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Date:      Wed, 17 Jun 2020 18:22:26 +0200
From:      Per olof Ljungmark <>
To:        Michael Gmelin <>
Cc:        FreeBSD <>
Subject:   Re: cups-pdf crash status -139
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>
References:  <> <> <> <>

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On 2020-06-17 11:23, Michael Gmelin wrote:
> On Wed, 17 Jun 2020 09:43:35 +0200
> Per olof Ljungmark <> wrote:
>> On 2020-06-16 12:15, Michael Gmelin wrote:
>>>> On 16. Jun 2020, at 11:47, Per olof Ljungmark <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> On 2020-06-15 16:14, Michael Gmelin wrote:
>>>>>> On Mon, 15 Jun 2020 12:03:17 +0200
>>>>>> Per olof Ljungmark <> wrote:
>>>>>> On 2020-06-15 09:50, Michael Gmelin wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 15. Jun 2020, at 09:45, Per olof Ljungmark <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> What happens if you run the gs command on the pdf you’re
>>>>>>> printing directly:
>>>>>>>> gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER -dNOMEDIAATTRS -sstdout=?
>>>>>>>> -sDEVICE=ps2write -dShowAcroForm -sOUTPUTFILE=?
>>>>>>>> -dLanguageLevel=2 -r300 -dCompressFonts=false -dNoT3CCITT
>>>>>>>> -dNOINTERPOLATE ? ? -f ?
>>>>>> A PDF is created.
>>>>>> And, according to logs gs is OK:
>>>>>> D [15/Jun/2020:09:16:23 +0200] [Job 1070] Wrote 1 pages...
>>>>>> D [15/Jun/2020:09:16:23 +0200] [Job 1070] PID 37126 (pstops)
>>>>>> exited with no errors.
>>>>>> D [15/Jun/2020:09:16:23 +0200] [Job 1070] PID 37125 (gs) exited
>>>>>> with no errors.
>>>>>> D [15/Jun/2020:09:16:23 +0200] [Job 1070] PID 37123
>>>>>> (/usr/local/libexec/cups/filter/pdftops) exited with no errors.
>>>>>> I [15/Jun/2020:09:16:23 +0200] [Job 1070] Backend returned status
>>>>>> -139 (crashed)
>>>>> Are you printer(s) shown as okay in the cups web UI? (like, not
>>>>> temporarily halted, stopped, etc.?). I sometimes had some issues
>>>>> after upgrading, especially with hplip.
>>>>> This upstream issue reported earlier this year sounds similar to
>>>>> what you're seeing, maybe it helps:
>>>> The cups-pdf printer is paused with "Backend failed" but all other
>>>> printers are OK. HPLIP is not installed.
>>> Can you enable the cups-pdf printer using the “cupsenable” command?
>>> And if so, will it stay enabled or go back to paused/failed at the
>>> next attempt?
>> It reverts to "Backend failed".
>> Just tried to add the cups-pdf printer to the 12-STABLE workstation
>> I'm writing this on with identical result so by now I see this on
>> three different boxes, all running 12-STABLE. Also, I am confident
>> that the problem surfaced after the updates to cups in late March.
>> If I have the time at some point I could try to revert to an older
>> version but it would be nicer to sort the problem.
>> Not sure how to proceed from here...
> Could you share your relevant config files, so I can try to reproduce
> the problem?

Here is something, printers.cgi is asking for

but it does not exist, it lives in

67543 printers.cgi RET   write 1
  67543 printers.cgi CALL  close(0x4)
  67543 printers.cgi RET   close 0
  67543 printers.cgi CALL  write(0x2,0x7fffffffd3b0,0x31)
  67543 printers.cgi GIO   fd 2 wrote 49 bytes
        "DEBUG2: cgiCopyTemplateLang(tmpl="trailer.tmpl")
  67543 printers.cgi RET   write 49/0x31
  59594 cupsd    CALL  write(0x5,0x8016fe008,0x42)
  67543 printers.cgi CALL  write(0x2,0x7fffffffd3b0,0x2e)
  59594 cupsd    GIO   fd 5 wrote 66 bytes
        "D [17/Jun/2020:17:59:31 +0200] [Client 356] con->http=0x801739000
  59594 cupsd    RET   write 66/0x42
  67543 printers.cgi GIO   fd 2 wrote 46 bytes
        "DEBUG2: lang="en_US.UTF8", locale="/en_US"...
  67543 printers.cgi RET   write 46/0x2e
  59594 cupsd    CALL  write(0x5,0x8016fe008,0xc9)
  67543 printers.cgi CALL  open(0x7fffffffdac0,0<O_RDONLY>)
  59594 cupsd    GIO   fd 5 wrote 201 bytes
        "D [17/Jun/2020:17:59:31 +0200] [Client 356] cupsdWriteClient 
error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_POST_SEND, 
data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_CHUNKED, data_remaining\
         =0, response=0x0(), pipe_pid=67543, file=14
  59594 cupsd    RET   write 201/0xc9
  67543 printers.cgi NAMI 
  59594 cupsd    CALL  kevent(0x3,0x7fffffffe280,0x1,0,0,0x7fffffffe270)
  59594 cupsd    STRU  struct kevent[] = { { ident=14, 
filter=EVFILT_READ, flags=0x1<EV_ADD>, fflags=0, data=0, 
udata=0x8017ff280 } }
  59594 cupsd    STRU  struct kevent[] = {  }
  59594 cupsd    RET   kevent 0
  67543 printers.cgi RET   open -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
  59594 cupsd    CALL  write(0x5,0x8016fe008,0x42)
  67543 printers.cgi CALL  open(0x7fffffffdac0,0<O_RDONLY>)
  59594 cupsd    GIO   fd 5 wrote 66 bytes
        "D [17/Jun/2020:17:59:31 +0200] [Client 356] Waiting for CGI data.
  67543 printers.cgi NAMI  "/usr/local/share/cups/templates/en/trailer.tmpl"
  59594 cupsd    RET   write 66/0x42
  59594 cupsd    CALL  read(0xe,0x803f6da8c,0x800)
  59594 cupsd    GIO   fd 14 read 1033 bytes
         <EM>"Backend failed"</EM></TD>

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