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Date:      Sun, 30 Sep 2001 20:37:07 +0200 (CEST)
From:      Udo Schweigert <>
Subject:   conf/30938: Improving behavior of /etc/periodic/daily/110.clean-tmps
Message-ID:  <>

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>Number:         30938
>Category:       conf
>Synopsis:       Improving behavior of /etc/periodic/daily/110.clean-tmps
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-bugs
>State:          open
>Class:          change-request
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Sun Sep 30 11:40:00 PDT 2001
>Originator:     Udo Schweigert



The following patch fixes some inconveniences I came around.

First thing is to have a diffent setting of the amount of a time an empty 
directory is deleted after. This is in the current version a little bit
annoying because if there are subdirectories in /tmp all the files in it
are deleted by the script, which changes the modification time of this
directory and thus the directory will be deleted only after another period
according to $daily_clean_tmps_days. 

Second thing deals with the ssh-agent sockets created by sshd in /tmp. If
you do not shutdown the ssh-connection properly (which can be caused when
using ssh over a dial-in connection) these sockets fill-up /tmp because
sockets are never deleted from /tmp.

The attached fix is in action here on all my servers for a reasonable amount
of time (at least two months on -current and -stable) so I'm pretty confident
that it won't cause problems.


--- etc/periodic/daily/110.clean-tmps.orig	Thu Jul 19 14:08:24 2001
+++ etc/periodic/daily/110.clean-tmps	Tue Sep 11 09:16:46 2001
@@ -22,11 +22,21 @@
 		'$daily_clean_tmps_days is not'
+	    clean_ssh_agent=NO
+	    case "$daily_clean_tmps_ssh_enable" in
+		[Yy][Ee][Ss])
+		    clean_ssh_agent=YES
+		    if [ -z "$daily_clean_tmps_ssh_days" ]
+		    then
+			daily_clean_tmps_ssh_days=$daily_clean_tmps_days
+		    fi
+	    esac
 	    echo ""
 	    echo "Removing old temporary files:"
 	    set -f noglob
 	    args="-atime +$daily_clean_tmps_days -mtime +$daily_clean_tmps_days"
+	    ssh_args="-atime +$daily_clean_tmps_ssh_days -mtime +$daily_clean_tmps_ssh_days"
 	    [ -n "$daily_clean_tmps_ignore" ] &&
 		args="$args "`echo " ${daily_clean_tmps_ignore% }" |
 		    sed 's/[ 	][ 	]*/ ! -name /g'`
@@ -36,18 +46,32 @@
+ 	    [ -z "$daily_clean_tmps_dir_days" ] && daily_clean_tmps_dir_days=$daily_clean_tmps_days
 	    rc=$(for dir in $daily_clean_tmps_dirs
 		    [ ."${dir#/}" != ."$dir" -a -d $dir ] && cd $dir && {
 			find -d . -type f $args -delete $print
 			find -d . ! -name . -type d -empty -mtime \
-			    +$daily_clean_tmps_days -delete $print
-		    } | sed "s,^\\.,  $dir,"
+ 			    +$daily_clean_tmps_dir_days -delete $print
+			if [ "$clean_ssh_agent" = "YES" ]
+			then
+			    set +f noglob
+			    ssh_dirs=$(echo ssh-*)
+			    set -f noglob
+			    if [ -n "$ssh_dirs" -a "$ssh_dirs" != "ssh-*" ]
+			    then
+				find -d $ssh_dirs -depth \
+				    \( -type s $ssh_args -name agent.\[\0-9]\* \
+					-delete $print \) -o \
+				    \( -type d -empty -delete $print \);
+			    fi
+			fi
+		    } | sed "s,^\\.,  $dir,; s,^\\(ssh-[^ \/]*\\),  $dir/\\1,;"
 		done | tee /dev/stderr | wc -l)
 	    [ -z "$print" ] && rc=0
 	    [ $rc -gt 1 ] && rc=1
-	    set -f glob
+	    set +f noglob
     *)  rc=0;;
--- etc/defaults/periodic.conf.orig	Thu Jul 26 04:37:11 2001
+++ etc/defaults/periodic.conf	Tue Sep 11 13:21:49 2001
@@ -42,8 +42,11 @@
 daily_clean_tmps_enable="NO"				# Delete stuff daily
 daily_clean_tmps_dirs="/tmp"				# Delete under here
 daily_clean_tmps_days="3"				# If not accessed for
+daily_clean_tmps_dir_days="3"				# If dir not accessed
 daily_clean_tmps_ignore=".X*-lock quota.user" # Don't delete these
 daily_clean_tmps_verbose="YES"				# Mention files deleted
+daily_clean_tmps_ssh_enable="NO"			# Delete ssh agent stuff
+daily_clean_tmps_ssh_days="3"				# If not accessed for
 # 120.clean-preserve
 daily_clean_preserve_enable="YES"			# Delete files daily
--- share/man/man5/periodic.conf.5.orig	Sat Jul 28 22:10:19 2001
+++ share/man/man5/periodic.conf.5	Sat Jul 28 23:57:56 2001
@@ -177,6 +177,11 @@
 .Va daily_clean_tmps_enable
 is set, this must also be set to the number of days old that a file's access
 and modification times must be before it's deleted.
+.It Va daily_clean_tmps_dir_days
+.Pq Vt num
+If you want a different amount of time after which directories are deleted
+you can set this variable. Its default is the value of
+.Va daily_clean_tmps_days.
 .It Va daily_clean_tmps_ignore
 .Pq Vt str
 Set to the list of files that should not be deleted when
@@ -189,6 +194,17 @@
 Set to
 .Dq YES
 if you want the removed files to be reported in your daily output.
+.It Va daily_clean_tmps_ssh_enable
+.Pq Vt bool
+Set to
+.Dq YES
+if you want to clear sockets of ssh-agent in your temporary directories daily.
+.It Va daily_clean_tmps_ssh_days
+.Pq Vt num
+.Va daily_clean_tmps_ssh_enable
+is set, this must also be set to the number of days old that a ssh-agent socket
+access and modification times must be before it's deleted.
 .It Va daily_clean_preserve_enable
 .Pq Vt bool
 Set to

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