From owner-freebsd-bugs Thu Sep 4 15:23:19 1997 Return-Path: <owner-freebsd-bugs> Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id PAA26627 for bugs-outgoing; Thu, 4 Sep 1997 15:23:19 -0700 (PDT) Received: from ( []) by (8.8.7/8.8.7) with ESMTP id PAA26621 for <freebsd-bugs@FreeBSD.ORG>; Thu, 4 Sep 1997 15:23:11 -0700 (PDT) Received: (from cfortin@localhost) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) id SAA06212 for freebsd-bugs@FreeBSD.ORG; Thu, 4 Sep 1997 18:27:27 -0400 (EDT) Resent-Message-Id: <199709042227.SAA06212@> Message-ID: <> X-Mailer: XFMail 1.1 [p0] on FreeBSD Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit MIME-Version: 1.0 Resent-Date: Thu, 04 Sep 1997 18:04:44 -0400 (EDT) Resent-From: Christian Fortin <> Resent-To: Bruce Evans <> Date: Thu, 04 Sep 1997 18:27:00 -0400 (EDT) From: Christian Fortin <> To: freebsd-bugs@FreeBSD.ORG Subject: FW: Re: Bug with Cyclade serial board and TUN. Sender: owner-freebsd-bugs@FreeBSD.ORG X-Loop: Precedence: bulk -----FW: Re: Bug with Cyclade serial board and TUN.----- Date: Thu, 04 Sep 1997 18:04:44 -0400 (EDT) From: Christian Fortin <> To: Bruce Evans <> Subject: Re: Bug with Cyclade serial board and TUN. Cc:, freebsd-bug@FreeBSD.ORG On 03-Sep-97 Bruce Evans wrote: >>We have problem with the Cylcom 16Ye ISA serial board with DB25 boxe and TUN. >>It work fine in the FreeBSD 2.2-GAMMA version. > >I don't know what was in 2.2-GAMMA - it wasn't tagged :-(. With CVSUP we localised when the source hahe stop to work. it's: 1997. 1997 june 16, 13h26 26s. > >>But with 2.2.2 and 2.2-970618-RELENG it not work. >>When I use the Cyclade in terminal mode, everything work fine. >>When I use with pppd it work fine also. >> >>But when I use it with TUN, we have a proble,: >>The first time, we can connect in TUN. >>When I hangup, the modem also hangup but the ppp process stay active in >memory. >>When I retry to connect on the modem, the modem answer but never give the >login >>prompt. Because the process has not been killed by the hangup. > >The cy driver in early versions of 2.2 had buggy carrier detect handling, >mainly involving CLOCAL mode. Apparently ppp depended on these bugs. >CLOCAL mode prevents normal hangup processing (of killing the process group >and returning end of file for subsequent reads). In terminal mode, CLOCAL >is usually not set and processes get killed by hangups. Similarly for >pppd in its default "modem" mode. OTOH, ppp sets CLOCAL and depends on >polling the carrier status using TIOCMGET. This polling used to be broken. > Maybe what you say is true. But we have an other cue. In the main() func. of the name.c., if we remove the two close(), it work fine. *************** *** 481,488 **** --- 491,501 ---- if_filename, strerror(errno)); VarTerm = 0; /* We know it's currently stdout */ + + #ifndef USE_CYCLOM_16YE_ISA close(0); close(2); + #endif #ifdef DOTTYINIT if (mode & (MODE_DIRECT | MODE_DEDICATED)) We cannot try somthing because our two clyclom 16 are in a big production server . And we have not enough $ for buy an other just for make some tests... If I am able to put a hand on an other Cyclom 16, I will be OK to debug it. But I dont know where I will find it in Quebec City, Canada. ( I program better in C then I talk english... ;-) ) Give me some news if you can find a trace of the problem with more presision. If I do this modification, it work... But I dont know why ! >>I have aplied the latest CVS sup, the problem is still there. >> >>I think the problem is in the Cyclom driver. >>... >>If I want to run in TUN, I must replace the standard TUN by the >> old 2.2-GAMMA TUN on my FreeBSD 2.2-970618-RELENG. > >I think the problem is in ppp :-). > >Bruce ---------------------------------- E-Mail: Christian Fortin <> Date: 04-Sep-97 Heure: 18:04:44 ##############################################--------+ Electro-Conception tel:(418) 872-6641 | 3665 Croisset fax:(418) 872-9198 | Quebec,P.Q. | G1P-1L4 | /--|<|--WM--|(--J Canada -----------------L---WM-----< \----1 --- - --------------End of forwarded message------------------------- ---------------------------------- E-Mail: Christian Fortin <> Date: 04-Sep-97 Heure: 18:27:00 ##############################################--------+ Electro-Conception tel:(418) 872-6641 | 3665 Croisset fax:(418) 872-9198 | Quebec,P.Q. | G1P-1L4 | /--|<|--WM--|(--J Canada -----------------L---WM-----< \----1 --- -