Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2004 16:17:43 -0600 (CST) From: To: Cc: "freebsd-questions@FreeBSD. ORG" <> Subject: RE: ez-ipupdate setup info needed Message-ID: <> In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <>
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------=_20040219161743_29948 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit > Luke > Thanks for your reply > When I run ez-ipupdate --help or -help or help or ? it just goes > to service prompt and if I hit enter again it displays msg to > uses an list of names. > > Really need more help Umm.. how about this. The attached file "" contains the output for ez-ipupdate --help. Where it says -S, --service-type, find the one you need for zoneedit. You can see my ez-ipupdate.conf only contains 6 lines, I figure you need to change the service part to zoneedit, ie the -S switch, and the user=<user name>[:password] to your user name and password and put that in /usr/local/etc. Copy the to /usr/local/etc/rc.d Add ez_ipupdate_enable="YES" to your /etc/rc.conf reboot or type # /usr/local/bin/ez-ipupdate -c /usr/local/etc/ez-ipupdate.conf Hope this is of more help Luke ------=_20040219161743_29948 Content-Type: text/plain; name="" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="" usage: /usr/local/bin/ez-ipupdate [options] Options are: -a, --address <ip address> string to send as your ip address -b, --cache-file <file> file to use for caching the ipaddress -c, --config-file <file> configuration file, almost all arguments can be given with: <name>[=<value>] to see a list of possible config commands try "echo help | /usr/local/bin/ez-ipupdate -c -" -d, --daemon run as a daemon periodicly updating if necessary -e, --execute <command> shell command to execute after a successful update -f, --foreground when running as a daemon run in the foreground -F, --pidfile <file> use <file> as a pid file -g, --request-uri <uri> URI to send updates to -h, --host <host> string to send as host parameter -i, --interface <iface> which interface to use -L, --cloak_title <host> some stupid thing for DHS only -m, --mx <mail exchange> string to send as your mail exchange -M, --max-interval <# of sec> max time in between updates -N, --notify-email <email> address to send mail to if bad things happen -o, --offline set to off line mode -p, --resolv-period <sec> period to check IP if it can't be resolved -P, --period <# of sec> period to check IP in daemon mode (default: 1800 seconds) -q, --quiet be quiet -r, --retrys <num> number of trys (default: 1) -R, --run-as-user <user> change to <user> for running, be ware that this can cause problems with handeling SIGHUP properly if that user can't read the config file. also it can't write it's pid file to a root directory -Q, --run-as-euser <user> change to effective <user> for running, this is NOT secure but it does solve the problems with run-as-user and config files and pid files. -s, --server <server[:port]> the server to connect to -S, --service-type <server> the type of service that you are using try one of: null ezip pgpow dhs dyndns dyndns-static dyndns-custom ods tzo easydns easydns-partner gnudip justlinux dyns hn zoneedit heipv6tb -t, --timeout <sec.millisec> the amount of time to wait on I/O -T, --connection-type <num> number sent to TZO as your connection type (default: 1) -U, --url <url> string to send as the url parameter -u, --user <user[:passwd]> user ID and password, if either is left blank they will be prompted for -w, --wildcard set your domain to have a wildcard alias -z, --partner <partner> specify easyDNS partner (for easydns-partner services) --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit --credits print the credits and exit --signalhelp print help about signals ------=_20040219161743_29948 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="ez-ipupdate.conf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ez-ipupdate.conf" IyEvdXNyL2xvY2FsL2Jpbi9lei1pcHVwZGF0ZSAtYw0KDQpzZXJ2aWNlLXR5cGU9ZHluZG5zLWN1 c3RvbQ0KdXNlcj1mb3JteTpleWVzb25seQ0KaW50ZXJmYWNlPWZ4cDANCmhvc3Q9dGhlbWFuZ28u b3JnDQpkYWVtb24NCg== ------=_20040219161743_29948 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="ez-ipupdate.conf.sample" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ez-ipupdate.conf.sample" IyEvdXNyL2xvY2FsL2Jpbi9lei1pcHVwZGF0ZSAtYw0KIw0KIyBleGFtcGxlIGNvbmZpZyBmaWxl IGZvciBlei1pcHVwZGF0ZQ0KIw0KIyB0aGlzIGZpbGUgaXMgYWN0dWFsbHkgZXhlY3V0YWJsZSEN CiMNCg0Kc2VydmljZS10eXBlPTx0eXBlIG9mIHNlcnZpY2U+DQp1c2VyPW15dXNlcmlkOm15cGFz c3dvcmQNCmludGVyZmFjZT1ldGgxDQojaG9zdD1teWRvbWFpbi53aGF0ZXZlci5jb20NCg0KIyBv dGhlciBvcHRpb25zOg0KI2FkZHJlc3M9PGlwIGFkZHJlc3M+DQojY2FjaGUtZmlsZT0vZXRjL2V6 LWlwdXBkYXRlLmNhY2hlLmV0aDENCiNkYWVtb24NCiNkZWJ1Zw0KI2ZvcmVncm91bmQNCiNob3N0 PTxob3N0Pg0KI2ludGVyZmFjZT08aW50ZXJmYWNlPg0KI214PTxtYWlsIGV4Y2hhbmdlcj4NCiNy ZXRyeXM9PG51bWJlciBvZiB0cnlzPg0KI3J1bi1hcy11c2VyPTx1c2VyPg0KI3J1bi1hcy1ldXNl cj08dXNlcj4NCiNzZXJ2ZXI9PHNlcnZlciBuYW1lPg0KI3RpbWVvdXQ9PHNlYy5taWxsaXNlYz4N CiNtYXgtaW50ZXJ2YWw9PHRpbWUgaW4gc2Vjb25kcz4NCiNub3RpZnktZW1haWw9PGVtYWlsIGFk ZHJlc3M+DQojcGVyaW9kPTx0aW1lIGJldHdlZW4gdXBkYXRlIGF0dGVtcHRzPg0KI3VybD08dXJs Pg0KI3VzZXI9PHVzZXIgbmFtZT5bOnBhc3N3b3JkXQ0KI3dpbGRjYXJkDQojcXVpZXQNCg== ------=_20040219161743_29948 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="" IyEvYmluL3NoDQojDQojICRGcmVlQlNEOiBwb3J0cy9kbnMvZXotaXB1cGRhdGUvZmlsZXMvZXot aXB1cGRhdGUuc2gsdiAxLjEgMjAwMy8wOS8wNSAyMDoxMjoxMCBzZSBFeHAgJA0KIw0KDQojIFBS T1ZJREU6IGV6LWlwdXBkYXRlDQojIFJFUVVJUkU6DQojIEJFRk9SRToNCiMgS0VZV09SRDogRnJl ZUJTRCBzaHV0ZG93bg0KDQojIEFkZCB0aGUgZm9sbG93aW5nIGxpbmUgdG8gL2V0Yy9yYy5jb25m IHRvIGVuYWJsZSBlei1pcHVwZGF0ZToNCiMNCiNlel9pcHVwZGF0ZV9lbmFibGU9IllFUyINCiMN Cg0KUFJFRklYPSIvdXNyL2xvY2FsIg0KDQouIC9ldGMvcmMuc3Vicg0KDQojaWYgISBQUkVGSVg9 JChleHByICQwIDogIlwoLy4qXCkvZXRjL3JjXC5kLyR7MCMjKi99XCQiKTsgdGhlbg0KIyAgICBl Y2hvICIkMDogQ2Fubm90IGRldGVybWluZSB0aGUgUFJFRklYIiA+JjINCiMgICAgZXhpdCAxDQoj ZmkNCg0KbmFtZT0iZXpfaXB1cGRhdGUiDQpyY3Zhcj1gc2V0X3JjdmFyYA0KY29tbWFuZD0iJFBS RUZJWC9iaW4vZXotaXB1cGRhdGUiDQpwaWRmaWxlPSIvdmFyL3J1bi9lei1pcHVwZGF0ZS5waWQi DQpyZXF1aXJlZF9maWxlcz0iJFBSRUZJWC9ldGMvZXotaXB1cGRhdGUuY29uZiINCnNpZ19zdG9w PSJRVUlUIg0KDQplel9pcHVwZGF0ZV9lbmFibGU9Ik5PIg0KZXpfaXB1cGRhdGVfZmxhZ3M9Ii1j ICRQUkVGSVgvZXRjL2V6LWlwdXBkYXRlLmNvbmYgLWQgLUYgJHBpZGZpbGUiDQoNCmxvYWRfcmNf Y29uZmlnICRuYW1lDQpydW5fcmNfY29tbWFuZCAiJDEiDQo= ------=_20040219161743_29948--
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