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Resent-Date: Thu, 04 Sep 1997 18:04:44 -0400 (EDT)
Resent-From: Christian Fortin <>
Resent-To: Bruce Evans <>
Date: Thu, 04 Sep 1997 18:27:00 -0400 (EDT)
From: Christian Fortin <>
To: freebsd-bugs@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: FW: Re: Bug with Cyclade serial board and TUN.
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-----FW: Re: Bug with Cyclade serial board and TUN.-----

Date: Thu, 04 Sep 1997 18:04:44 -0400 (EDT)
From: Christian Fortin <>
To: Bruce Evans <>
Subject: Re: Bug with Cyclade serial board and TUN.
Cc:, freebsd-bug@FreeBSD.ORG

On 03-Sep-97 Bruce Evans wrote:
>>We have problem with the Cylcom 16Ye ISA serial board with DB25 boxe and TUN.
>>It work fine in the FreeBSD 2.2-GAMMA version.
>I don't know what was in 2.2-GAMMA - it wasn't tagged :-(.

With CVSUP we localised when the source hahe stop to work.
it's:  1997.
1997 june 16, 13h26 26s.

>>But with 2.2.2 and 2.2-970618-RELENG it not work.
>>When I use the Cyclade in terminal mode, everything work fine.
>>When I use with pppd it work fine also.
>>But when I use it with TUN, we have a proble,:
>>The first time, we can connect in TUN.
>>When I hangup, the modem also hangup but the ppp process stay active in
>>When I retry to connect on the modem, the modem answer but never give the
>>prompt.   Because the process has not been killed by the hangup.
>The cy driver in early versions of 2.2 had buggy carrier detect handling,
>mainly involving CLOCAL mode.  Apparently ppp depended on these bugs.
>CLOCAL mode prevents normal hangup processing (of killing the process group
>and returning end of file for subsequent reads).  In terminal mode, CLOCAL
>is usually not set and processes get killed by hangups.  Similarly for
>pppd in its default "modem" mode.  OTOH, ppp sets CLOCAL and depends on
>polling the carrier status using TIOCMGET.  This polling used to be broken.

Maybe what you say is true. But we have an other cue.

In the main() func. of the name.c., if we remove the two close(), it work fine.

*** 481,488 ****
--- 491,501 ----
                if_filename, strerror(errno));
      VarTerm = 0;              /* We know it's currently stdout */
+ #ifndef USE_CYCLOM_16YE_ISA
+ #endif
  #ifdef DOTTYINIT
      if (mode & (MODE_DIRECT | MODE_DEDICATED))

We cannot try somthing because our two clyclom 16 are in a big production server
And we have not enough $ for buy an other just for make some tests...
If I am able to put a hand on an other Cyclom 16, I will be OK to debug it.
But I dont know where I will find it in Quebec City, Canada.
( I program better in C then I talk english...  ;-)      )

Give me some news if you can find a trace of the problem with more presision.
If I do this modification, it work... But I dont know why !

>>I have aplied the latest CVS sup, the problem is still there.
>>I think the problem is in the Cyclom driver.
>>If I want to run in TUN, I must replace the standard TUN by the
>> old 2.2-GAMMA TUN on my FreeBSD 2.2-970618-RELENG.
>I think the problem is in ppp :-).

E-Mail: Christian Fortin <>
Date: 04-Sep-97
Heure: 18:04:44
Electro-Conception        tel:(418) 872-6641          |
3665 Croisset             fax:(418) 872-9198          |
Quebec,P.Q.            |
G1P-1L4                   |           /--|<|--WM--|(--J
Canada   -----------------L---WM-----<

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E-Mail: Christian Fortin <>
Date: 04-Sep-97
Heure: 18:27:00
Electro-Conception        tel:(418) 872-6641          |
3665 Croisset             fax:(418) 872-9198          |
Quebec,P.Q.            |
G1P-1L4                   |           /--|<|--WM--|(--J
Canada   -----------------L---WM-----<