From owner-freebsd-isp  Thu Jun 26 23:26:02 1997
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Date: Fri, 27 Jun 1997 00:26:59 -0600 (MDT)
From: Marc Slemko <>
To: Chris Shenton <>
cc:, freebsd-isp@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: SSLeay and Apache 1.2.0
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On Thu, 26 Jun 1997, Chris Shenton wrote:

> The SSL patches I found were for something earlier than Apache-1.2.0
> (RELEASE); the beta maybe?  I didn't use a port, but unpacked and
> built by hand, following the instructions in the SSL patch kit. I had
> to do lots of manual editing of the hunks rejected by "patch". Finally
> got it to compile and run.
> But when I connected to it, the daemon starting dumping core every 3
> seconds or so. Bummer. Haven't had time to look into why.
> If anyone's got a fix, or more current SSL-patches, I'd love to get
> ahold of 'em.

Assuming you are talking about the 1.2b10+ssl_1.6 patch, the problem is
that the ApacheSSLSetupConnection line in http_main.c is in the wrong
place.  It should be just after the line that calls new_connection (~line