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Date:      Wed, 7 Jun 1995 16:30:02 -0700
From:      Paul Traina <pst@Shockwave.COM>
To:        freebsd-bugs
Subject:   kern/497: bug in BSDI compatibility - ogetkerninfo() not up to date
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: Your message of Wed, 7 Jun 1995 16:28:58 -0700 <>

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>Number:         497
>Category:       kern
>Synopsis:       system calls to the kernel for BSDI uname() compatibility break
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-bugs (FreeBSD bugs mailing list)
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Wed Jun  7 16:30:01 1995
>Originator:     Paul Traina
Shockwave Engineering
>Release:        FreeBSD 2.0-BUILT-19950510 i386

FreeBSD-current as of may 10th.


  7727 netscape.bin11n CALL  old.gethostname(0xefbfd238,0x100)
  7727 netscape.bin11n RET   old.gethostname 0
  7727 netscape.bin11n CALL  old.getkerninfo(0x6500,0,0,0)
  7727 netscape.bin11n RET   old.getkerninfo -1 errno 45 Operation not supported
  7727 netscape.bin11n CALL  write(0x2,0xefbfbd44,0x49)
  7727 netscape.bin11n GIO   fd 2 wrote 73 bytes
       "netscape.bin11n: uname() failed; can't tell what system we're running \


Run the BSDI version of netscape 1.1n under FreeBSD and you get an error
message (see above).... it's doing a getkerninfo(KINFO_SYSINFO) as part of
the uname() library call.

Fix ogetkerninfo system call to do the right thing when presented
with that calling sequence.  We probably just need a KINFO_SYSINFO
emulator, but here's the whole list that we're missing.

The following routines are missing from FreeBSD's ogetkerninfo support:

	KINFO_CPU			102<<8
	KINFO_VM			103<<8

and the KINFO_SYSINFO routine should return a pointer to a data
structure of the following format:

 * Information about the current system.
 * This structure includes only fairly static information
 * (set no later than boot time.)  Returned by getkerninfo().
 * The strings are copied out immediately after this structure.
 * The pointers are offsets from the start of the buffer
 * when returned by the kernel.
struct sysinfo {
        /* machine info */
        char    *sys_machine;           /* generic machine type */
        char    *sys_model;             /* specific machine type/model */
        long    sys_ncpu;               /* number of cpus */
        long    sys_cpuspeed;           /* ~mips, per cpu */
        long    sys_hwflags;            /* additional info, see below */
        u_long  sys_physmem;            /* amount of physical memory, KB */
        u_long  sys_usermem;            /* amount of memory for procs, KB */
        u_long  sys_pagesize;           /* software page size */

        /* system info */
        char    *sys_ostype;            /* generic OS type: "BSD" */
        char    *sys_osrelease;         /* general OS release */
        long    sys_os_revision;        /* OS interface version number */
        long    sys_posix1_version;     /* POSIX.1 version number */
        char    *sys_version;           /* binary version info */

        /* system parameters */
        long    sys_hz;                 /* time-of-day clock frequency */
        long    sys_phz;                /* profiling/stats clock frequency */
        int     sys_ngroup_max;         /* max number of groups */
        long    sys_argmax;             /* max arg list size */
        llong    sys_openmax;            /* approx. max number of open files */
        long    sys_childmax;           /* approx. max number of procs */

        /* local info */
        struct  timeval sys_boottime;   /* time of last system boot */
        char    *sys_hostname;          /* specific host name */

        /* string values follow */

 * values for sys_hwflags
 * Bits above 0xff are reserved for hardware-dependent features.
#define SYS_FPA         0x01            /* has floating-point accelerator */

Please note that this was excerpted from sysinfo.h which contains the
following copyright:

 * Copyright (c) 1992 Berkeley Software Design, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The Berkeley Software Design Inc. software License Agreement specifies
 * the terms and conditions for redistribution.
 *      BSDI $Id: sysinfo.h,v 1.1 1992/08/20 18:33:06 karels Exp $

The engineer who implements this should be untainted (I am not untainted
in this case, so I can't do it).

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