From owner-freebsd-questions  Sat Oct  9  0: 6:12 1999
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From: "Ion Mihai Tetcu" <>
To: Brett Taylor <>, questions@FreeBSD.ORG
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 09:58:59 +0200
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Subject: Re: FreeBSD-Server, Win98-Client
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In 7 Oct 99, la 10:06, Brett Taylor a scris:

> Hi,
> On Thu, 7 Oct 1999, Ion Mihai Tetcu wrote:
> > In 5 Oct 99, la 13:31, Brett Taylor a scris:
> > > In terms of other HTML editors there are a number out there - you can
> > > try asWedit (in ports - www/aswedit), ashe (also in ports), Coffee
> > > (not in the ports at present) and lots of others.  Of course vi always
> > > works.  :-)
> > Thanks for the info`s. What do you prefer?
> I use asWedit fairly frequently - it's got nice color context coding and
> it works pretty well.
> I've tried Coffee and it's okay as well, although it doesn't have color
> context coding and doesn't seem set up as well out of the box (it may have
> color coding, but I haven't figured out how to turn it on yet).  If you
> already use Emacs, it has an HTML mode as well.
> > Is it worthing to wait for the 4.0 (for the network) or should i start
> > installing the 3.3 ?
> I'd install 3.3 - 4.0 won't be out for awhile yet and 3.3 is plenty
> stable.
> Brett
> *****************************************************
> Dr. Brett Taylor    *
> Dept of Chem and Physics			    *
> Curie 39A	(540) 831-6147                      *
> Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics		    *
> Walker 234	(540) 831-5410			    *
> *****************************************************
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Ion Mihai Tetcu
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