb XDRWEB_PREFIX= ${PREFIX}/drweb X XWRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/drweb-qmail X XNO_BUILD= YES X XPW?= /usr/sbin/pw X Xpre-fetch: X @${ECHO_MSG} "" X @${ECHO_MSG} "You can use QMAIL_PREFIX (default value is /var/qmail) and QMAIL_NOFILES (default value is qnofiles) options." X @${ECHO_MSG} "" X XBINOWN= drweb XBINGRP= qmail XBINMODE= 4711 X Xdo-install: X ${PW} usermod drweb -G ${QMAIL_NOFILES} X ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/opt/drweb/qmail-queue \ X ${QMAIL_PREFIX}/bin/qmail-queue.drweb X ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/etc/drweb/addresses.conf \ X ${DRWEB_PREFIX}/addresses.conf-dist X ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/etc/drweb/drweb_qmail.conf \ X ${DRWEB_PREFIX}/drweb_qmail.conf-dist X ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/etc/drweb/users.conf \ X ${DRWEB_PREFIX}/users.conf-dist X ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/etc/drweb/viruses.conf \ X ${DRWEB_PREFIX}/viruses.conf-dist X if [ ! -f ${DRWEB_PREFIX}/addresses.conf ] ; then \ X ${CP} ${DRWEB_PREFIX}/addresses.conf-dist \ X ${DRWEB_PREFIX}/addresses.conf; \ X fi X if [ ! -f ${DRWEB_PREFIX}/drweb_qmail.conf ] ; then \ X ${CP} ${DRWEB_PREFIX}/drweb_qmail.conf-dist \ X ${DRWEB_PREFIX}/drweb_qmail.conf; \ X fi X if [ ! -f ${DRWEB_PREFIX}/users.conf ] ; then \ X ${CP} ${DRWEB_PREFIX}/users.conf-dist \ X ${DRWEB_PREFIX}/users.conf; \ X fi X if [ ! -f ${DRWEB_PREFIX}/viruses.conf ] ; then \ X ${CP} ${DRWEB_PREFIX}/viruses.conf-dist \ X ${DRWEB_PREFIX}/viruses.conf; \ X fi X ${MKDIR} -m 755 ${DRWEB_WRKDIR} X ${MKDIR} -m 770 ${DRWEB_WRKDIR}/infected ${DRWEB_WRKDIR}/spool X ${CHOWN} drweb:drweb ${DRWEB_WRKDIR} X ${CHOWN} drweb:${QMAIL_NOFILES} ${DRWEB_WRKDIR}/infected \ X ${DRWEB_WRKDIR}/spool X ${CP} -R ${WRKSRC}/etc/drweb/templates ${PREFIX}/drweb X ${CP} -R ${WRKSRC}/opt/drweb/doc/qmail ${PREFIX}/drweb/doc X Xpost-install: X @${CAT} ${PKGMESSAGE} X X.include <> END-of-./Makefile echo x - ./pkg-plist sed 's/^X//' >./pkg-plist << 'END-of-./pkg-plist' X@unexec if [ -f %D/drweb/addresses.conf ] && cmp -s %D/drweb/addresses.conf %D/drweb/addresses.conf-dist; then rm -f %D/drweb/addresses.conf; fi Xdrweb/addresses.conf-dist X@exec if [ ! -f %D/drweb/addresses.conf ] ; then cp -p %D/%F %B/addresses.conf; fi Xdrweb/doc/qmail/addresses_list.rus.txt Xdrweb/doc/qmail/addresses_list.txt Xdrweb/doc/qmail/conf_file.rus.txt Xdrweb/doc/qmail/conf_file.txt Xdrweb/doc/qmail/notify.rus.txt Xdrweb/doc/qmail/notify.txt Xdrweb/doc/qmail/readme Xdrweb/doc/qmail/readme.rus Xdrweb/doc/qmail/users_list.rus.txt Xdrweb/doc/qmail/users_list.txt Xdrweb/doc/qmail/viruses_list.rus.txt Xdrweb/doc/qmail/viruses_list.txt X@unexec if [ -f %D/drweb/drweb_qmail.conf ] && cmp -s %D/drweb/drweb_qmail.conf %D/drweb/drweb_qmail.conf-dist; then rm -f %D/drweb/drweb_qmail.conf; fi Xdrweb/drweb_qmail.conf-dist X@exec if [ ! -f %D/drweb/drweb_qmail.conf ] ; then cp -p %D/%F %B/drweb_qmail.conf; fi Xdrweb/templates/en-ru/admin_archive.msg Xdrweb/templates/en-ru/admin_error.msg Xdrweb/templates/en-ru/admin_rule.msg Xdrweb/templates/en-ru/admin_virus.msg Xdrweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/archive-admin.msg Xdrweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/archive-sender.msg Xdrweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/error-admin.msg Xdrweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/error-sender.msg Xdrweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/rule-admin.msg Xdrweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/skip-sender.msg Xdrweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/virus-admin.msg Xdrweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/virus-rcpts.msg Xdrweb/templates/en-ru/qmail/virus-sender.msg Xdrweb/templates/en-ru/rcpts_virus.msg Xdrweb/templates/en-ru/sender_archive.msg Xdrweb/templates/en-ru/sender_error.msg Xdrweb/templates/en-ru/sender_skip.msg Xdrweb/templates/en-ru/sender_virus.msg X@unexec if [ -f %D/drweb/users.conf ] && cmp -s %D/drweb/users.conf %D/drweb/users.conf-dist; then rm -f %D/drweb/users.conf; fi Xdrweb/users.conf-dist X@exec if [ ! -f %D/drweb/users.conf ] ; then cp -p %D/%F %B/users.conf; fi X@unexec if [ -f %D/drweb/viruses.conf ] && cmp -s %D/drweb/viruses.conf %D/drweb/viruses.conf-dist; then rm -f %D/drweb/viruses.conf; fi Xdrweb/viruses.conf-dist X@exec if [ ! -f %D/drweb/viruses.conf ] ; then cp -p %D/%F %B/viruses.conf; fi X@dirrm drweb/templates/en-ru/qmail X@dirrm drweb/templates/en-ru X@dirrm drweb/templates X@dirrm drweb/doc/qmail X@cwd /var Xqmail/bin/qmail-queue.drweb X@exec mkdir -m 755 %D/drweb X@exec mkdir -m 770 %D/drweb/infected X@exec mkdir -m 770 %D/drweb/spool X@exec chown drweb:drweb %D/drweb X@exec chown drweb:qnofiles %D/drweb/infected %D/drweb/spool X@dirrm drweb/infected X@dirrm drweb/spool X@dirrm drweb END-of-./pkg-plist echo x - ./pkg-descr sed 's/^X//' >./pkg-descr << 'END-of-./pkg-descr' XQmail client for DrWeb antivirus suite X XWWW: END-of-./pkg-descr echo x - ./distinfo sed 's/^X//' >./distinfo << 'END-of-./distinfo' XMD5 (drweb-qmail-4.29.12-D-freebsd4.tar.gz) = 469914cb72900f8d4654142843df06d2 END-of-./distinfo echo x - ./pkg-message sed 's/^X//' >./pkg-message << 'END-of-./pkg-message' XThis port based on proxing qmail-queue component of Qmail. You can enable this port by two different ways: X1. Move qmail-queue to qmail-queue.original, then move qmail-queue.drweb to qmail-queue. X2. If Qmail built WITH_QMAILQUEUE_PATCH, You can set QMAILQUEUE variable to full path of qmail-queue.drweb, then specify old qmail-queue in drweb_qmail.conf instead of default qmail-queue.original. Read Qmail docs for details. END-of-./pkg-message exit >Release-Note: >Audit-Trail: >Unformatted:
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