From owner-freebsd-commit  Thu Aug 10 14:15:17 1995
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From: "Rodney W. Grimes" <>
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Subject: Re: cvs commit: src/libexec/atrun - Imported sources
To: (=?KOI8-R?Q?=E1=CE=C4=D2=C5=CA_=FE=C5=D2=CE=CF=D7?=)
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 1995 12:23:16 -0700 (PDT)
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> In message <> Rodney W. Grimes
>     writes:
> >> You are not using proper tags either :-(.  
> >This still holds true.  Vendor tags are to be all UPPER case letters.
> I was confused with tags policy, I remember message from you
> which says _not_ use uppercase letters for tags to not interfere
> with release tags.

This changed about 3 or 4 months back, when easy_import was done and I
reduced the ``reserved'' name space down to ``RELENG*'' and asked that
vendor tags be UPPER case to simplify finding them.

> If it changed now or I miss something, please, describe desired forms
> of vendor and release tags.

Please read src/gnu/usr.bin/cvs/contrib/easy_import.perl, it has regular
expressions that should translate better than my english :-)

Please, as asked by Peter, don't do any further imports until Peter and
I have looked at just what this does to a non vendor branched chunk of
code, something we where already trying to work out as we have a lot
of code not on vendor branches, and we would like to convert to them,
but do so _cleanly_ if at all possible.

Rod Grimes                            
Accurate Automation Company                 Reliable computers for FreeBSD