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Date:      Wed, 25 Jan 1995 15:45:10 -0600 (CST)
From:      Dave Waddell <>
Subject:   More on stand/newfs failure
Message-ID:  <Pine.SUN.3.90.950125151246.739B-100000@sys14>

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Attention Jordan K. Hubbard:

This is what was shown on first entering fdisk. Please note the disk is 
a R.A.R.E. RS5200 and not a DEC DSP5400 as I said earlier. Also note this 
drive is the same as a DEC DSP5200 which has the Sun format.dat entry 
described at the end of this message. To continue, this disk was 
originally formatted (and running) under Linux with a 50MB root on the 
second partition (shows as Unknown), 100MB swap on the third (shows as 
Linux), and the fourth /usr with the rest of the disk (shows as Unknown). 

1. Boot?=No Type=Primary 'big' DOS (>32MB)
   Phys=(c0/h1/s1..c127/h254/s63) Sector=(2056320..2184839)
   Size=1004MB, 127 Cylinders + 254 Tracks

2. Boot?=No Type=Unknown
   Phys=(c128/h0/s1..c135/h254/s63) Sector=(2056320..2184839)
   Size=63MB, 8 Cylinders

3. Boot?=No Type=Linux
   Phys=(c136/h0/s1..c148/h254/s63) Sector=(2184840..2393684)
   Size=102MB, 13 Cylinders

4. Boot?=No Type=Unknown
   Phys=(c149/h0/s1..c242/h254/s63) Sector=(2393685..3903794)
   Size=737MB, 94 Cylinders

I deleted partitions 2-4 and <E>dited a new partition No. 2 with size 
904MB (the rest of the disk), type 0xa5, and Bootflag 0x80. It looked 
like this:
2. Boot?=Yes Type=FreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSD
   Phys(c128/h0/s1..c243/h65/s21) Sector=2056320..3907910)
   Size=904MB, 115 Cylinders + 65 Tracks + 21 Sectors

I <W>rote the MBR and th <B>ootmanager and <Q>uit fdisk and moved on to 
<D>isklabel which showed e as the original DOS and f,g,h as the original 
Linux partitions. I deleted f,g,h and <E>dited a to be 50MB, b to be 
100MB, and f to be the rest with 754MB. I <W>rote the label and 
<A>ssigned / to a (4.2BSD), swap to b, /usr to f (4.2BSD). I <W>rote this 
and the <Q>uit. I the chose proceed and it flashed up (briefly) something 
about newfs /dev/rsd1a before failing with the message:

Exec (/stand/newfs) failed, code = 5888.
              < OK >

When booting the drive shows up as <R.A.R.E. RS5200        T329>
I also noted that my Teac CDROM CD50 was not seen as a CDROM drive:
Unit attention asc:28
cd0 drive empty
Could not get size
even though i had the FreeBSD CDRom in there.

# The entry was provided by Stephen Reilly <>.
#  format.dat for DEC DSP5200S 2GB SCSI disk

disk_type = "DEC DSP5200" \
        : ctlr = MD21 \
        : cache = 0x11 : trks_zone = 15 : asect = 5 : atrks = 30 \
        : ncyl =  2619 : acyl = 2 : pcyl = 2621 : nhead = 21 : nsect = 71 
        : rpm = 3600 : bpt = 36352

partition = "DEC DSP5200" \
        : disk = "DEC DSP5200" : ctlr = MD21 \
        : a = 0, 32802 : b = 22, 65604 : c = 0, 3904929 : g = 66, 3806523

|    Dave Waddell           | Disclaimer - I don't even speak for myself |
|       |                                            |
| | + 1 713 267 5103                           |

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