From owner-freebsd-questions Wed Oct 18 16:48:55 1995 Return-Path: owner-questions Received: (from root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.6) id QAA02132 for questions-outgoing; Wed, 18 Oct 1995 16:48:55 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.6) with SMTP id QAA02127 for ; Wed, 18 Oct 1995 16:48:52 -0700 Received: from by with SMTP id AA07066 (5.65c8/HUTCS-S 1.4 for ); Thu, 19 Oct 1995 01:48:47 +0200 Received: (hsu@localhost) by (8.6.10/8.6.10) id BAA03277; Thu, 19 Oct 1995 01:48:57 +0200 Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 01:48:57 +0200 Message-Id: <> From: Heikki Suonsivu To: Brian Tao Cc: In-Reply-To: Brian Tao's message of 18 Oct 1995 17:56:04 +0200 Subject: Re: indestructible processes won't die Sender: Precedence: bulk On Wed, 18 Oct 1995, Garrett A. Wollman wrote: > > 26783 p6- IEs 0:00.31 (zsh) > > and kill -9 have no affect on them. saying to use "stty -f flushout" to drain the output queue. That solved the problem immediately. We don't seem to have "flushout" with the 2.0.5 stty though. :( Could we get that for FreeBSD? Please, no waste of time to implement kludges just to get a workaround for an obvious bug. Using that time to fix the bug instead would be much more useful. kill -9 should kill the process. If the process is trying to output something somewhere, the output is lost or something else is done with it, but the process is killed. That is the whole meaning of SIGKILL, isn't it, to kill, with no excuses? -- Heikki Suonsivu, T{ysikuu 10 C 83/02210 Espoo/FINLAND, home +358-0-8031121 work -4513377 fax -4555276 riippu SN