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Date:      Fri, 13 Sep 2013 12:21:00 +0800
From:      Julian Elischer <>
To:        Jonathon Wright <>
Cc:        "" <>, John-Mark Gurney <>, Guy Helmer <>
Subject:   Re: FreeBSD Transient Memory problem?
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>
References:  <> <> <> <> <> <> <>

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On 9/13/13 4:33 AM, Jonathon Wright wrote:
> Thanks for those insights Guy. Makes sense that they are referring 
> to security boundaries (inter-process related) only.
what's the name of the "security" company?

maybe we can publicly lambast them as idiots on slashdot.

> I didn't get the reference (witness the sendmail() security advisory 
> earlier this week). Was there a reference to this issue in the one 
> earlier this week, and / or how do I view the security advisories?
> As far as the book, I am trying to find an online version that I can 
> copy / paste out the section that would talk about this.
> I did go back to the teams local rep who is simply "tracking" the 
> item. He stated that the "proof" would preferrably be an EAL cert, 
> but verbiage in that book or other "formal" documenation would be 
> considered.
> So few questions:
> Do you know where I can get the book in an online copy?
> Do you have a link to nCircle or site (my GoogleFu is not very 
> strong, I only got tripwire hits)
> Thanks
> On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 10:05 AM, Guy Helmer < 
> <>> wrote:
>     On Sep 12, 2013, at 2:33 PM, Jonathon Wright
>     <
>     <>> wrote:
>     > I agree, really, I do. This is very frustrating to me.
>     Unfortunately, the
>     > team has left and gone to another project. They indicated to
>     our management
>     > that we had 90 days to address the issue with our plan. Its a
>     bit harder to
>     > contact them now since they are gone, but I can probably get
>     some questions
>     > to them. They did leave a copy of the report, here is the
>     entire verbiage:
>     >
>     > ---BEGIN
>     >
>     > *Description of Finding:* Object reuse cannot be verified. The
>     FreeBSD
>     > servers used have not been evaluated or certified by NIAP. As
>     such, it
>     > cannot be verified that the operating system ensures transient
>     memory
>     > cleansing (object reuse) features are in place.
>     >
>     > *Rationale for Severity Code Determination:* The Validation
>     team has
>     > determined this to be a Category II finding. By using
>     unapproved Operating
>     > Systems (OS) which do not ensure that no residual data from a
>     former object
>     > exists, a malicious user could gain access to memory and OS
>     objects that
>     > contain sensitive information.
>     >
>     > *Recommended Countermeasure(s):* Transition servers to an NIAP
>     approved OS.
>     > Decommission the FreeBSD servers.
>     >  ---END
>     >
>     > What I think they are looking for is a verification that every
>     malloc has a
>     > call to free afterwords that zeros out the memory used. I
>     could be wrong,
>     > but just a guess.
>     >
>     > JW
>     Two common forms of object reuse are in memory allocation to a
>     process and in blocks allocated to a file. As far as I
>     understand the issue, malloc/free within a single process would
>     not be a relevant concern (generally, only inter-process
>     activity crosses security boundaries). A malloc that causes VM
>     pages to be assigned to the process by the kernel, or file
>     writes that cause blocks to be allocated to a file, would be the
>     among the relevant issues. Unfortunately, as I'm not a VM or FS
>     guru, I can't point to particular points in the kernel source
>     that show that memory is zeroed when allocated to a new process,
>     or blocks are zeroed when allocated to a file. However, this is
>     fundamental to secure operation of any modern system, and if
>     there is *any* evidence that FreeBSD operates to the contrary,
>     it would be worthy of a security advisory (witness the
>     sendfile() security advisory from earlier this week).
>     I don't have a copy of "Design and Implementation of FreeBSD"
>     handy, but I would imagine it points out the relevant code
>     paths. However, it seems your management wants evidence of EAL
>     certification, not evidence from code. Perhaps you can borrow
>     such certification from nCircle or others.
>     Guy
>     > On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 8:00 AM, Julian Elischer
>     < <>> wrote:
>     >
>     >> On 9/13/13 1:49 AM, My Email wrote:
>     >>
>     >>> My apologies, I have been replying too all, I hope that is
>     the correct
>     >>> method.
>     >>>
>     >>> Anyway, that is very interesting information. I'd be
>     extremely interested
>     >>> in information on customizing malloc and jemalloc. Let me
>     know where to
>     >>> start. Thanks!
>     >>>
>     >>
>     >> it's hard to know how to refute it because they don't explain
>     WHAT memory
>     >> they are talking about.
>     >> there is NO OS in the world that can survive that test if
>     they are talking
>     >> about protection from a malware kernel module.
>     >> On the other hand if they are just talking about user memory
>     allocation
>     >> then of course we NEVER hand uncleared memory to anyone.
>     (even root). Ask
>     >> them to tell you what memory they are talking about..
>     >> and if they want free memory in the pool to be clear then it
>     wouldn't take
>     >> much to
>     >> add a module that zeros non vnode memory when it's handed
>     back to the
>     >> kernel.
>     >>
>     >> But for all we know they are talking about people stealing
>     punch cards and
>     >> photographing them..
>     >>
>     >> JW
>     >>>
>     >>> On Sep 11, 2013, at 7:35 PM, John-Mark Gurney
>     < <>> wrote:
>     >>>
>     >>> Jonathon Wright wrote this message on Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at
>     14:15 -1000:
>     >>>>
>     >>>>> I have posted this question (username-scryptkiddy) in the
>     forums:
>     >>>>>
>     >>>>> but was suggested to bring it here to the mailing list for
>     discussion.
>     >>>>>
>     >>>>> Basically, FreeBSD 8.3 (64bit) is what we use in our shop.
>     We were
>     >>>>> inspected by a security team and they had issues with
>     FreeBSD's memory
>     >>>>> management.
>     >>>>>
>     >>>>> Namely the transient memory and object reuse areas of
>     FreeBSD. They
>     >>>>> claimed
>     >>>>> that FreeBSD did not have a Common Criteria (EAL1-4)
>     evaluation
>     >>>>> completed,
>     >>>>> and therefore was vulnerable to the Transient memory problem.
>     >>>>>
>     >>>> Any system that uses malloc will have difficulties with
>     this as most
>     >>>> versions of free will not zero out the memory...  You could
>     make
>     >>>> modifications to kernel malloc to always zero memory on
>     free, and turn on
>     >>>> the junk feature of jemalloc and that could possibly close
>     this issue
>     >>>> for them...
>     >>>>
>     >>>> Our higher ups need some sort of documentation / testing
>      that can be
>     >>>>> used
>     >>>>> to counter this, since changing Operating Systems is not
>     something we
>     >>>>> have
>     >>>>> time / manpower to do, but might have too based on this
>     supposed
>     >>>>> 'finding'.
>     >>>>>
>     >>>>> The post has all the details. Let me know I need to repost
>     in this as
>     >>>>> well.
>     >>>>>
>     >>>> I know that FreeBSD 4.7 and 4.9 has been EAL3 ceritfied.  I
>     worked for
>     >>>> nCircle a number of years ago, and they got their products EAL3
>     >>>> cerified.
>     >>>>
>     >>>> Link:
>     >>>>
>     http://www.****files/epfiles/nCircle%20CR%**
>     <**files/epfiles/nCircle%20CR%**>;
>     >>>>
>     20v1.0.pdf<>;
>     >>>>
>     >>>> It is possible someone else has received certification on a
>     newer
>     >>>> version,
>     >>>> but I'm not aware of any at this time...
>     >>>>
>     >>>> --
>     >>>>  John-Mark Gurney                Voice: +1 415 225 5579
>     <tel:%2B1%20415%20225%205579>
>     >>>>
>     >>>>     "All that I will do, has been done, All that I have,
>     has not."
>     >>>>
>     >>>
>     >>>
>     >>
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