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Date:      Thu, 8 Mar 2018 00:07:28 +0000 (UTC)
From:      Jan Beich <>
Subject:   svn commit: r463842 - in head/www/waterfox: . files
Message-ID:  <>

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Author: jbeich
Date: Thu Mar  8 00:07:28 2018
New Revision: 463842

  www/waterfox: apply FF60 fix

  head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1411415   (contents, props changed)
  head/www/waterfox/Makefile   (contents, props changed)

Modified: head/www/waterfox/Makefile
--- head/www/waterfox/Makefile	Wed Mar  7 23:58:40 2018	(r463841)
+++ head/www/waterfox/Makefile	Thu Mar  8 00:07:28 2018	(r463842)
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 PORTNAME=	waterfox
 DISTVERSION=	56.0.4-36
 DISTVERSIONSUFFIX=	-g79492ecca478
 CATEGORIES=	www ipv6

Added: head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1411415
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/www/waterfox/files/patch-bug1411415	Thu Mar  8 00:07:28 2018	(r463842)
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+commit 627eb6ae9a72
+Author: Kannan Vijayan <>
+Date:   Mon Mar 5 19:27:02 2018 -0500
+    Bug 1411415 - r=bz r=fitzgen
+ dom/bindings/BindingUtils.cpp               | 20 +++++------
+ dom/bindings/ErrorResult.h                  |  2 +-
+ dom/xslt/xpath/txXPCOMExtensionFunction.cpp |  2 +-
+ js/public/Value.h                           | 55 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
+ js/rust/                            |  1 +
+ js/src/jit/BaselineFrameInfo.h              |  4 +--
+ js/src/jit/CacheIRCompiler.cpp              |  2 +-
+ js/src/jit/RegisterSets.h                   |  8 ++---
+ js/src/jit/RematerializedFrame.cpp          | 14 ++++++--
+ js/src/wasm/AsmJS.cpp                       | 10 +++---
+ js/xpconnect/src/XPCWrappedNative.cpp       |  7 ++--
+ layout/style/ServoBindings.toml             |  6 ++--
+ xpcom/reflect/xptcall/xptcall.h             |  2 +-
+ 13 files changed, 97 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
+diff --git dom/bindings/BindingUtils.cpp dom/bindings/BindingUtils.cpp
+index 93069ac4a8b8..ac8c7a2229f3 100644
+--- dom/bindings/BindingUtils.cpp
++++ dom/bindings/BindingUtils.cpp
+@@ -287,8 +287,8 @@ TErrorResult<CleanupPolicy>::ThrowJSException(JSContext* cx, JS::Handle<JS::Valu
+   // Make sure mJSException is initialized _before_ we try to root it.  But
+   // don't set it to exn yet, because we don't want to do that until after we
+   // root.
+-  mJSException.setUndefined();
+-  if (!js::AddRawValueRoot(cx, &mJSException, "TErrorResult::mJSException")) {
++  mJSException.asValueRef().setUndefined();
++  if (!js::AddRawValueRoot(cx, &mJSException.asValueRef(), "TErrorResult::mJSException")) {
+     // indicates we have in fact rooted mJSException.
+     mResult = NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ TErrorResult<CleanupPolicy>::SetPendingJSException(JSContext* cx)
+   mJSException = exception;
+   // If JS_WrapValue failed, not much we can do about it...  No matter
+   // what, go ahead and unroot mJSException.
+-  js::RemoveRawValueRoot(cx, &mJSException);
++  js::RemoveRawValueRoot(cx, &mJSException.asValueRef());
+   mResult = NS_OK;
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+@@ -423,8 +423,8 @@ TErrorResult<CleanupPolicy>::ClearUnionData()
+   if (IsJSException()) {
+     JSContext* cx = dom::danger::GetJSContext();
+     MOZ_ASSERT(cx);
+-    mJSException.setUndefined();
+-    js::RemoveRawValueRoot(cx, &mJSException);
++    mJSException.asValueRef().setUndefined();
++    js::RemoveRawValueRoot(cx, &mJSException.asValueRef());
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+     mUnionState = HasNothing;
+ #endif // DEBUG
+@@ -467,13 +467,13 @@ TErrorResult<CleanupPolicy>::operator=(TErrorResult<CleanupPolicy>&& aRHS)
+   } else if (aRHS.IsJSException()) {
+     JSContext* cx = dom::danger::GetJSContext();
+     MOZ_ASSERT(cx);
+-    mJSException.setUndefined();
+-    if (!js::AddRawValueRoot(cx, &mJSException, "TErrorResult::mJSException")) {
++    mJSException.asValueRef().setUndefined();
++    if (!js::AddRawValueRoot(cx, &mJSException.asValueRef(), "TErrorResult::mJSException")) {
+       MOZ_CRASH("Could not root mJSException, we're about to OOM");
+     }
+     mJSException = aRHS.mJSException;
+-    aRHS.mJSException.setUndefined();
+-    js::RemoveRawValueRoot(cx, &aRHS.mJSException);
++    aRHS.mJSException.asValueRef().setUndefined();
++    js::RemoveRawValueRoot(cx, &aRHS.mJSException.asValueRef());
+   } else if (aRHS.IsDOMException()) {
+     mDOMExceptionInfo = aRHS.mDOMExceptionInfo;
+     aRHS.mDOMExceptionInfo = nullptr;
+@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ TErrorResult<CleanupPolicy>::CloneTo(TErrorResult& aRv) const
+     aRv.mUnionState = HasJSException;
+ #endif
+     JSContext* cx = dom::danger::GetJSContext();
+-    JS::Rooted<JS::Value> exception(cx, mJSException);
++    JS::Rooted<JS::Value> exception(cx, mJSException.asValueRef());
+     aRv.ThrowJSException(cx, exception);
+   }
+ }
+diff --git dom/bindings/ErrorResult.h dom/bindings/ErrorResult.h
+index 7b38226691bb..a406a2c490a5 100644
+--- dom/bindings/ErrorResult.h
++++ dom/bindings/ErrorResult.h
+@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ private:
+   // (and deallocated) by SetPendingDOMException.
+   union {
+     Message* mMessage; // valid when IsErrorWithMessage()
+-    JS::Value mJSException; // valid when IsJSException()
++    JS::UninitializedValue mJSException; // valid when IsJSException()
+     DOMExceptionInfo* mDOMExceptionInfo; // valid when IsDOMException()
+   };
+diff --git dom/xslt/xpath/txXPCOMExtensionFunction.cpp dom/xslt/xpath/txXPCOMExtensionFunction.cpp
+index e95baa0bbde8..e1387422c303 100644
+--- dom/xslt/xpath/txXPCOMExtensionFunction.cpp
++++ dom/xslt/xpath/txXPCOMExtensionFunction.cpp
+@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ public:
+     void trace(JSTracer* trc) {
+         for (uint8_t i = 0; i < mCount; ++i) {
+             if (mArray[i].type == nsXPTType::T_JSVAL) {
+-                JS::UnsafeTraceRoot(trc, &mArray[i].val.j, "txParam value");
++                JS::UnsafeTraceRoot(trc, &mArray[i].val.j.asValueRef(), "txParam value");
+             }
+         }
+     }
+diff --git js/public/Value.h js/public/Value.h
+index b7c4e1b8a770..96a1b703bbc1 100644
+--- js/public/Value.h
++++ js/public/Value.h
+@@ -137,12 +137,16 @@ static_assert(sizeof(JSValueShiftedTag) == sizeof(uint64_t),
+ #define JSVAL_TYPE_TO_TAG(type)      ((JSValueTag)(JSVAL_TAG_CLEAR | (type)))
++#define JSVAL_RAW64_UNDEFINED        (uint64_t(JSVAL_TAG_UNDEFINED) << 32)
+ #elif defined(JS_PUNBOX64)
+ #define JSVAL_PAYLOAD_MASK           0x00007FFFFFFFFFFFLL
+ #define JSVAL_TAG_MASK               0xFFFF800000000000LL
+ #define JSVAL_TYPE_TO_TAG(type)      ((JSValueTag)(JSVAL_TAG_MAX_DOUBLE | (type)))
+@@ -814,7 +818,7 @@ class MOZ_NON_PARAM alignas(8) Value
+         double asDouble;
+         void* asPtr;
+-        layout() = default;
++        layout() : asBits(JSVAL_RAW64_UNDEFINED) {}
+         explicit constexpr layout(uint64_t bits) : asBits(bits) {}
+         explicit constexpr layout(double d) : asDouble(d) {}
+     } data;
+@@ -840,7 +844,7 @@ class MOZ_NON_PARAM alignas(8) Value
+         size_t asWord;
+         uintptr_t asUIntPtr;
+-        layout() = default;
++        layout() : asBits(JSVAL_RAW64_UNDEFINED) {}
+         explicit constexpr layout(uint64_t bits) : asBits(bits) {}
+         explicit constexpr layout(double d) : asDouble(d) {}
+     } data;
+@@ -868,7 +872,7 @@ class MOZ_NON_PARAM alignas(8) Value
+         double asDouble;
+         void* asPtr;
+-        layout() = default;
++        layout() : asBits(JSVAL_RAW64_UNDEFINED) {}
+         explicit constexpr layout(uint64_t bits) : asBits(bits) {}
+         explicit constexpr layout(double d) : asDouble(d) {}
+     } data;
+@@ -892,7 +896,7 @@ class MOZ_NON_PARAM alignas(8) Value
+         size_t asWord;
+         uintptr_t asUIntPtr;
+-        layout() = default;
++        layout() : asBits(JSVAL_RAW64_UNDEFINED) {}
+         explicit constexpr layout(uint64_t bits) : asBits(bits) {}
+         explicit constexpr layout(double d) : asDouble(d) {}
+     } data;
+@@ -945,8 +949,51 @@ class MOZ_NON_PARAM alignas(8) Value
+     }
++ * This is a null-constructible structure that can convert to and from
++ * a Value, allowing UninitializedValue to be stored in unions.
++ */
++struct MOZ_NON_PARAM alignas(8) UninitializedValue
++  private:
++    uint64_t bits;
++  public:
++    UninitializedValue() = default;
++    UninitializedValue(const UninitializedValue&) = default;
++    MOZ_IMPLICIT UninitializedValue(const Value& val) : bits(val.asRawBits()) {}
++    inline uint64_t asRawBits() const {
++        return bits;
++    }
++    inline Value& asValueRef() {
++        return *reinterpret_cast<Value*>(this);
++    }
++    inline const Value& asValueRef() const {
++        return *reinterpret_cast<const Value*>(this);
++    }
++    inline operator Value&() {
++        return asValueRef();
++    }
++    inline operator Value const&() const {
++        return asValueRef();
++    }
++    inline operator Value() const {
++        return asValueRef();
++    }
++    inline void operator=(Value const& other) {
++        asValueRef() = other;
++    }
+ static_assert(sizeof(Value) == 8, "Value size must leave three tag bits, be a binary power, and is ubiquitously depended upon everywhere");
++static_assert(sizeof(UninitializedValue) == sizeof(Value), "Value and UninitializedValue must be the same size");
++static_assert(alignof(UninitializedValue) == alignof(Value), "Value and UninitializedValue must have same alignment");
+ inline bool
+ IsOptimizedPlaceholderMagicValue(const Value& v)
+ {
+diff --git js/src/jit/BaselineFrameInfo.h js/src/jit/BaselineFrameInfo.h
+index 13bf0358d944..1691270acf17 100644
+--- js/src/jit/BaselineFrameInfo.h
++++ js/src/jit/BaselineFrameInfo.h
+@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class StackValue
+     union {
+         struct {
+-            Value v;
++            JS::UninitializedValue v;
+         } constant;
+         struct {
+             mozilla::AlignedStorage2<ValueOperand> reg;
+@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class StackValue
+     }
+     Value constant() const {
+         MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == Constant);
+-        return data.constant.v;
++        return data.constant.v.asValueRef();
+     }
+     ValueOperand reg() const {
+         MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == Register);
+diff --git js/src/jit/CacheIRCompiler.cpp js/src/jit/CacheIRCompiler.cpp
+index 98d2dcbf1b23..35357ed7c8da 100644
+--- js/src/jit/CacheIRCompiler.cpp
++++ js/src/jit/CacheIRCompiler.cpp
+@@ -925,7 +925,7 @@ CacheIRWriter::copyStubData(uint8_t* dest) const
+             *reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(destWords) = field.asInt64();
+             break;
+           case StubField::Type::Value:
+-            InitGCPtr<JS::Value>(destWords, field.asInt64());
++            AsGCPtr<Value>(destWords)->init(Value::fromRawBits(uint64_t(field.asInt64())));
+             break;
+           case StubField::Type::Limit:
+             MOZ_CRASH("Invalid type");
+diff --git js/src/jit/RegisterSets.h js/src/jit/RegisterSets.h
+index b6436a801b1c..749730aac4c6 100644
+--- js/src/jit/RegisterSets.h
++++ js/src/jit/RegisterSets.h
+@@ -226,13 +226,13 @@ class ConstantOrRegister
+     // Space to hold either a Value or a TypedOrValueRegister.
+     union U {
+-        Value constant;
++        JS::UninitializedValue constant;
+         TypedOrValueRegister reg;
+     } data;
+-    const Value& dataValue() const {
++    Value dataValue() const {
+         MOZ_ASSERT(constant());
+-        return data.constant;
++        return data.constant.asValueRef();
+     }
+     void setDataValue(const Value& value) {
+         MOZ_ASSERT(constant());
+@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ class ConstantOrRegister
+         return constant_;
+     }
+-    const Value& value() const {
++    Value value() const {
+         return dataValue();
+     }
+diff --git js/src/jit/RematerializedFrame.cpp js/src/jit/RematerializedFrame.cpp
+index f12475e5ee55..8cfb0c0d0b87 100644
+--- js/src/jit/RematerializedFrame.cpp
++++ js/src/jit/RematerializedFrame.cpp
+@@ -60,9 +60,17 @@ RematerializedFrame::New(JSContext* cx, uint8_t* top, InlineFrameIterator& iter,
+ {
+     unsigned numFormals = iter.isFunctionFrame() ? iter.calleeTemplate()->nargs() : 0;
+     unsigned argSlots = Max(numFormals, iter.numActualArgs());
+-    size_t numBytes = sizeof(RematerializedFrame) +
+-        (argSlots + iter.script()->nfixed()) * sizeof(Value) -
+-        sizeof(Value); // 1 Value included in sizeof(RematerializedFrame)
++    unsigned extraSlots = argSlots + iter.script()->nfixed();
++    // One Value slot is included in sizeof(RematerializedFrame), so we can
++    // reduce the extra slot count by one.  However, if there are zero slot
++    // allocations total, then reducing the slots by one will lead to
++    // the memory allocation being smaller  than sizeof(RematerializedFrame).
++    if (extraSlots > 0)
++        extraSlots -= 1;
++    size_t numBytes = sizeof(RematerializedFrame) + (extraSlots * sizeof(Value));
++    MOZ_ASSERT(numBytes >= sizeof(RematerializedFrame));
+     void* buf = cx->pod_calloc<uint8_t>(numBytes);
+     if (!buf)
+diff --git js/src/wasm/AsmJS.cpp js/src/wasm/AsmJS.cpp
+index a5102bd66373..9fe705976ea3 100644
+--- js/src/wasm/AsmJS.cpp
++++ js/src/wasm/AsmJS.cpp
+@@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ class NumLit
+   private:
+     Which which_;
+     union {
+-        Value scalar_;
++        JS::UninitializedValue scalar_;
+         SimdConstant simd_;
+     } u;
+@@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ class NumLit
+     int32_t toInt32() const {
+         MOZ_ASSERT(which_ == Fixnum || which_ == NegativeInt || which_ == BigUnsigned);
+-        return u.scalar_.toInt32();
++        return u.scalar_.asValueRef().toInt32();
+     }
+     uint32_t toUint32() const {
+@@ -883,17 +883,17 @@ class NumLit
+     double toDouble() const {
+         MOZ_ASSERT(which_ == Double);
+-        return u.scalar_.toDouble();
++        return u.scalar_.asValueRef().toDouble();
+     }
+     float toFloat() const {
+         MOZ_ASSERT(which_ == Float);
+-        return float(u.scalar_.toDouble());
++        return float(u.scalar_.asValueRef().toDouble());
+     }
+     Value scalarValue() const {
+         MOZ_ASSERT(which_ != OutOfRangeInt);
+-        return u.scalar_;
++        return u.scalar_.asValueRef();
+     }
+     bool isSimd() const
+diff --git js/xpconnect/src/XPCWrappedNative.cpp js/xpconnect/src/XPCWrappedNative.cpp
+index fd992eb22465..946d671ddd00 100644
+--- js/xpconnect/src/XPCWrappedNative.cpp
++++ js/xpconnect/src/XPCWrappedNative.cpp
+@@ -1723,9 +1723,12 @@ CallMethodHelper::ConvertIndependentParam(uint8_t i)
+     // indirectly, regardless of in/out-ness.
+     if (type_tag == nsXPTType::T_JSVAL) {
+         // Root the value.
+-        dp->val.j.setUndefined();
+-        if (!js::AddRawValueRoot(mCallContext, &dp->val.j, "XPCWrappedNative::CallMethod param"))
++        dp->val.j.asValueRef().setUndefined();
++        if (!js::AddRawValueRoot(mCallContext, &dp->val.j.asValueRef(),
++                                 "XPCWrappedNative::CallMethod param"))
++        {
+             return false;
++        }
+     }
+     // Flag cleanup for anything that isn't self-contained.
+diff --git xpcom/reflect/xptcall/xptcall.h xpcom/reflect/xptcall/xptcall.h
+index ddab2e4af127..4b387e8ee9c1 100644
+--- xpcom/reflect/xptcall/xptcall.h
++++ xpcom/reflect/xptcall/xptcall.h
+@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ struct nsXPTCMiniVariant
+         // Types below here are unknown to the assembly implementations, and
+         // therefore _must_ be passed with indirect semantics. We put them in
+         // the union here for type safety, so that we can avoid void* tricks.
+-        JS::Value j;
++        JS::UninitializedValue j;
+     } val;
+ };

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