From owner-freebsd-stable  Sat Dec 19 19:10:33 1998
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Date: Sat, 19 Dec 1998 19:09:23 -0800
To: Lomag <>, freebsd-stable@FreeBSD.ORG
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Subject: Re: FreeBSD 3.0-STABLE
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Check your hardware settings. I've had 3.0 working for over 6 months problems through current. I've had it running on over 8 machines,
2 of which are production machines.

At 08:57 PM 12/19/98 -0500, Lomag wrote:
>Can someone please cue me in as when 3.0-stablr branch
>will be ready? I'm forced to use 3.0-current and its
>very unstable, stays up for about 10 days, after that
>things just go haywire. I have to use 3.0 to support
>my UW2 scsi card and Seagate Cheetah hard drives.
>If anyone can please tell me so I know when to expect
>it to upgrade asap.
>Mark Skurzynski
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